HAHAHA i berhasilll.. woke up at 5.45 , run at 6.00 and mengelilingin jalan diponegoro dan balik ke rumah at 6.30...
TEtapi ternyata banyak apek2 yang lari..... no pretty girls.... haihhhh...
This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
December 31, 2008
December 30, 2008
ARhhhhhh aku menyerah hari ini. bener2 tidak terduga. padahal semalam sudah kupikirkan untuk lari pagi di jalan dipo , karena untuk minggu ini aku bakal tinggal di rumah cc.
tadi pagi uda gagal... bagaimanakah dengan pagi esok...
here s the plan. wake up at 5.30, run at 6.00 back at 6.30 or 7.00 and drive back home and work.....
anyway.. i have no plan for my newyears eve... so bad... i think im gonna call welly or tanto or maybe aboy. see what happen.. haha
ciek i miss the last newyears eve... hehe we had bbq so nice leh.. hahaha
tadi pagi uda gagal... bagaimanakah dengan pagi esok...
here s the plan. wake up at 5.30, run at 6.00 back at 6.30 or 7.00 and drive back home and work.....
anyway.. i have no plan for my newyears eve... so bad... i think im gonna call welly or tanto or maybe aboy. see what happen.. haha
ciek i miss the last newyears eve... hehe we had bbq so nice leh.. hahaha
December 22, 2008
keterlaluan lu pek... jgn gitu donk...
apek... keterlauan deh lu... you are wayy too much... semalam lagi makan di ricebowl sama boge wiliamson n dedi untung... haha..
gini nih,
pelayannn... datang dengan wajah terkejut2 karena sang apek memangil dengan nada yang yaaaa bisa di bilang uneducated way lah... apek sama ahii komplain. maknan yang muncul sama yang di gambar kok nga sama....
jadi pelayan pun menerangkan dengan pelan2. gini pak. gini loh.. nah gini gini ... gitu.. nahhh beigtu.
akhirnya apek pun setuju juga..
jadi mata kita pun melihat ke samping. apa seh yang di makan sampe gitu seru.... ahii uda jepit2 itu sayur sawi gitu gede. apek pun sama da jepit itu sayur... di makan...
akhirnya nga berapa lama kemudian..pelayang di panggil lagi sama apek....
pelayan punya muka tak berdosa pun uda jadi berdosa...
apek nny , mana sayurnya. ini di gambar gitu banyak sayur nya. kok ini nga ada sayur nya..
mungkin itu kokinya lupa taro tuh...
pelayang pun pergi. tapi tanpa sayur datang. apek pun dengan nada yang agak keji minta sayur lagi.... akhirnya nga berapa kemudian sayur pun datang. apek dan ahii tertawa bahagia deh.
dalam hati (apekkk.. keji kali kau pekk
gini nih,
pelayannn... datang dengan wajah terkejut2 karena sang apek memangil dengan nada yang yaaaa bisa di bilang uneducated way lah... apek sama ahii komplain. maknan yang muncul sama yang di gambar kok nga sama....
jadi pelayan pun menerangkan dengan pelan2. gini pak. gini loh.. nah gini gini ... gitu.. nahhh beigtu.
akhirnya apek pun setuju juga..
jadi mata kita pun melihat ke samping. apa seh yang di makan sampe gitu seru.... ahii uda jepit2 itu sayur sawi gitu gede. apek pun sama da jepit itu sayur... di makan...
akhirnya nga berapa lama kemudian..pelayang di panggil lagi sama apek....
pelayan punya muka tak berdosa pun uda jadi berdosa...
apek nny , mana sayurnya. ini di gambar gitu banyak sayur nya. kok ini nga ada sayur nya..
mungkin itu kokinya lupa taro tuh...
pelayang pun pergi. tapi tanpa sayur datang. apek pun dengan nada yang agak keji minta sayur lagi.... akhirnya nga berapa kemudian sayur pun datang. apek dan ahii tertawa bahagia deh.
dalam hati (apekkk.. keji kali kau pekk
December 18, 2008
everyone cut cost , no matter how.
ARrrhhh... Internet bill arrive safely at home . means i have to pay no matter what. if not . i cant online...
and just last 2 week ago , i hit my head against the side door made of steel . i hit my head so bad , bleed so much. i end up with injection which cost me " RP 2XX.XXX " in indonesia this is expensive because we earn small money here...
arghhhhh.... found out i sms too much. now i had total of 4580 of sms till now. means that i type too much sms , aihhh
no more burgers. i have to replace meat with Tomato..
anyway. i found out that i eat no tomato this month ..
so sad
ARrrhhh... Internet bill arrive safely at home . means i have to pay no matter what. if not . i cant online...
and just last 2 week ago , i hit my head against the side door made of steel . i hit my head so bad , bleed so much. i end up with injection which cost me " RP 2XX.XXX " in indonesia this is expensive because we earn small money here...
arghhhhh.... found out i sms too much. now i had total of 4580 of sms till now. means that i type too much sms , aihhh
no more burgers. i have to replace meat with Tomato..
anyway. i found out that i eat no tomato this month ..
so sad

December 16, 2008

LOntong... siapa sih yang nga tau lontong . semua orang indonesia dan mungkin di malaysia pasti tau "LONTONG"
here alittle bit explanation in english
Lontong is traditionally made by partly cooking the rice and packing it tightly into a rolled-up banana leaf or pelepah kelapa. The leaf is then secured and cooked in boiling water for about 90 minutes. Once it is cooled, the rice compacts and can be cut up into bite-sized pieces.
Alternative ways of cooking lontong include placing uncooked rice into a muslin bag then letting the water seep in and cause the rice to form a solid mass
source wikipedia.
lontong biasa popular untuk kita kita yang nga suka makan roti minum susu ato makan sereal , otameal dan yang lain lain lah. tapi emang sih klo makan lontong kebanyakan nga begitu bagus lah buat kite kite.
kesukaan orang pun berjenis jenis. ada lontong pecel n mungkin juga lotek. campuran sayuran kol . kacang panjang dan potongan bakwan dalam lontong biasa membuat orang seperti saya . kamu kamu dan kamu yang baca nga akan stop untuk makan ini lontong.
belum lagi kelezatan lonton sayur. klo lontong sayur bermacam2. ada lontong sayur dengan irisan buncis . wortel dan yang lain bisa membuat kita sehat juga loh.
tapi di sini kesukaan saya hanya lontong pakis dan lontong nangka dengan kuah santan nya yang aduhai. klo makan lontong sayur yang berkuah ini akan ada campuran mie kuning nya. tidak lengkap jika bakwan dan kerupuk cabe tidak di campurkan. karena --- tidak ada karena karena - harus di coba langsung. hahahahaha
mengenai harga nya. jangan di ragukan. satu piring lontong harganya 3000 , bakwan 500 , dan kerupuk pun 500 .
jadi tunggu apa lagi. besok gw mao makan lontong di depan bank mestika jalan nangka lagi. bapak yang jual tinggal di jalan todak deket sama jalan duyung. ... kayanya nga ada hubungannya sama lontong deh...
anything wrong ?
what is wrong with asking for help and using ppl's stuff , even when you have your own.
well , of course something wrong with that. you are using people so much. and its bad coz you already know that we all have our parts and task to do. and we all need to pay some fee in order to get the job finished.
i know that you are busy with your job, but lets think about it, the other things that you do , its so called your investment and long term business, but then you have your other job going on now. u took this path , and you suppose to manage your time and work. i can help , if its when you really really cant do it yourself. but if you can do it yourself, please do it yourself. (its not that we dont want to help , but everything is cost...) and i need to think about that.
and when we already help you doing your stuff , and maybe its not the 100 percent acomplished, but thats the way it is. depend by the location , weather and so on. but when you keep on complaining. i think u must go and do it your self and experience it b4 you complaining us.
and then about cutting cost. as we all know , its economy crisis, so i need to cut cost and you need to cut cost , but its not by using my stuff when you had your own... and if you are borrowing my stuff, please dont use it as its belong to you , you gotta take care of it.
so i think in future , you do your business and i'll do mine ... because if you still saying that because of my pricing will affect yours, well i dont think so. coz i had my calculation and i did some estimation of similarity with others.
well , of course something wrong with that. you are using people so much. and its bad coz you already know that we all have our parts and task to do. and we all need to pay some fee in order to get the job finished.
i know that you are busy with your job, but lets think about it, the other things that you do , its so called your investment and long term business, but then you have your other job going on now. u took this path , and you suppose to manage your time and work. i can help , if its when you really really cant do it yourself. but if you can do it yourself, please do it yourself. (its not that we dont want to help , but everything is cost...) and i need to think about that.
and when we already help you doing your stuff , and maybe its not the 100 percent acomplished, but thats the way it is. depend by the location , weather and so on. but when you keep on complaining. i think u must go and do it your self and experience it b4 you complaining us.
and then about cutting cost. as we all know , its economy crisis, so i need to cut cost and you need to cut cost , but its not by using my stuff when you had your own... and if you are borrowing my stuff, please dont use it as its belong to you , you gotta take care of it.
so i think in future , you do your business and i'll do mine ... because if you still saying that because of my pricing will affect yours, well i dont think so. coz i had my calculation and i did some estimation of similarity with others.
December 10, 2008
you will see elephant , large living land animal , with a trunk and ivory tusks. mereka (dont know how many of them...)berkeliaran di kebun sawit. klo nga salah di bagian belakang sana sawit2 orang da pada di cabutin sama gajah... aihh harus mengeluarkan duit untuk bakar ban bekas sama orang jaga malam deh.
padahal 2 tahun yang lalu itu gajah pas rotasinya bulang february nga ada yang datang tuh. kok sekarang kan bulan bulan menjelang liburan natal , new year sama chinese newyear... kok malah datang seh...
one thing for sure, you ve been updated by elephant....
padahal 2 tahun yang lalu itu gajah pas rotasinya bulang february nga ada yang datang tuh. kok sekarang kan bulan bulan menjelang liburan natal , new year sama chinese newyear... kok malah datang seh...
one thing for sure, you ve been updated by elephant....
December 08, 2008
something is bothering me. its the plantation area.
my supervisor for the plantation are , the guy who oversee the workers. he told me that . yesterday around 12 midnight , 4 or maybe 5 guys tried to rob the office there. my supervisor stay at the lower ground near the office. and yesterday they are all (i mean the workers) gathering there , coz tomorow they will have the "hari raya haji celebration" , but then, only 1 guy that is still at the house at the higher place " he was taking a poo poo there. so he accidently heard the 5 or 4 ppl who tried to rob the office said ..
"itu kantor si cina tu di bawah sana " "tapi jangan hari ini . mereka semua masi ngumpul di sana"
then all the ppl who tried to rob gone. they use the daihatsu hi-line pick up
what can i do and what should i do ? ... hellppp hellppp..
if they happen to rob be. please dont rape me.... haha choii choiii choiii..
my supervisor for the plantation are , the guy who oversee the workers. he told me that . yesterday around 12 midnight , 4 or maybe 5 guys tried to rob the office there. my supervisor stay at the lower ground near the office. and yesterday they are all (i mean the workers) gathering there , coz tomorow they will have the "hari raya haji celebration" , but then, only 1 guy that is still at the house at the higher place " he was taking a poo poo there. so he accidently heard the 5 or 4 ppl who tried to rob the office said ..
"itu kantor si cina tu di bawah sana " "tapi jangan hari ini . mereka semua masi ngumpul di sana"
then all the ppl who tried to rob gone. they use the daihatsu hi-line pick up
what can i do and what should i do ? ... hellppp hellppp..
if they happen to rob be. please dont rape me.... haha choii choiii choiii..
i think
i was worng about the bite mark , its not the cat. the bite mark is small. so itu pasti kerjaan tikus.. (aku shio tikus pun uda tercemar gr gr perbuatan tikus tak guna... haha) so cant blame the cat.
its holiday and i hit my head medium bad. bleed so much yesterday and i decide to get tetanus injection today... bet.. why the antitetanus so expensive one leh.... haha
its holiday and i hit my head medium bad. bleed so much yesterday and i decide to get tetanus injection today... bet.. why the antitetanus so expensive one leh.... haha
December 06, 2008
Benci lah kucing...
Hari membeci kucing sedunia... yatentunya tgl 5/12
pagi pagi. uda di coba nyalain mobil. di starter.. nga bisa... nih keknya baterenya neh berjamur kepalanya. jadi aseeeeeepppppp "teriakin si pembantu" panasin air donk... mo buat siram ini batere
air panas datanggg... datang.....
paz zul. tolong buka kap mesin mobil " jeglek.... kebuka... tapi ada yang lompat... ternyata yang lompat itu kucing...
di pikir lagi. ngapain juga tu kucing tidur di dalam kap mesin. di atas tempat isi oli mobil. ohh ia semalam hujan lebat tuh. mungkin dia kednginan...
tapiiiiii TAPIIIII OHH TAPIIIII kabel2 di dalam mobil abis di gigitin.. terakhir selang powersteering pun di gigit juga.... argggg bener gerammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
total nya 9 kabel copot. satu kabel besar ganti semua. mao di soulder lagi. trus sama selang powersteering , blom lagi sama powersteering fluid nya harus beli satu botol lagi...
awas lu kucing...

Hiks.. tapi terakhirnya mobil pun di bawa ke bengkel KUCing....
pagi pagi. uda di coba nyalain mobil. di starter.. nga bisa... nih keknya baterenya neh berjamur kepalanya. jadi aseeeeeepppppp "teriakin si pembantu" panasin air donk... mo buat siram ini batere
air panas datanggg... datang.....
paz zul. tolong buka kap mesin mobil " jeglek.... kebuka... tapi ada yang lompat... ternyata yang lompat itu kucing...
di pikir lagi. ngapain juga tu kucing tidur di dalam kap mesin. di atas tempat isi oli mobil. ohh ia semalam hujan lebat tuh. mungkin dia kednginan...
tapiiiiii TAPIIIII OHH TAPIIIII kabel2 di dalam mobil abis di gigitin.. terakhir selang powersteering pun di gigit juga.... argggg bener gerammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
total nya 9 kabel copot. satu kabel besar ganti semua. mao di soulder lagi. trus sama selang powersteering , blom lagi sama powersteering fluid nya harus beli satu botol lagi...
awas lu kucing...

Hiks.. tapi terakhirnya mobil pun di bawa ke bengkel KUCing....
December 02, 2008
bet... help me..
bet what will happen..everyday...
yang pertama sih, itu asap asap knalpot. wah klo uda pegi ke minas. klo di depan nya ada mobil tronton ato mobil truk penuh muatan pas di tanjakan gitu. uda deh. asap hitamnya keluar semua. keisep de sama idung gw.
trus yang ke dua ya second hand smokenya driver sama workers.
trus yang ke tiga. itu unbeatable rubbish smell. tempat pengumpulan sampah gitu. yang di deket jalan rajawali. trus di jalan yos sudarso , trus sama yang di jalan gondoh. uda 3 tempat pembuangan sampah gede yang baunya.. uihhhh.. bikin muntah...
yang parahnya klo gw da ketiduran di mobill.. semua terhirupp... argghhh
what will happen bet...... memperpendek umur nga ya... hehe ato tar jadi kaya postpaid disease pula... haha
yang pertama sih, itu asap asap knalpot. wah klo uda pegi ke minas. klo di depan nya ada mobil tronton ato mobil truk penuh muatan pas di tanjakan gitu. uda deh. asap hitamnya keluar semua. keisep de sama idung gw.
trus yang ke dua ya second hand smokenya driver sama workers.
trus yang ke tiga. itu unbeatable rubbish smell. tempat pengumpulan sampah gitu. yang di deket jalan rajawali. trus di jalan yos sudarso , trus sama yang di jalan gondoh. uda 3 tempat pembuangan sampah gede yang baunya.. uihhhh.. bikin muntah...
yang parahnya klo gw da ketiduran di mobill.. semua terhirupp... argghhh
what will happen bet...... memperpendek umur nga ya... hehe ato tar jadi kaya postpaid disease pula... haha
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