This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
March 29, 2010
Super orange
Fruits are the most wonderful creation of nature.
Eat fruits so u can get more power .
Full sunday , start with me brother in law bday party , can hug baby sophiie , chomell nya ... Very full lunch party ...
Continue with the measurement of cuztomize sofa at customer house and hollaa , hope fully I can do more sales , if not ....(No if not) I must do more sales , cut expenses
How to encounter a big fat tummy ?
Jogging will do , from tuesday morning I gotta try running 2 km , running up and down jalan duyung , let's give it a try mr pipin ...
Anyhoo , we are duing a small. Group gathering , playing some billiard and having dinner @ "rasa sayang" north sumatra food. Nice !!
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What is tanto duing , only he knows ... (haha just for joke) . this party start at 6 pm till midnite and morning ... the show wont stop , everyone shouting , singing , joget-ting , dancing , shaking butt , head , chicken wings and fist to punch the air and say : terus berkobar , love sign for : kami cinta
we all glad , we all excited and very much thankful too all the current student and some ex student who plan this activity and two thumb up for all of them. gambateh.

dari ex student santa maria , ternyata ada dua orang yg very impressive, ryan and jemmy . ryan or victor adalah seorang musisi , nah kalu ntn mamamia bisa liat dia tuh , satu lagi adalah jemmy , he had a great singing skill and dia adalah wasit nasional kita ... very good.
gue nga dapat door prize ... haihh... :) hehe

Perfect gathering

And thanks to the camera man too...
March 25, 2010
Food Friend Girlfriend Swimming pool Vacation @ Pematang siantar

i cant tell you how special is this bread , but i can tell you how simple is this bread and that is why everybody loves it . and the price is very very much affordable , ppl like us , like our salary , very much can afford it.
so they cut the bread into half , put some cream , and pour chocholate , they do all the wrapping , and all you have to do is unwrap it and eat all of it .
ohh i have to stop this crap and you there should start eating this bread. find the simplicity and the love of this bread from inside .

i can eat only wantan mee for a week here. this wan tan mee is so nice , i cant found this wantan mee anywhere at my home town.

Nice raining night
The whole thing about sofa is when you sit , feel comfortable , soft , big pillow , buy it. And buy from me ... Haha
Well this sofa is mine now , maybe I wanna sell it maybe not , this one is actually an early expenses for my future home. One thing lead to another , so here I am , having my own sofa now , I have 6 of them . With similar design
Friday friday , its friday ...
Can't wait to see what's "reuni akbar santa maria" its saturday and sunday , tanto is taking care my ticket . Нªªнªª
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Ajahn Brahm
Whilst still in his years as a junior monk, he was asked to undertake the compilation of an English-language guide to the Buddhist monastic code - the Vinaya - which later became the basis for monastic discipline in many Theravadan monasteries in Western countries.
March 23, 2010
What about tartar sauce in your fillet o fish
And why there are no one start opening the McD again , here at my hometown. Oh I miss those fish burger. Mcfish , fillet-o-fish
Funny thing about fish burger , its not that big with mayo , I hope mcD at bangkok is as good as tomyum ... Нªªнªª I start dreaming about tomyum then , thanks to my gil , she's lovely , and we will explore bangkok together with couple of friends .., ◦°◦нå◦нä◦нã◦нä◦нâ◦°◦ excited tiger show
Lil bit bout fille-o-fish
The Filet-O-Fish contains a battered fish patty made mostly from Alaskan pollock and half a slice of processed cheese and 30g tartar sauce made with dill relish, and seasoning on a steamed bun. Made in 1971
So here's the thing you can do with it
Friend gathering - fillet o fish
Fight with gf - fillet o fish
Bday party - fillet o fish
Raining day - fillet o fish
Movie - fillet o fish
And many more , you named it..
Talking about movie , the super hero still tony stark , iron man , its my third time watching this movie , so cool , can't wait for the coming soon "iron man 2" may 7 2010....
Yawnnnn hoammmm , I should get some sleep now , Нªªнªª the tofu was nice for a snack ... Half dozen of stuff to do tomorow
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March 21, 2010
Cheesy sunday with good donut soyabean weather
a deep fried pork chop with lots of cheese , put more cheese , its ok , its calcium , ^^ and free donut for tea break and 3 glass of soyabean
Anyway , I'm trying to sort my life here , maybe I will throw myself a few weeks to be alone , maybe I can apply some visa and escape , escape here means vacation before next year dream come true... something on my own , standing on my own toes , rather that thinkin about fulfilling my future financial security , looks like no mercy left if I failed... Who knows
Monday means another routine , couple of task to finish at the small palm oil areal, one sick workers , admin stuff and bla bla bla. ... Oh god , life is better when u have the choice.
And finally I lost some money over the couch ... Gotta be more carefull with the customization , but this time I learn something ... PPL WANT A TIGHT A** SOFA . Some customer want the standard sofa ,but in a very sexy type of tight sofa.
Not a bad start for this year , some thing to learn , no worry ...
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March 19, 2010
Sum of mosquito , life , demonstration , vacation and monkeys
Why god created mosquito and why mosquito wanna suck ppl blood , why don't they try to change the menu by drinking more water...
Heee this stuff came a cross , I wish I had my own time for like a month , duing my stuff and fly to uk to find bet , chris and sep ... Kind of making enough money to buy the return ticket , but surely not enough for expenses , transportation , accomodation anddd yes I juz had to sell more sofa then .
So therefore , now I'm selling sofa for your lovely dogs , and we all should start giving birthday present for your loved one , you can always give them a sofa set , they will sit on it , comfortable and pleasant.
Time really flies , let's look on the bright side ... Heyy I'm still alive , I'm still swimming , I have funny swimming friends , I'm still have problems to solve , well its all better than duing nothing ...
Anyhoo , the may trip to bankok is a little bit confusing , since the big demonstration is still goin on . Hopefully they are duing the peaceful demonstration .... And I will have my save journey to thailand. Hehe
Not like here , demonstration can lead to anything , start from breaking the traffic lights , ppls cars, motorcycle , and some sign board...
what the hell is wrong with the sign board and traffic lights ?, why they need to break all of that stuff ... Stilll educated but monkeys ...
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March 17, 2010
Dogs on the sofa
Why do dogs tend to sleep on the sofa, your favourite chair or even sleep on your bed? They seem to love these places and often climb onto them repeatedly even when we repeatedly ask them to get down.
True enough, sofas, chairs and other furniture are extremely comfortable and that's one reason why dogs like to hang out on them. Another key reason often has to do with dominance. Before dogs became domesticated, the alpha dog, or leader of the pack, would always choose a high sleeping ground as the choice place to sleep. Feral or wild dogs in packs as well as wolves still sleep in this way. The highest ranking member of the pack sleeps at a level that is physically higher than the other members of the pack. This hierarchical nature of the pack is hardwired in modern dogs as well. By letting your dog sleep on furniture that is higher than the ground (the same places you relax and sleep on) you are quite possibly communicating to him/her that he/she is your equal. You may even be communicating that your dog is more dominant than you. This is especially true if your dog regularly exhibits other dominant behaviour and it has the potential to escalate into a real problem, including aggression. These other dominant behaviours include growling at you, leaning on you, eating food before the human family, entering or leaving doorways before you and generally not listening to you etc. A dog that KNOWS that every member of the family is higher in rank, will generally not exhibit these behaviours.
It is therefore good practice, not to allow your dog access to these high sleeping grounds (or high relaxation grounds) in order to assure your position as the leader of the pack. If you are not home and the dog has access to these higher places for resting, than placing certain objects that dogs dislike on the couch or chair in question is a great idea. There are plastic items in most pet stores that have blunt plastic spikes on them that are perfect for this situation. If the dog jumps on the couch or chair, it lands on the blunt spikes which don't hurt the dog but make it uncomfortable for the dog to lie on.
It is best that the dog's place of relaxation and sleep be a comfy blanket or basket on the floor. This will prevent possible behavioral problems associated with dominance. As always, all dogs should have basic obedience training and dominance issues should be discussed with your veterinarian or trainer.
Source :
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March 16, 2010
So me wan dap win welly ping went to this very good charming place called " kayu manis " . So natural with a little but many mosquito , and it was raining slowly . We had this little chat , laugh , and we enjoy. (()) They had this pretty sofa , they switch the bell by this big chili , so when you are in need of the waiter , just hit the chili , they will have this funny sound recognize by the waiter ..
There are so many comfortable seats , and the big sofa upstairs was tempting ... Nice night ...
Hmmmm short blog here ... Gtg sleep ... Another working day ....
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March 12, 2010
What seed you plant ?
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap , but by the seed you plant...
Means something to you ??
Anyhoo , this friday turn upside down , not feeling well , catch a flu , sore throat and some headache .
Working stuff postponed
Making a few adjustment to my brain and my stomach , I'm getting fat and will reach 90kg soon .
Anyone , you you and you .. Help me or just throw me to some beautiful island , I can start all over again
Darn package , you better be here by tomorow ...
Good friday
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March 09, 2010
one thing lead to another , but sometimes when we reach a check point , we pause , we look and maybe from that pause , we gain something for us to step to the next level or just pause forever ...
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March 07, 2010
Some sleeping bag and life
less anger , I'm happy with the pool , the lifeguard stuff , water polo and even I regret being the one who injured all the time , but he** I enjoy my life , Its like the song somewhere ... Head under water , now I can't breath . Never felt so good , because I know what is coming over me ...
All the things I knew right now , I wish I can make options for myself..
Apparently , I wasted my sunday, making a stupid morning calls. And ... Yes I watch star trek , surrogates , seven pounds , and yes man ... Funny movie, outer space war , life story sad , and future machine.
And then a bowl of wantanmee , which is happen only on sunday morning , this is the only day that I love my life.
And tomorow im just another robot making stressed full money which maybe you think... (you better don't) because u never feel it ...
Нªªнªª ....
Anyhoo a package will arive in fewdays ...
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March 05, 2010
Story about crab
Beberapa tahun yang lalu, kalau tidak salah tahun 2000, saya berkunjung ke kota Pontianak, teman saya disana mengajak saya memancing Kepiting.
Bagaimana cara memancing Kepiting?
Kami menggunakan sebatang bambu, mengikatkan tali ke batang bambu itu, diujung lain tali itu kami mengikat
sebuah batu kecil.
Lalu kami mengayun bambu agar batu di ujung tali terayun menuju Kepiting yang kami incar, kami mengganggu Kepiting itu dengan batu, menyentak dan menyentak agar Kepiting marah, dan kalau itu berhasil maka Kepiting itu
akan 'menggigit' tali atau batu itu dengan geram, capitnya akan mencengkeram batu atau tali dengan kuat sehingga kami leluasa mengangkat bambu dengan ujung tali berisi seekor Kepiting gemuk yang sedang marah.
Kami tinggal mengayun perlahan bambu agar ujung talinya menuju sebuah wajan besar yang sudah kami isi dengan air mendidih karena di bawah wajan itu ada sebuah kompor dengan api yang sedang menyala.
Kami celupkan Kepiting yang sedang murka itu ke dalam wajan tersebut, seketika Kepiting melepaskan gigitan
dan tubuhnya menjadi merah, tak lama kemudian kami bisa menikmati Kepiting Rebus yang sangat lezat.
Kepiting itu menjadi korban santapan kami karena kemarahannya, karena kegeramannya atas gangguan yang
kami lakukan melalui sebatang bambu, seutas tali dan sebuah batu kecil.
Kita sering sekali melihat banyak orang jatuh dalam kesulitan, menghadapi masalah, kehilangan peluang,kehilangan jabatan, bahkan kehilangan segalanya karena MARAH .
Jadi kalau anda menghadapi gangguan, baik itu batu kecil atau batu besar, hadapilah dengan bijak, redam kemarahan sebisa mungkin, lakukan penundaan dua tiga detik dengan menarik napas panjang, kalau perlu pergilah ke kamar kecil, cuci muka atau basuhlah tangan dengan air dingin, agar murka anda mereda dan anda terlepas dari ancaman wajan panas yang bisa menghancurkan masa depan anda.
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Food for thought
Steak fillet
Shark steak
Hot dog
Foie gras
Smoked chicken
Ham and melon
Beef stew
King salmon
Rare mushroom
japanese crab
Thanks god its friday
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March 04, 2010
Back back...
And yes I postpone my phone bill payment that due last month
My hair growing like scramble eggs and this whole every afternoon swimming thing did that... :(
Have to spend more time on watching movies , sleep and work more ... Kind of postponing a lot of stuff previously ...
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