This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
December 16, 2011
ciek.... read this .
they said : TIKUS : akan berjaya di tahun 2012
cheer ciek ... good year for tikus like us ... haha ....
have a good day ya
OHHHHH my dognesss
i should start blogging soon enough and i should finished my report. and i promised me to blog my KL , SG , HK , GZ vacation ..... haiooooooo .... got thousand of picture to upload with this damm slow lousy internet.
Xmas is near , new-years eve is near , Chinese new-year is near , valentine is near . what is the plan ???
anyhow today i have to remind my self . i gotta make my students swim more like a big fish now.
October 25, 2011
Mimpi sejuta dollar
And suddenly I remember what Morgan Freeman said on the shawshank redemption movie.
"Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."
It's a vey good book , I love the quote.
"You can take me out from Indonesia, But you can never take Indonesia out from me " Merry Riana
FYI I'm not the book guy , I never want to read anything , I don't know why suddenly I go and buy this book after I listen to the interview on Smart FM the other day.
Maybe I want to change. and this book , I believe will help me a lot a lot .....
100 % love Indonesia
I get a free special edition . Kompilasi lagi 100% cinta Indonesia From trimedia
I love the number one there : kemana hatimu (tanah air) karissa habibie
Here's the lyrics
Mengapa kau selalu diam
Mengapa engkau membisu
Bilaku bertanya tentang sikapmu padaku
Ku tak mengerti
Mengapa kau hanya diam
Mengapa terus membisu
Walau kutulis namamu di hatiku, kau tak peduli
Adakah cinta yang lain di hati
Menghampirimu , ungkapkan saja
Reff: tanah airku , tempatku lahir
Kemana hatimu tlah pergi
Tak kuasa, menyimpan duka , melepas asa dan nurani.
Are u kidding sir ?
I don't Know if he is kidding or he is serious or he just Want to try his tuesday luck.. WHO knows...
He told me " bang minta 10 ribu donk. Buat beli Nasi bungkus "
why he want to ask money from me ? I don't event know him. Funny eh , when you can afford to buy your own lunch and you still try your luck to get it for free.
And he look fat , just like me, I'm very sure that he is well feed. And I think he is now having a good lunch , may be even a better than my lunch...
October 24, 2011
Ipad suddenly off and can't be swith on .
If this happen to your pad please RTFM** ....
Connect your ipad charger , then press the swith On/OFF button and the middle home button at the same time and .... Release after 5 or 10 second ...
Hopefully the apple logo back to your pad . Gud luck guys , now my ipad-handsomeDuck is on again
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
October 22, 2011
Hello lazy
Well but I'm happy now my number two list , I can tell myself , yeah Oput , keep the good work , keep on teaching swimming and let the kids swim like little fish. Whooohhhhoooo I have 25 kids swimming with me and the all like super cute . Very adorable .... Hopefully my future son or daughter will be like super super cute as well , juz like Sophie and Belva...
Anyhow , I just got in to a stupid stupid fight with my dad , not fight , but it's just a quarrel over " I don't switch off the light , it's so stupid , I should have said , ok dad I won't do that again. For me it's hard being a guy who work for him and being a son at the same time. I don't know bout u guys out there , but it's just hard for me , everything is so scramble egg , the feeling the work , seems like overload and seems like I'm doing nothing.
Well enough with the crap , I got dinner to catch with my wife , it's Saturday night , enjoy...
September 20, 2011
hoooooooo Bad luck
hmmm im duing nothing about it. but im hungry right now . so i still have the muffin.
hello mufin , im gonna eat you now.
September 18, 2011
Where to buy swimming google
And what if I go and find a new cheap and best swimming google so can have spare google.
Anyhow , I got a pretty less sleep today , 4 hours sleep and I'm up for a swimming class , tambah lagi the students got a lot of comment
He told me like this , sir kalau aku makan oreo 4 biji , nanti aku bisa usus buntu tidak ya ?? Heeee this question is a good question . And I know he got all the power to swim today. But errrrr I end up being monster kepiting to play with him . But its a good play , and now I'm thinking what monster for the next week class.... Hmmm
September 15, 2011
Cuti Cuti Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur Day 1

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this is just near to our hotel , the night market , they sell papaya , manggo and so many other fruits. |
This is what we had for our supper , a big portion of fried egg with oyster ...
And this is the main course , the Fish head soup , this place had sell fish head for 30 years. like this big plate of fish, it only cost 30 ringgit , and this one 5 ppl also can share larrrr... si pe ho liao ...
Ohhhh OHHH i promise my self , my camera , my psp , my ipad , my blackberry , all my gadget , even my logitech mouse , i promise all of them that i will go this place again....
August 07, 2011
The monkey who help his master
Well , hi there . im monkey , i "cabut" coconut everyday in my life.
this monkey is so old. i met him on my lunch trip to "Teratak bulu"
July 07, 2011
this place is more like a zoo . they always do the demonstration without knowing the purpose . 80 percent of them think it was cool duing that.
and we still paying our tax , eventhough our road is full of hole. our street is small . where the hell is the money gone. for them to have a leisure ? they call it studi banding and bring back nothing. all they need to do is to copy what our neighbour did ...
June 17, 2011
June 03, 2011
Can I have additional vacation ?
I found this coin inside my wallet.
Suddenly thinking about Singapore . Girlfriend , Ariadi and the gang @ chaichee... , siaw , abao , Dafe , and so many other friends.
Heee AirAsia should open a direct flight Pekanbaru - Singapore.
I miss nonya food Stuff @ chai chee .
Hopefully hopefully my backpain recovered before KL trip and HK trip ...
Hello backpain
I had this big backsupport attached to my lower back . Its look like a big belt. Remember satria baja hitam ? Its bigger than his belt.
Anyhow I'm duing the fisioterapi everyday, hopefully I get better as fast as I can before July . I don't wanna have a KL trip with backpain .... Huhuhu
May 06, 2011
One of my sunday
For the last 2 weeks , I spent early sunday morning with sis and her husband . We went for a jogging. And then at 10 I will have my swimming class with bunch of students ( which happen only 1 attending the class)
The car free day is a very good idea. We used the diponegoro road as our jogging track and its very fun . But only on sunday .
I hope one day my hometown will have the big place like city park, where we can use is everyday with all the trees around and the ice cream , hot dog stand,The jogging track.
And I might buy a folding type of bicycle for my wife , so she can cycle around the park safely and I'm kuai kuai sitting down playing with my upcoming psp (on the proggress of buying once I received my swimming lesson fees) yeah at least I won't spend everything on the food ... Have to buy some gadget. Its like a reward for my self. Hehe (ariadi , wait for me , I will copy all your games cihuiiii )
Have a good sunday eVeryone ...
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
May 04, 2011
errrrrrrr what to do ...
but the students seems lazy to follow my swimming class ....err what to do ...
my wife said . my face is to scary for the kids . i should shave and start applying sunblock ... im so dark and belang2 ...
heeee .....
April 09, 2011
This is birthday gil morning breakfast
Might be our first Birthday morning set menu for two.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
Happy birthday cutegil
With a little piece of early blueberry cheese cake...
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
Too much laaa
Bukanya pelit tapi tempat ini belum pantas untuk mencas dengan harga semahal ini...
Complain complain
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
April 08, 2011
They change the place
Well I can make some business I guess , coz our place have a lot a lot of jungle pig back then.
Anyhow this jungle pig is strong ... They used to fight with pitbull ... Saw it on some roadside vcd @ pasar malam.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
April 05, 2011
Caution caution , hot bepo ball noodle is hot.
When the beef and pork combined and all I get is the sweet smooth and unforgetable taste.
This time is different , its very delicious bepo ball noodle made by my sis.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
aiyo yo banjir ...
setengah jalan main angry bird. di luar kamar terdengar air terjun.... nga nyangka sudah banjir di mana mana . dari lantai atas rupanya air di loteng uda melebihi batas dinding dan akhirnya melalui pintu loteng masuk ke rumah sampai ke ruang karaoke di bawah. KEterlaluan.
petir seakan tidak mau berhenti bermain. ( dari luar ternyata saluran air semuanya tersumbat sama sampah2 tak berguna. bodoh betul.
petirnya gede gede ... memcona membuat bendungan di pintu dari baju , alas kaki , kain bekas dan semua yang bisa di pakai untuk membendung air.
sesekali dengan sok beraninya keluar dan membersihkan saluran yang tersumbat ..... tiba tiba aja kilat2 di mana mana... lari masukkk... tak mau kena petir ... baru saja merid .. bahaya bahaya .... Duh deg deg an.
akhirnya beberapa saat kemudian semua air terserap habis . dan saatnya mengepel lantai .... untung aja si ucok bangun dan membantu ..... phiuuhhhhh ......
which one say hello first ?
kind of stupid . he is the one who suppose to greet all the member ....
April 01, 2011
Fool april
Kind of fool today . I'm a little bit angry . Much angry actually but without realizing that I take too much pressure for my self. And. I really really don't have to do that in future . Not good for my health too.
Happy april fool everyone.
Angry bird
I can't think of anything and all I think about stupid useless stuff and whatsoever .... And how to make the other feel the same way like I did.
This is not my way of living my so called stupid april. And its not even an april mop for me. Dam* it.
March 31, 2011
Are you comfortable ... With my problem is none of your business ...
Things happen with my workers , contractors and even the excavators.
I do notice that the problem with my work is the HUMAN , then followed by weather and the transportation , road , water system , soil , fertilizer and bla bla bla and the fu**ing environment.
Bugger socai sohai ...
Its already like 4 families who work with me , begging for a job and finally just walk away like that because of some stup*d personal matter.
The first 2 families who stay side by side. Their wife quarrel each other and the husband decide to stop working with me and just leave , just like that and their leaving with debt. Promise to pay but then with thousand of reason. KNNCCB
And then the 3rd family , wife and husband quarrel because of stupid matters . The husband decide to balek kampung and leave just like that.
And today the 4th family ..... Shortly ... Oh istriku d kampung ada masalah . Aku pulang ya . KNN
I knoe your family problem its none my business but my place its not your personal toilet , you shit and then you go out without flushing ....
Anyhow , March its not that bad . Cheer up
March 30, 2011
Worst bubble tea
And when I asked the seller , she told me like this
Seller : " wah kok gak bilang dari tadi pak "
Me : "mana ada orang jual bubble tea kaya gini , es semua"
Seller : " kita biasa jual seperti ini "
Me : "dalam hati , damm it , let it be lah , this is my first time buying this lowclass bubble tea and this is the last too "
March 22, 2011
March 21, 2011
Coffee kao kao with milk
I'm not putting all the breakfast here , juz the coffee . Don't wanna hurt bet and sep feeling looking at hometown picture . But will do next week , because the nasi kari bagan is waiting.
Anyhow I got a new routine every week . Its either breakfast or lunch @ this stall called "mie bagan"
Continue the conversation with the waiter.
Kak , kopinya pake susu sikit aja dan kopinya "kao kao"
Taste good ...
And finally I had a besto breakfast with my wife ...
March 19, 2011
The one with half-boiled kampong egg
Err what can I say ...
can't wait to have my first trip ever to malaysia with my wife. Haha absolutely going to eat a lot of food and buy some stuff , as we already prepared 40kg of luggage package. And it cost 2/3 from the airplane ticket...
Anyhow, Its just another ordinary boring saturday for me .
But for the japanese they have a very different saturday.#pray for japan#
Like @ozawazone tweet "We as Japanese people can overcome these hardships."
March 16, 2011
And god hopefully japan will be OK soon ~ pray for japan
March 12, 2011
Dialing number ...
Tuut tuut tutt
Nomor yang and tuju sedang tidur , mohon mencoba beberapa saat lagi.
The number you wish to call is sleeping , please try again later ..
Tiii tuuuttt
March 06, 2011
Kai kai Sunday Morning With unCle
I really should bring my pocket cam around . i forgot my kopi susu pic...
anyhow , look what i found ... a baby shark . they are selling the baby shark ... errm im not the very fan of eathing shark , but i love shark , this fish is strong.
and like any other traditional market , they always have people who sell Obat gosok. like the one i found @ jonker walk. but this one is a little bit different. they whiteshirtGuy is actually cook the formula with his secret ingredients and and he will ask the customer who wants to try to be hold dont worry . then he will baca baca and suddenly he pour the hot oil to the customer body part... phui phui phui and gosok gosok gosok and continue phui phui and put some funny voice and spell again and again. and after that one big bottle cost rp 100.000.
so anyone O-che , bengkak , something wrong .... mind to try this alternative way of healing ... just let me know .. i'll bring you there..... haha....
happy sunday everyone.
if you want to be happy , be happy now . ( heard somewhere from the radio)
if you sad , pretend to be happy so you will forget Sad.(my version)
Gara Gara Sate Kerang ....
and actually i do love this place. this place is similar to the Chai chee nyonya foodstuff . this place is where people actually work with their heart. they open up @ 6am and finished selling all their food @ 10am.
somehow this food stall gave me some indirect motivation and Breakfast. The sell , nasi lemak medan , nasi sayur medan , lontong medan , lupis , bakwan , sate kerang , soto , bee hoon , and pecel.
so its sunday and my early breakfast are ....
SATE kerang with Soto
for so many years i had to wake up early for work and now im duing it for food ....
February 17, 2011
I will make mine Milo Dinosaurs more kao kao ...