So i just walk slowly beside the yoga instructor, and talk a little bit with him. Most of the conversation is about the shoulder of mine which is dislocation (joint in the body) , just like said when he check my shoulder. and yet , the instructor told me that his shoulder used to had this type of injuries as well. and with no second thougt , i langsung follow his class today.
And i love it. so tuesday will be my yoga class. start at 6.30. yeah. at first . its hard to keep up. but this is my first time , everypart of my body is stiff. and its ok ... hehe
at the end of the class, he teach me how to do the shoulder therapy. this is the kind of the non-surgarical treatment of injuries. and this is good for anyone. hopefuly , i can fix my shoulder through the therapy.
This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
June 30, 2009
M a M e e
haha, finally i get to eat this mamee again.
Mamee is a brand of ramen from Malaysia. The company produces several varieties of ramen, one of which is a snack called Monster Noodle Snack where the noodles are deep-fried and eaten directly by crushing the block of noodles into pieces, and adding some seasoning powder which contains MSG. The Monster Noodle Snack is not only popular among the children in its place of production, but also many other Asian countries like neighbouring Singapore and is very popular in Australia. In Cantonese-speaking communities, the snack is officially called "Mummy Noodles (媽咪麵)" because Mamee sounds like mummy in Cantonese.
The packaging of the Monster Noodle Snack is eye-catching due to its bright yellow colour and a gluttonous blue monster named Mamee enjoying the snack. The back shows a boy with Mamee enjoying the snack.
However, recently the design of the Mamee monster has been changed to a more modernised version, with better graphics and design prospects for the new generations obsessed with the best quality in everything. The drawings of the boy with Mamee no longer adorns the back.
The packaging of the Monster Noodle Snack is eye-catching due to its bright yellow colour and a gluttonous blue monster named Mamee enjoying the snack. The back shows a boy with Mamee enjoying the snack.
However, recently the design of the Mamee monster has been changed to a more modernised version, with better graphics and design prospects for the new generations obsessed with the best quality in everything. The drawings of the boy with Mamee no longer adorns the back.
Each packet of Mamee contains 25g/30g of noodles, comprising of:
3.5g/3.4g Protein
2.6g/2.9g Saturated Fat
2.7g/3.0g Unsaturated fat
19.7g/18.9g Carbohydrate
278mg/228mg Sodium
49mg Potassium .
Yeah bet...
things is just going so great for bet. and congratulation bet. haha yeahhh you are the man..
gudluck bet
gudluck bet
June 22, 2009
Cake @ Aryaduta
June 21, 2009
LKHHH Run @ Bangkinang
THIS IS THE beST hash run i ever had but aihhhhh
hari ini ada lah hash paling mantap deh. hehe
pagi jam 5 sudah bangun. sikat gg. cuci muka dan langsung brangkat ke kedai kopi. hehe makan mee pansit siantar dulu. setelah itu pun sudah jam 7 , karena menunggu temen2 yang lain untuk join. barulah dari kedai kopi kita semua berangkat ke bangkinang lewat pasar kuok, arah ke rantau berangin. perjalanan memakan waktu sekitar 2 jam. sesampai di areal start Hash , hash pun di mulai. kita segera memasuki hutan yang masi asri dengan jalan setapak yang telah di buat.
awalnya berpikiran mao bawa kamera sih. tapi emang nasib karena rute nya ada melewati sungai sekitar setegah badan jadi tidak bisa bawa kamera deh. haha air yang dingin dan pemandangan yang super super nice. pohon yang tinggi , dan udara yang benar2 dingin di dalam hutan , semua masi fresh, tapi memang di dalam banyak penebangan hutan liar. bisa saya lihat dari bekas potong2an kayu alam yang berserakan.
saat awal pertama berjalan memang cuaca jam 9 masilah panas. banyak peserta yang tumbang , dan banyak yang menyerah juga karena emang kondisi kesulitannya bener2 sulit. banyak pohon dan ranting berduri, tunggu kayu dan daerah yang curam. tapi setelah mulai memasuki kawasan hutan yang lebat dan menanjak hingga ke atas , udara terasa dinggin dan sinar matahari pun terhalang oleh dedaunan raksasa.... super duper fun, para acek2 and ah-i2seperti biasa with their sex joke. and shouting on each other. yah saya tetep aja enjoy dan ketawa ketiwi.
tapi ada satu acek yang keterlaluan. mentang2 suasana yang begitu sejuk dan nyaman....
kecil2 suara tak terduga aku dengar... prut.. prut... ACEK KENAPA kamu kentut pas aku ada di belakang.................. BAU Nya membuat sekitar 5 menit hidung ini menderita... argghhh...
kecil2 suara tak terduga aku dengar... prut.. prut... ACEK KENAPA kamu kentut pas aku ada di belakang.................. BAU Nya membuat sekitar 5 menit hidung ini menderita... argghhh...
setelah berjalan 2 jam akhirnya saya menelusuri sungai. kadang kadang harus menjadi jembatan tangan untuk membantu acek2 n ai2 menyebrang di atara batu batu yang besas dan licin di sungai itu. ada yang dalam nya sampe pinggang. satu badan semua terendam air. perjalanan di sungai adalah kira kira 1 kilometer. akhirnya 1 jam kemudian kita sampai di tempat tujuan akhir. air mancur. tapi air mancurnya lumayan kotor. yah maklum lah....
hihi... seru lah hari ini.. lain kali cameranya bakal di bungkus dengan plastik dan masuk ke ransel kecil biar tidak basah.. HAHAHAHAHAHAh
June 20, 2009
Good day
Today i can see alot of flag with " SBY-BOEDIONO" alot alot... and actually our MrPresident and Mrs president di pekanbaru lhoo.., wah hari ini walaupun panas. tapi sebuah kebanggaan donk. klo president datang ke pekanbaru. bangga deh punya presiden yang sekarang. semoga "lanjutkan"
selama 5 tahun terakhir ini memang terasa , bagi yang serius ingin bekerja tentu mebuahkan hasil, karena walau di saat krisis seperti ini. ekonomi indonesia tetap naik 6 percen. keren deh.
LANJUTKAN, begitulah shout shout dari pendukung partai demokrat hari ini. (walau hari ini sebenarnya masi di sibukkan dengan kerja. tapi tadi sempat liat TV sih.) pak SBY ke pasar bawah , trus ada ke hotel aryaduta dan banyak tempat lain lagi.
hari ini begitu panas. tapi sepertinya memang WORTH IT... hehehe
walau hari yang terik. badan keringatan, semua tidak terasa lagi , karena pas pulang dari kebun tadi di jalan , rombongan presiden lewat, finally i can see them.. haha. tapi yang terlihat cuman senyuman Mrs president saja. tidak sempat memfoto... haihh....
but its ok... haha... ITS a good day.
selama 5 tahun terakhir ini memang terasa , bagi yang serius ingin bekerja tentu mebuahkan hasil, karena walau di saat krisis seperti ini. ekonomi indonesia tetap naik 6 percen. keren deh.
LANJUTKAN, begitulah shout shout dari pendukung partai demokrat hari ini. (walau hari ini sebenarnya masi di sibukkan dengan kerja. tapi tadi sempat liat TV sih.) pak SBY ke pasar bawah , trus ada ke hotel aryaduta dan banyak tempat lain lagi.
hari ini begitu panas. tapi sepertinya memang WORTH IT... hehehe
walau hari yang terik. badan keringatan, semua tidak terasa lagi , karena pas pulang dari kebun tadi di jalan , rombongan presiden lewat, finally i can see them.. haha. tapi yang terlihat cuman senyuman Mrs president saja. tidak sempat memfoto... haihh....
but its ok... haha... ITS a good day.
June 18, 2009
Yes i can...
I dont know, I dont know , i dont know , i dont know , i dont know ,
dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me .ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ...
I dont know, I dont know , i dont know , i dont know , i dont know ,
dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me .
I dont know, I dont know , i dont know , i dont know , i dont know ,
dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me .ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ...
I dont know, I dont know , i dont know , i dont know , i dont know ,
dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me , dont ask me .
previously every step seems big and wrong . but now , wish to have a good step this time and future. and never look back . YEah , i can do it and i will do it so well...
June 16, 2009
Dont left anything behind
i used to think about all the good , bad and pretty bad stuff going on with life. but i believe that . one must move on , and let the memory become the motivation and things that you will remember and you move on , and do what you gotta do ... coz we will never know whats going to happen tomorow at breakfast , or maybe dinner , next year and so on.
so i talked to myself today , what am i going to do if i grow old and moving slow , ill tell you this bunch of stupid thing i wanna do later....
for today , i have this feeling let say complicated , i dont know , i dont know i ,dont know , i dont know. is this life is just work work work work , money money money and do things that ppl want you to do and thats it ? i guess im just being selfish coz i ve so much things that i wanna do left behind so far..., i dont know , part of myself telling me just do it , its good enough for you , just take it.
tell you that this is the things that i regret the most , being not able to do what i want to do , and yet i cant do nothing about it. and i will never know if it is good for me or its just another mistake if i do what i wanna do.
but the lesson is , we will never know anything that could happen, if we never try it.
good lesson huh . pick it up from the serial "how i met your mother"
haha.. now i gotta get ready for tomorow. so dont let anything behind , pair of boot checked , pair of socks checked , a bottle of water checked , pair of gloves checked , hat checked , long sleeve checked, long pants checked , money checked , breakfast not avilable..... sleep now ..... hopefully its raining tonite so we all can continue the fertilization. no rain means i have cancel the trip for tomorow and do some paper work.... but i wish bet do his raindance now..... I NEED RAIN
so i talked to myself today , what am i going to do if i grow old and moving slow , ill tell you this bunch of stupid thing i wanna do later....
for today , i have this feeling let say complicated , i dont know , i dont know i ,dont know , i dont know. is this life is just work work work work , money money money and do things that ppl want you to do and thats it ? i guess im just being selfish coz i ve so much things that i wanna do left behind so far..., i dont know , part of myself telling me just do it , its good enough for you , just take it.
tell you that this is the things that i regret the most , being not able to do what i want to do , and yet i cant do nothing about it. and i will never know if it is good for me or its just another mistake if i do what i wanna do.
but the lesson is , we will never know anything that could happen, if we never try it.
good lesson huh . pick it up from the serial "how i met your mother"
haha.. now i gotta get ready for tomorow. so dont let anything behind , pair of boot checked , pair of socks checked , a bottle of water checked , pair of gloves checked , hat checked , long sleeve checked, long pants checked , money checked , breakfast not avilable..... sleep now ..... hopefully its raining tonite so we all can continue the fertilization. no rain means i have cancel the trip for tomorow and do some paper work.... but i wish bet do his raindance now..... I NEED RAIN
June 15, 2009
June working progress
so far , things turn out to be just ok for this middle of june. if i can keep this condition countinuously without any big interruption , in my calculation , in one year every part of the areal will be planted and all i need to do is to make sure everything run in the track with no breakin on the continuous progress.
i used to think that. i can hold more eggs in my imagination just because of the advantages , money and so on. but i forget i thing for sure , what if i drop all the eggs because my hand is not big enough to carry all the eggs .... and at the end i will get nothing and maybe i will need to pay all the debt i made.
so from now on. i should focus on this one egg even its not that big but its still egg and will be future, and i need to work with it very well... haha
i used to think that. i can hold more eggs in my imagination just because of the advantages , money and so on. but i forget i thing for sure , what if i drop all the eggs because my hand is not big enough to carry all the eggs .... and at the end i will get nothing and maybe i will need to pay all the debt i made.
so from now on. i should focus on this one egg even its not that big but its still egg and will be future, and i need to work with it very well... haha
Afgan - Bukan Cinta Biasa
Kali ini kusadari
Aku telah jatuh cinta
Dari hatiku terdalam
Sungguh aku cinta padamu
Aku telah jatuh cinta
Dari hatiku terdalam
Sungguh aku cinta padamu
Cintaku bukanlah cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang memiliki
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku
Terimalah pengakuanku
Percayalah kepadaku
Semua ini kulakukan
Karena kamu memang untukku
Cinta ku bukan cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang menemani
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku
Terimalah pengakuanku
June 12, 2009
Strawberry stoberry stoberi juice
its been a long time bla bla bla, OK cut the crap . If you ppl go to Bandung or maybe camerron highland. we found out that strawberry is way cheaper than you actually find in your city. so if you are in the place where strawberry is cheap.. buy as many as u can.
this is what u can do to make the strawberry delicious...
put all strawberries inside the machine for liquidizing , or blender , put some sugar or honey .. and then put it inside the freeze.
thats it.
and this is how u going to enjoy the freezing stoberry.
1st , take it out , put it inside ur glass... and then...
this is what u can do to make the strawberry delicious...
put all strawberries inside the machine for liquidizing , or blender , put some sugar or honey .. and then put it inside the freeze.
thats it.
and this is how u going to enjoy the freezing stoberry.
soursoup tree
ANdeS mint Chocolate Mint
All we need is 3 layers . Mint . Choc . Mint
and you actually will taste the chocolate later after you completely feel the mint melting enough inside your mouth.
good combination. but the whole "andes" is so small. so you may want to eat 5 at a time.. haha and this is when the melting mint and chocolate will stay longer.
More chocolate more muscle more power ...
June 09, 2009
chocolate bread
Ohh god. iM hungry and really hungry this morning. but, i must have the time to take a snap before i finish it.
like u said. dut , blog everything... even somestime it look stupid ...
this is the most awesome choc bread , i love this one. its full of choc , and cream inside
time flies real fast , im just another boy with "hopefully like sep and friends said" another wonderfull year ahead ... been dreamin to be someone in someplace with something and a good salary .. haha... . its a pretty good dream you all should have. but this is my life , my dream ...
sometimes we find dreams between this chocolate bread. its everywhere , and im gonna catch one good dream for me. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
sometimes we find dreams between this chocolate bread. its everywhere , and im gonna catch one good dream for me. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
June 08, 2009
recover strength

happy working , happy refreshing , and remember to recover your strength. add more manna . do some sports , yoga pilate and swimming. with a fit and healty body , u will have a good mind.
how do i recover my strength and add manna and be strong ?
GYM GYM GYM makes you fit
hmm.. .. harumnya .... walau cuman gambar dari internet. tapi aku lapar...
im hungry im hungry im hungry .... ohh god im so hungry ...
June 03, 2009
Eden Kirsch - limited edition
Eden Kirsch
griottes entieres au kirsch enrobees de chocolat surfin sauerkirschen im kirsch mit feinster schokolade uberzogen
Hmmmm... u will always want for more "sour cherries with kirsch coated with finest cocoa" produced in switzerland. contain alcohol. which is good.
ingredients : sugar, cocoa mass, sour cherries 11%, cocoa butter, kirsch 5%. butter fat, glucose syrup, emulsifier(soya lecithin), flavouring vanilla extract, mat contain traces, of milk, hazlenut, almonds, wheat and egg
June 01, 2009
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