This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
December 28, 2010
Hard ?
Apalah susahnya ikuti saja aturan kerja yang sudah ada dan kerjakan dengan tanggung jawab dan saya mau hasil yang keluar seperti yang telah kita sepakati. dan seperti harga yang telah saya bayar. Kenapa bolak balik harus alasan toleransi bullshit.
This is what happen at the work place. i think the worker have a little bit problem with listening or they purposely doing it because the think im not gonna check any of their work on field.
This is their style , they talk cock sing song . they talk so nice about getting the job done perfectly, AND at the end IM still NOT HAPPY WITH IT.
i remember telling him . 90 percent out of 100 percent is acceptable , so the 10 percent of toleration is enough.
I want my working system to work . im gonna put all the toleration bullshit aside. If you can't follow me or you keep came out with lots of alasan alasan alasan. i will replace you and put you somewhere else.
Happy new year 2011
December 26, 2010
Roland's German Restaurant @ Medan
You can find ROLANDS GERMAN RESTAURANT @ jalan Setia budi No 262
Wish you all merry Christmas and happy new year 2011
hopefully two o eleven is a good year a'ight
Oh my God
Any how , life its not that simple lately . lots of misunderstanding at home , at work , with boss. and create a lots of hate feeling lately. Its Very Very not good.most of this happen when they keep on telling you that you are useless and whatsoever.
how am i gonna put this whole hate feeling behind ? jogging is just one of the way to cool down a little bit right ...
December 08, 2010
December 07, 2010
Soto Medan Soto Medan Soto Medan
normally soto from Medan is a combination of chicken or beef or the innards with added coconut milk and served with potato croquette .
Typical Soto Stall , available in many an open-air eatery and every other street corner in Indonesia .
The meat pieces are fried before being served or mixed. Abang there cut the order into pieces before mixing it with the Soto Soup.
Huff hufff . have to sit near to the standing fan. very hot hot hot ...
The very hot chili
Add to your Soto to make the additional spicy flavor.
The Soto Medan , We are very proud of this Soto , its like our national dish , you can find this from Aceh to Papua.
and this cuisine is very friendly to your pocket . very affordable
Kwetiau ATENG @ Medan
So here i am , visiting Medan for so many times already , and every visit musti eat Fried Kwetiau.
and that day , My cutegil bring me to this kwetiau Ateng's stall . Air-conditioned , Near to the Thambrin plaza , near to the Train station.
its kind of creepy at night . we have to walk in the dark to reach this place. you know me lah ... i always worry worry worry until so fat like now.
so this is the Cha Kwetiau or Fried Kwetiau , and Sorry this time this one is not HALAL hehe. So yummy.
Check this out , if you think that mee and meehon is friendly, you can try this Cha mee + meehoon.
Ohh Yeah .... Again , if you visit medan. dont forget to try this char kwetiau ai'right
December 02, 2010
If there is beauty in the person , there will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house , there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation , there will be peace in the world.
Chinese proverb
November 27, 2010
It was january 2000 back then when I'm still at mallacca - malaysia .
My lovely sister birthday. Even she always "jewer" me but she had been so supportive to me till now.
And this is the present that I bought with accumulative of my daily pocket money at MHS. ( Methodist high school ) mallacca.
I don't know why I bought this type of duck.
Hehe... Its just a duck but this duck bring me back to memories.
November 22, 2010
I'm having a good time with her. But again we are separated away. 12 hours on road.
Lots of things to catch up nowadays , I have to ready with the wedding invitation card, my business card , my sofa stuff , my swimming students and currently the interior design stuff. Anyway that can make money la , so can spend the rest of it when I visit taiwan in the future.
November 08, 2010
Its " what ever you called it lah"
Like everyone else , we did pay our tax for every month, hoping that the government service will be better and better.
So i just went to the "Kantor Lurah" The local Village chief office. kedatangan ku ini bertujuan untuk meminta surat pernyataan bahwa aku belum menikah, tentu saja syarat-syarat untuk membuat surat pernyataan itu pun aku lengkapi seperti kartu keluarga dan KTP.
pertama kali masuk ke dalam kantor lurah , seperti biasanya , ASAP rokok yang datang menyambut , staff yang berkeliaran dengan kaki ayam dan tidur di sofa ruang tunggu sambil mengangkat kakinya.
Setelah menyampaikan maksud ku ke pak Lurah , surat pun di buat . dan tanpa Malu , pak lurah berkata : (bla bla bla bla bla ) intinya minta duit deh. (tolong ya kami bertiga di kantor ini di kasi berapa lah)
jadi fikir ku , ohh mungkin untuk buat surat pernyataan ini harus membayar uang (karena terakhir buat KTP dengan pak lurah memang dia meminta uang 100.000 untuk pengurusan KTP (maklum gue baru pulang sekolah merasa yah wajar lah namanya mengurus KTP)
( yah dalam hati mungkin aja protokol nya seperti itu , dan seperti biasa sih klo ngurus surat ya duit suka rela pasti keluar lah , 10ribu atau 20 ribu)
ternyata setelah ku kasih 20.000 ,
pak lurah : Apa ini cuman 20.000 mana cukup untuk kita bertiga ( kebetulan di kantor lurah saat itu ada 3 orang) mana cukup , paling nga satu orang 20.000 lah.
Me : Haa , pak biasa ngurus surat kaya gini perlu bayar berapa sih pak
Pak Lurah : bukan begitu , ini kan kami bantu kamu
Me : ia pak biasa berapa uang pak untuk ngurus surat ini. supaya saya pun tau tariff nya.
Pak Lurah : biasa kalo lengkap tanda tangan orang tua kamu , biasa 10.000 . ini kan tidak ada tanda tangan nya. jadi kami bantu dulu.
Me : orang tua saya kan hari minggu pulang dari dumai pak. klo begitu hari senin saya bawa lagi suratnya ke sini pak.
Pak lurah : ia Ok.
KNNCCB @!^&#!%@^#@!*$*@!#@! Its not about the money , but they have No Discipline , No etiquette , what ever you called it lah , its all them.
Its that 20.000 x 3 people will make them happy. why cant they just take 2 minute to think about their job.
motto mereka adalah : Kalau bisa di PERSULIT , kenapa di PERMUDAH
November 05, 2010
Workers run away again, this time even worse , 2 generator set and BIG debt like 5000sgd . all gone be gone .
and i found out who finished my biscuits.
November 04, 2010
Sandhy Sandoro - Malam biru
November 03, 2010
I will make my Running schedule soon.
November 02, 2010
Someone finished my biscuits
Or maybe its me ?? cant remember
no worry . i got hide some spare biscuits he he ...
Kabut yang mengelabui
sambil bersiul siul and Look at the mirror . OH MY DOG .... she is coming at 10th Nov . aku harus segera cut hair and shave nih He He , must look good.
Pekerjaan hari ini LHuMhaYhan Berthumphuk. harus ke luar kota di dua tempat yang berbeda . satu di wood working factory dan satu lagi tempat biasa Jungle Minas . ya lumayan lah hitung2 buat jalan2 refreshing eyes sekalian. Tapi ternyata bukan refreshing yg kudapat. Mobil2 yang melintas di jalan raya bangkinang emang gelo . hampir aja tabrakan adu banteng. dengan mobil hitam suzuki AVP yg gila memotong jalan orang.
Apa sih salahnya ? Coba luangkan waktu 2 menit saja untuk memikirkan keselamatan . 2 menit saja.
Coba pikirkan " Kebahagiaan keluarga anda adalah ketika anda pulang dengan selamat "
Perlahan namun pasti , kabut tidak lagi sengaja mengelabui pikiran ini. Rasa percaya itu datang seperti matahari pasti akan terbit besok. harus PD sikit donk klo suatu saat aku akan berhasil.. Tapi semua ini tidak terlepas dari didikan Pop n Mom. Mereka lah selama ini tidak henti2nya memberikan motivasi and support. dan juga temen2 seperti Sep Bet and Andi yang selalu memberikan Online Motivation lewat blog , Msn , facebook yahoo. haha
Bak Mie Khek @ MEDAN
Dim Sum @ Nelayan
October 31, 2010
Younger me
im still with my lovely converse that i bought with a very high discount back then.
Check more photos @ my very new photo blog Pipin's Burger Stall
Building an Orange tower
This is my orange Tower.
You can see the the orange tower is collapse. its just giving away. its hard to balance the whole orange.
I'll do my best next time. now i gotta eat the orange. He-he
Sunday with Two banana
Taman Simalem Resort - Pearl of Lake Toba - Part 3
I wet my pants here.OMD , So stupid i sit on the wet stairs ... errr suddently my butt felt cold . but it dry very quick lhooo ..
Anyway , She is wearing the Crocs , very useful because the whole area is wet and its kind of slippery. so pips , if you want to enjoy your pre-wedding photography session , please wear what ever things that makes you feel comfortable . so then you will have your best smile on that moment.
We are now moving from "Amphitheater " to the Temple "Tianzhu Chansi".
I bet he got a good Kungfu . He is the security guard without self defense equipment. pentungan kek ato apa kek ... err.... ( i open the window and saying hi to him while taking this picture) haha he is half smiling ...
We are arriving at the Temple " Tianzhu Chansi" ukiran ukiran di dinding temple tersebut sangat lah indah . love the details.
This is the bridge to the waterfall , we are passing the honeymoon suit. ( i dont thing im gonna choose this place ) still hutan sure still got lot of ghost la
The small water fall , the place is super slippery , so have to be careful ya . tempatnya ini licin2 . kursi yang ada di sebelah kiri pun berlumut2 . aiks ...
I love this one. haha i took it while the rain is getting big , Assistant photographer , Wanhan and the helper is running back to the car now. safely arrived at the car and we are finding the place to get change.
Hiks hiks .. time is up . the weather is not very friendly back then . so is the time. its around 6.00 Pm its time for us to move.
holla this is me again . wanhan took this pic for me . title " bergaya sebelum pulang " : )
Yahooo . we are going back to KODON KODONG cafe to fulfill our FREE " Tea break " cannot miss it.
If its not the package . 1 piece of the pisang goreng will cost you "Rp 20.000"
This is it . this is our last moment of the unforgettable outdoor prewedding photography. we still have 4 hours drive on road to reach Medan.
Good bye Simalem
Good Morning Pips
B/W Color
This is what i drink everyday .minimal 1- 2.5 bottle per day.
Good morning pip. Its 7.00 am , Its Sunday.
3 + 1 things to do today.
1st , 8.00 am swimming class with Kenneth and his sister.
2nd , Collect my Sofa Reparation money.
3rd , Settle some stuff @ Jungle.
4th , Buy Fruits .....
Chop Chop . gotta go
October 29, 2010
Aiooo prawn
So like the doctor said , I will stick to tahu tempe chicken and an egg.
Anyway , its been a week with no sports . And so tomorrow after the swimming class is over . I will do my 20 laps .
Bermalas2an dulu ah ... Playing with baby belva ...
Taman Simalem Resort - Pearl of Lake Toba - Part 2
Look what i found , actually this grasshopper is flying around me . i'm trying to catch him (just assume that the grasshopper is male ai'right) and slowly he get tired , maybe its so cold and raining . so finally the grasshopper landed on the wet floor and he gave me time to use the macro zoom on him . haha . he is a beautiful strong grasshopper. he is so green and he remind me of the Satria Baja hitam
This is Our Free lunch . Ohh the Cafe Provide us a very warm welcome and why all of the waiter wearing jacket and im not . im So cold that time . no one to hug HIksss... There is no time to talk . too hungry to talk . Lets get back to the business.
Wanhan First pose . you can see the whole view of lake toba . OH MY GOD . this place is so beautiful and wanhan also beautiful ... hihi :)
Ok this is not a very good view for me . HAND PLEASE , HAND PLEASE ....
We are taking picture around the Kodon Kodon Cafe . Budi the photographer and Hendra is the Assistant Photographer.
Most of the time Wanhan pose alone . without me . and so pastinya this is the time for me and my canon in action . hahaha
We are leaving the KODON KODON Cafe . and now We are arriving at the second place to take photo .