This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
May 29, 2010
Gym swimming dimsum
Very much alive inside the pool, I can do 30 laps of 15meter pool , not bad ehh with this previously injured right shoulder.
I should have more whey, fruits , healthy breakfast lunch and dinner and enough sleep. this is where the source of power come from.
Its good to be back to gym life ... Нªªнªª I skip gym so much lately , you can tell that from my stomach. Hehe
Finally this city is getting better and better, It shows from the news paper advertisement.
The andaliman - chinese restaurant @ Labersa Hotel - pekanbaru riau
Dim Sum - all you can eat only Rp.45.000 - on sunday from 7am to 10am.
No second thought , will go tomorrow . Hmmm . Hope got friend going with me tomorrow.
Go go go
Fire in the hole
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May 27, 2010
May 26, 2010
Jalan Jalan
most of my routine is a little bit boring but somewhere in future , ill be with my friends around me and life its not that numb anyway.
May 25, 2010
how to go to key point building , Singapore
May 24, 2010
Coffee milo teh-ping
After all , this is just another hot and busy monday and traffic in the afternoon.
Thinking of when is the local government going to build the so called " riau train corporation " Нªªнªª , well with this train I can go around riau safely , easy and comfortable , I can even do some sales around from town to town, I can visit dumai find to mr & mrs Wu.
Why not , this province Is so darn rich , the oil is up and down. Let's hope the local government starts the project sometime in future.
The traffic makes me stop at the mall today , I can't even made any u-turn , bunch of emotional driver behind keep on honking hongking "be theng" thia liao pun bue tahan. So I decide to stop at the mall , catch the cold aircond inside and put some credit in this phone so this second baby can go online.
I did stop at the J-co , order the yin yang coffee jelly look tempting. The first impression of this yin yang coffee jelly is very very not suitable for me , so darn sweet , WTH , coffee or what , and the doughnut also too sweet.. Heee si beh sweet arr . Well I know what is sweet taste like , but this is too sweet , like ordering milo kao kao or teh-ping with double milk cream.
Ohh monday , tuesday gonna be 2 trip pp pulang pergi minas X 2 ... I'll be back by night and no yoga.
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May 23, 2010
So early bday celebration @ F.I.S.H tampiness
the most crispy is the ujung ujung ikan nya. uhhh sedap deh pokonya. not very fat . its fish full of protein.
May 22, 2010
Mouse trap with Saturday Night
hmmm , im still thinking of My sunday. Suppose to be a damm free sunday , but belom tau , i have to go work shop to repair some parts of the excavator , and then i have to bring the contractor to the plantation areal .
telling my self about job lately , making me sick of the ******* , damm stupid ****** . well for all this time. he cant manage all the workers. he make it even worse. well i've put so much thinkin into this. dealing with workers is not as easy as it looks . well im not the kind that wants to manage the whole plantation areal like this. but i have to admit that i made a wrong decesion and this is the time for me to wake up and change everything.
Lost lot of money , just 2 months , the workers already runaway with money for about 3000 ringgit. @&!*#!&@*#!@&#*(@&#*(!&#@!8 arggghhhhhh ... **** It , GTH
Lets see my plan . only me can read it ...
1st . Close ....
2nd . Change....
3rd . Contractor
4th . Command
5th . Control
6th . New Supervisor for sure
enuff with the works crap.
well to all the mouse inside the office . sudah kelewatan. kertas di meja kerja di gigit . kabel listrik di gigit. kurang asem.
so i set a mouse trap there today. so i see u mouse on monday.
Completely alone saturday
So saturday ...
Not a great start but . I'm fine with it. Get used to it for a very very long time ago. Woke up at 6.00am and straight away to the airport , chen goin to "bali" damm super nice vacation. He reached jakarta view minutes ago and will fly to bali @ 2pm. He will be nowhere but bali for the next 7 days.
As for me , I'm Completely alone in the office. Been doing a lot of things which lead to nothing this week. Spending a lot of times Almost for nothing. But this is my chance to change once and forever.
Ouchh and I had this side headache for couple of times. Like monday , wednesday , friday and today.
I should start my paper work before this headache get worse ... Hmm finished it in 3 hours and I'll get my lunch break and maybe I have to go minas again , I hope not . Been driving a lot alone this week , felt weird of what I'm duing guys ...
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May 21, 2010
typical nasi lemak set b @ Chai chee
May 20, 2010
Souperlicious @ 313 @ Somerset
May 19, 2010
Dinner @ O'learys & jalan jalan @ singapore flyer
May 18, 2010
Looking at the goat eating the palm oil leaves ...
Should I..
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The day with the dog
so everything happen for a reason . even at little one but that feels great if you really wanna feels it.
May 17, 2010
Less sleep ?
curi dari septa
LONDON (AFP) – People who get less than six hours sleep per night have an increased risk of dying prematurely, researchers said on Wednesday.
Those who slumbered for less than that amount of time were 12 percent more likely to die early, though researchers also found a link between sleeping more than nine hours and premature death.
"If you sleep little, you can develop diabetes, obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol," Francesco Cappuccio, who led research on the subject at Britain's University of Warwick, told AFP.
The study, conducted with the Federico II University in Naples, Italy, aggregated decade-long studies from around the world involving more than 1.3 million people and found "unequivocal evidence of the direct link" between lack of sleep and premature death.
"We think that the relation between little sleep and illness is due to a series of hormonal and metabolical mechanisms," Cappuccio said.
The findings of the study were published in the Sleep journal.
Cappuccio believes the duration of sleep is a public health issue and should be considered as a behavioural risk factor by doctors.
"Society pushes us to sleep less and less," Cappuccio said, adding that about 20 percent of the population in the United States and Britain sleeps less than five hours.
Sleeping less than six hours is "more common amongst full-time workers, suggesting that it may be due to societal pressures for longer working hours and more shift work"
The study also found a link between sleeping more than nine hours per night and premature death, but Cappuccio said oversleeping is more likely to be an effect of illness, rather than a cause.
"Doctors never ask how much one sleeps, but that could be an indicator that something is wrong," said Cappuccio, who heads the Sleep, Health and Society Programme at the University of Warwick.
Research showed no adverse effects for those sleeping between six and eight hours per day.
High Degree