This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
April 29, 2008
B a d TuesdAY
ciekk.... you are right
i need to get going too... ouchhh worst and nightmare no more....
everything is out of the track...
i need to get going too... ouchhh worst and nightmare no more....
everything is out of the track...
April 25, 2008
April 24, 2008
Okkk fine with me....
for once. i think its not fair to me , i paid the same amount money. and its for all kind of difficulty . but they kind of choosy. its hard then they express dissatisfaction. its easy then they never complain.
i cant make it trough... i think of too much " what if " i never want to tolerate in this job. but maybe somehow i need to learn how to tolarate to workers. whats the trick and how im going to apply it in this job , and what is the limit.
im trying to reach the faultless stage based on the job contract. and this is the problem with me. no body can stand and finally they quit the job and that is wasting my time and money.
hmm... let me talk to them tomorow. i hope , i can give him a litttleeeeeee bit of endurance.
i hope im not in the wrong step this time.
GAMBATEH OPUTTTT.................
i cant make it trough... i think of too much " what if " i never want to tolerate in this job. but maybe somehow i need to learn how to tolarate to workers. whats the trick and how im going to apply it in this job , and what is the limit.
im trying to reach the faultless stage based on the job contract. and this is the problem with me. no body can stand and finally they quit the job and that is wasting my time and money.

i hope im not in the wrong step this time.
GAMBATEH OPUTTTT.................
re-post nih.... ttg highschool
DI MHS.... ada team sepak bola cowo neh... yg paling gua inget adalah. williamson susah kali mo tembus si adam. soalnya adam gitu gede, bola bisa lewat. cuman orang nya pasti berlanggar sama adam haha... adam back dobel deh..
Williamson(di ejek sama joni sakai "boge" gr gr gigi nya ada yg ompong - joni memang sakai asli haha but mss you guys.)
Hari hari kita lewati di lapangan sepakbola. mo hujan mo panas pookonya.. anak anak indo dr international school , MHS (host) sama pay foong (dulu si welly sekolah situ tuh, dia bilang di sana kaya penjara , jadi dia pun pindah) hehe
dr MHS... banyak de... dr tuyul, willy batam, popeye mathew, irwan irwin (kembar mesum) huahahaha , novli , william son , dedi dudul , ada jacsen juga kadang ikut main sepak bola ... nah satu lagi si junet( ada si tukang tidur di tempat irwan nih.. kerjanya... hehe) , julianto, kisman , firman, ahpon, edi....sementara dr international school... dimulai dr andi , dia jago main basket.. sayang di lapangan sepak bola kita main sepak bola ndi... hehe, ada marlion ,ada nando botak , Christian (temen gua dr kecil... dr tk, juga teammate buat lawan si nadeem) , argentiono loe ada ikuitan main sepakbola nga yaa ??haha eh ralat . si tuyul dr international school tuh hehe.
Nah ini nih dr payfoong.... ini baru shiok... semua pake sepeda, sementara kita yg dr MHS pasti jalan kaki ato teriak BUS BUS BUS.... dr payfoong.. ada wellyzuka ,steven , dKK yg lain deh... cant remember much lah...
pokonya lebih dr 30 orang.... soalnya pas malam jumat , counterstrike time itu satu cyber cuman buat kita semua.... itu orang cyber seneng banget... satu jam 3 ringgit. satu orang main kira kira 4 jam ato 3 jam.... hehe.. dia panen deh. dan juga 7-11 deket sana.... haha... its fun u know.
Back to soccer. setiap kali mencetak gol... yg nyetak pasti banyak gaya.
Klo uda main sama anak anak melayu malaysia di sekitarnya... duh bau... gua nga tahan , mungkin saat itu rexona for men blom keluar kali ya.
wah wah klo di inget2. kita semua main soccer itu rutin deh, lalu di temenin sama anak anak cewe yg kos di sebelah sekolah aja.
Klo yg nama nya pertandingan uda deh... semua piala di sapu sama anak indo di MHS... si mr Lim kayanya nga seneng tuh. gua nga percaya cc gua sendiri bisa dapet piala pas main bulu tangkis... aneh..... septa dapet banyak , jessica dapet lebih banyak lagi.. apa lagi si williamson .. huahuahuahua
NAh ini dia neh. Sabtu malam. si cikun ato johanes sama si awi si williamson ke port deket mahkota sana. buat mancing. pegi ke hang tua sana cuman buat beli udang.... gua pernah ikut tuh sekali... mereka nga tau nangkep apa., tapi yg jelas gua nga sengaja injak udang mereka... jadi penyet udang nya.. susah mo di jaddi umpan.
wah wah... satu lagi neh. pas popular popular nya ngehack telpon umum.... gua pernah berhasil dua kali cuman yg gua pake buat nelpon lokal aja. klo yg lain pada telpon cewe. telpon indo enak kali lah for free haha
Oh ia... pertama kali aku ke melaka dulu. pertama berkenalan sama andi , marlion nando , aku di sentil marlion pake jari tengah di paha sebelum bobo,.... grrrr haha hanya bisa menahan sakit haha...
Mereka ber3 bae bae.. tiap minggu pagi kita sering lari lari ke mahkota.. lalu di sebelah ada jembatan yg ke port.. tapi di tengah jembatan bisa turun karna ada daerah yg air lautnya tidak tinggi, turun nya seh mudah,,, pas mo naik .. saaat itu dengan keadaan berat badan yg tidak menentu mo manjat aja susah, padahal liat mereka ber3 uda sampe ke atas jembatan gitu cepet kaya monyet. di sana aku ketemu sama kerang kecil warna putih, waktu itu si botak nando lagi buat benteng pertahanan buat kurung binatang laut duh lupa nama nya (siput ato kerang laut yg klo di kasi hawa nafas kita keluar dr badan nya itu namanya apaya ,kok lupa pula bahhh ?)... itu tahun 99 , sekarang uda taon 2008, kerang putih kecil masi ada sama aku... hehe (keren juga ya - memuji diri sendiri) - tapi sebenar nya ntah gw taro di mana liao hehehe

Will continue if i remember someotherstuff, remind me friends...
source : Pipin's weblog Holiday @ paradise
April 22, 2008
April 21, 2008
snow man snow man snow man ......

Sep...I hope i can exchange a plate of sate for a big snow man, i want it big and fat full of snow.
Ehemm... robert ROBERT... CYJ... please send us ur picture. we really really want to see you . just want to see u. thats all (see its not like im asking you in a gay way right) send me ? can ?
ouhhhhhh come on. the one that you displayed on the Msn Messenger.
bet , no matter how busy are u. i think its time for you to start blogging. we want to know bout ur craps as well... hehe... vote vote...
Ehemm... robert ROBERT... CYJ... please send us ur picture. we really really want to see you . just want to see u. thats all (see its not like im asking you in a gay way right) send me ? can ?
ouhhhhhh come on. the one that you displayed on the Msn Messenger.
bet , no matter how busy are u. i think its time for you to start blogging. we want to know bout ur craps as well... hehe... vote vote...
last time , i complain so much about the chicken farm, but selling eggs its just fun. you meet ppl , you scolded by them. ppl needs eggs everyday. they just love the eggs. but to think about the whole manual operation of the farm added by the morally unacceptable ppl there. its just a total of 2 years nightmare for me. now its all over - phiuuuhhh... a little bit fresh.
(stop with the farm crap)
i came to realize. its just too much regulation here - berbelit belit - duit duit di perlukan. dont think about investing something. the first expenses going to be " uang kemanan pemuda jalan nangka " or may be " uang kelancaran pembuatan izin " you have to pay them monthly for years and forever. who want to invest ? not to think about the workers . pinjaman pinjaman. cuti cuti . sakit . tidak bisa kerja karena ada gotong royong dan jaga malam siskambling...
the staff some of them are important. and some of them think that they are so important. they really look like shit. when they tell you " ya tolong lah bantu sedikit lahhh "
(stop with the farm crap)
i came to realize. its just too much regulation here - berbelit belit - duit duit di perlukan. dont think about investing something. the first expenses going to be " uang kemanan pemuda jalan nangka " or may be " uang kelancaran pembuatan izin " you have to pay them monthly for years and forever. who want to invest ? not to think about the workers . pinjaman pinjaman. cuti cuti . sakit . tidak bisa kerja karena ada gotong royong dan jaga malam siskambling...
the staff some of them are important. and some of them think that they are so important. they really look like shit. when they tell you " ya tolong lah bantu sedikit lahhh "
April 20, 2008
huhhh...monday = cheap cinema ticket , nonton nga ya...
its been a while. i just update 10 blog to satisfied you bet. but since you are not the forgiving type. i guess i will hate you for a moment.
my haircut , its like the cheapest haircut in the town. the barber was so unbelievable unbrain, debrain. what so ever. he din use his brain. ohhhhh i hate that barber. he was like not happy with me. huh... but i've been cutting my hair there since i was a kid. last time , there was a video game station beside the barbershop, that is why me and bro love to cut our hairs there. we went there by (oplet/angkot/sudako) is the cheapest and sometime danger type of town transportion here. we dont have MRT / KTM in this town. huh. next month i will have my hair cut before i go for my trip. i hope this the the barber is not that man. or maybe i will find another place .. haiihhhhh life is so fun , if you enjoy the details... haircut look so simple but make it a little bit complicated so you can enjoy it. strange huh...
been staying late this few weeks. i hate to sleep early. but this drama " good morning shanghai " it was a great drama . thanks for the recomendation my love.
i got the dvd. anyone if you want to watch. feel free to come and get it... hehe.
still try to imagine to get a good and proper life. working now is in a turtle speed mode. never swift fast. i think . i'll have another full three years to feel the whole project working so well... ohh i need 1 person . man . single or married. to do the administration in the field.. need to stay there. i ll provide the house , kitchen , bathroom , electric and water the job is simple. its the controlling and making a report. bet im sure you wont be intersted in this job.
stop here... monday = work power of 2.
hooo now i had my schedule for the barbell lifting.
gnite gnite
my haircut , its like the cheapest haircut in the town. the barber was so unbelievable unbrain, debrain. what so ever. he din use his brain. ohhhhh i hate that barber. he was like not happy with me. huh... but i've been cutting my hair there since i was a kid. last time , there was a video game station beside the barbershop, that is why me and bro love to cut our hairs there. we went there by (oplet/angkot/sudako) is the cheapest and sometime danger type of town transportion here. we dont have MRT / KTM in this town. huh. next month i will have my hair cut before i go for my trip. i hope this the the barber is not that man. or maybe i will find another place .. haiihhhhh life is so fun , if you enjoy the details... haircut look so simple but make it a little bit complicated so you can enjoy it. strange huh...
been staying late this few weeks. i hate to sleep early. but this drama " good morning shanghai " it was a great drama . thanks for the recomendation my love.
i got the dvd. anyone if you want to watch. feel free to come and get it... hehe.
still try to imagine to get a good and proper life. working now is in a turtle speed mode. never swift fast. i think . i'll have another full three years to feel the whole project working so well... ohh i need 1 person . man . single or married. to do the administration in the field.. need to stay there. i ll provide the house , kitchen , bathroom , electric and water the job is simple. its the controlling and making a report. bet im sure you wont be intersted in this job.
stop here... monday = work power of 2.
hooo now i had my schedule for the barbell lifting.
gnite gnite
kolo mee
SLLLLLRPPPP.... kolo mee ini memang betul2 sedap. tambah mee cuman add money 1.00 sgD. makan nya..... aduhhh tak bisa di jelaskan dengan kata kata...., tapi yang jelas kalo makan mee ini harus pake cabe potong ato pun cabe yg uda di giling halus itu.
```My work and friends...
i love my work... i have to
i love my friends . they are all over the place.... hehe.
wish me luck with my job ya. hopefully everything go smooth.
Gado gado dan Temannya

i cant say anything... u must try this... ciek. this stall near to your house. you should know... hehe
gado gado seperti biasa. campuran sayur. mee kuning. paling bagus sayur di gado2 di banyakan supaya perut ini cukup serat nya hari ini. udang goreng nya boleh tahan lah... klo ayam goreng nya biasa aja tuh. mungkin orang nya goreng dengan bosim. jadi nga gitu enak.
klo soto nya emang uda enak. tapi tadi lagi kenyang jadi nga pake nasi. hehe. aduh kerupuk emping nya juga sedap.
my vacation my holiday....
bet... i have something to say... huh. you are not the forgiving type haa.... hate u...
haha. Bet. i think i did something bad. yesterday. so much sorry will not be enough... huh.. help me..... its been awhile since i never post any picture.. so today i will post some...
haha. Bet. i think i did something bad. yesterday. so much sorry will not be enough... huh.. help me..... its been awhile since i never post any picture.. so today i will post some...
:( im Sorry....~~!!
lately . i did something wrong and im so sorry . i keep saying sorry previously , but i still hurt you. dont hate me ya...
April 19, 2008
April 16, 2008
If you want to make someone happy. makes sure that your self is happy first. put the other second after you. you cant hide by making others happy while you pretending to be happy. at the end no fun and happy left for you. and you start changing , your behaviour , your temper , your health , your fun will disappear and everything suddenly change..
i think i heard this somewhere from the TV. Tv control me to much. ouchhhh......I love u TV... without you , i cant...
i think i heard this somewhere from the TV. Tv control me to much. ouchhhh......I love u TV... without you , i cant...
Food for Me
kirain malam ini bisa makan makanan yg sehat. ternyata di ikuti dengan makanan2 lain yg super sehat.
oatmeal dan susu anlene sudah di telat. tapi di meja masi ada kue isi coklat dan berlapis coklat yg mengkilat uda menyilaukan mata ku. jadi terpaksa ku makan juga. setelah itu di ikuti dengan roti tawar dan roti kering. tidak sampai di sana. di kamar mama gw temuin pisang saleh. itu pun jadi makan malam. dan yg terakhir aku lupa. harusnya malam ini cuman makan yougurt saja. ya terpaksa yougurt elle n vire rasa mixed berries pun di makan juga....
hik hik...

finally i done removing the previous template and add some ads . click the ads and i get the money... (^^+)
still duing the same task and dealing with the same person at work. progress is marked at 0.0001 km/Hr . so the checkpoint will not be anywhere close this time.
Money is always the first problem and workers is always the second best problem here
Sports ?? ohh ya . i came to realize of my " do sports at least 2 hours a day" never really happen.
The investment stuff... "liao lui" have to wait wait and wait...
Ohhh god. send me a big big island with the beautiful beach
April 09, 2008
Happy birthday Luv
Happy birthday love.
Love you so much.
With you..i feel the love that i never felt before.
may all your dreams come true
may all your wishes come true
may all your hopes come true
wish you happy
wish you have a wonderful , enjoyable and fun birthday
luv u
Love you so much.
With you..i feel the love that i never felt before.
may all your dreams come true
may all your wishes come true
may all your hopes come true
wish you happy
wish you have a wonderful , enjoyable and fun birthday
luv u
April 06, 2008
how much is that guitar ?
title nya nga ada kaitan nya sama blog nya. ya isi nya juga buat orang orang deket aja sih. bukan buat public hihi...
Akhirnya bulan ini sudah stop mengajar anak kecil... yah nga dapat tambahan deh. tapi gpp lah . uda dapat sikit sikit pengalaman mengajar anak kecik yg kurang ajar. hehe ya gpp lah. lagian juga klo ngajar tiap kali waktunya mepet terus . buru buru pulang kebun n pegi ngajar itu anak kecik. ya duitnya worth sih. cuman waktunya no worth... ya ga ? >>>>> " of course " >>>>> (ada yg jawab).
akhir2 ini sibuk ke kerjaan nih. ya sibuknya bukan kaya boss punya sibuk sih. ya sibuk sibuk seperti biasa nya lah. kerja sudah lumayan. aihhh berjalan lah. seperti kura kura pun tapi tetep berjalan dengan pasti. overall kodisinya mendekati "baik" rasa puas bekerja itu sedikit sedikit datang. pembenahan management kebun pun yaaaa pelan pelan juga lah. tidak bisa sentak sekali siap semua. maonya seh sekali sentap semua siap sih.
mo bangun bangunan kayu di kebun... ya barak pekerja, mo bangun gudang, mo bangun kantor n yg penting barak istirahat gue hehe. special. nga ada listrik sih. cuman boleh lah.. buat bobo siang. hehe. duh klo da ada kantor di kebun gw foto foto deh . kerjaan di kebun. hehe. duh pengen beli tv tanpa warna yg pake batere yg ukuran nya mini. jadi pas rehat bisa ntn deh. duh asiknya klo kerja nga di ganguin preman . nga kaya kandang ayam. wish me luck ya. moga moga nga ada preman polisi ato apa lah yg datang ganguin. nga enak banget klo kerja di ganguin. rasanya pengen lari dari negara ini... ho ho ho...
perasaan sih seneng aja sih klo kerjaan bisa jalan lancar...tapi perasaan takut ada membayangi ... duh gimana klo semua nga selancar yang di inginkan. rasa takut bakal buat ragu. akhirnya buat malas. akhirnya buat smua berantakan... jadi nga boleh deh . no worry
hari minggu sekarang sudah bisa lumayan enjoy lah. klo ada something urgent aja baru pegi. sekarang orang orang kerja pada liburan juga hari minggu. lega deh minggu bisa istirahat makan semaunya tidur sepuasnya . nga mandi sepuas nya... semua deh. ntn. nih baru aja ntn "Three kingdom" ciek sama do juga uda blog ttg felem itu... sukoiiiii memang patut di tonton lah. keren lah andy lau nya. asal jgn kaya tony leung di lust caution aja deh. hehe
oh ia felem jaychou . "secret" juga bagus leh... sedih dan seru lah felem nya.. percintaan orang yang main piano... hehe
hari ini rasa aneh sikit . ke mall ciputra , kaya nga pernah pergi aja. rasanya nga biasa banyak orang rame gitu lalu lalang. hehe tapi kelihatan semua orang pada enjoy. jadi kita pun harus enjoy donk..
besok uda senin lagi nih. uda mulai kerja lagi nih.... yg semangat ya
Akhirnya bulan ini sudah stop mengajar anak kecil... yah nga dapat tambahan deh. tapi gpp lah . uda dapat sikit sikit pengalaman mengajar anak kecik yg kurang ajar. hehe ya gpp lah. lagian juga klo ngajar tiap kali waktunya mepet terus . buru buru pulang kebun n pegi ngajar itu anak kecik. ya duitnya worth sih. cuman waktunya no worth... ya ga ? >>>>> " of course " >>>>> (ada yg jawab).
akhir2 ini sibuk ke kerjaan nih. ya sibuknya bukan kaya boss punya sibuk sih. ya sibuk sibuk seperti biasa nya lah. kerja sudah lumayan. aihhh berjalan lah. seperti kura kura pun tapi tetep berjalan dengan pasti. overall kodisinya mendekati "baik" rasa puas bekerja itu sedikit sedikit datang. pembenahan management kebun pun yaaaa pelan pelan juga lah. tidak bisa sentak sekali siap semua. maonya seh sekali sentap semua siap sih.
mo bangun bangunan kayu di kebun... ya barak pekerja, mo bangun gudang, mo bangun kantor n yg penting barak istirahat gue hehe. special. nga ada listrik sih. cuman boleh lah.. buat bobo siang. hehe. duh klo da ada kantor di kebun gw foto foto deh . kerjaan di kebun. hehe. duh pengen beli tv tanpa warna yg pake batere yg ukuran nya mini. jadi pas rehat bisa ntn deh. duh asiknya klo kerja nga di ganguin preman . nga kaya kandang ayam. wish me luck ya. moga moga nga ada preman polisi ato apa lah yg datang ganguin. nga enak banget klo kerja di ganguin. rasanya pengen lari dari negara ini... ho ho ho...
perasaan sih seneng aja sih klo kerjaan bisa jalan lancar...tapi perasaan takut ada membayangi ... duh gimana klo semua nga selancar yang di inginkan. rasa takut bakal buat ragu. akhirnya buat malas. akhirnya buat smua berantakan... jadi nga boleh deh . no worry
hari minggu sekarang sudah bisa lumayan enjoy lah. klo ada something urgent aja baru pegi. sekarang orang orang kerja pada liburan juga hari minggu. lega deh minggu bisa istirahat makan semaunya tidur sepuasnya . nga mandi sepuas nya... semua deh. ntn. nih baru aja ntn "Three kingdom" ciek sama do juga uda blog ttg felem itu... sukoiiiii memang patut di tonton lah. keren lah andy lau nya. asal jgn kaya tony leung di lust caution aja deh. hehe
oh ia felem jaychou . "secret" juga bagus leh... sedih dan seru lah felem nya.. percintaan orang yang main piano... hehe
hari ini rasa aneh sikit . ke mall ciputra , kaya nga pernah pergi aja. rasanya nga biasa banyak orang rame gitu lalu lalang. hehe tapi kelihatan semua orang pada enjoy. jadi kita pun harus enjoy donk..
besok uda senin lagi nih. uda mulai kerja lagi nih.... yg semangat ya
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