Its nothing better than building your strong arm in your free time. Its is Strong , doesnt mean it has to be big ok.
I wish i can join the body combat that andi. alwasy mentioned in his blog . But that type of sport its not yet available here.
i guess i have to find those tak pakai lagi coarse bag / gunny bag and fill it with paper or sand, and i will use it for a punch but this is not the stuff like Do will always punch, this is not pineapple.
An apple a day will keep the doctor away ( Robert will not agree bout this for sure, hehe) but it is not enough if it is just one apple for me.
I wish i can join the body combat that andi. alwasy mentioned in his blog . But that type of sport its not yet available here.
i guess i have to find those tak pakai lagi coarse bag / gunny bag and fill it with paper or sand, and i will use it for a punch but this is not the stuff like Do will always punch, this is not pineapple.
An apple a day will keep the doctor away ( Robert will not agree bout this for sure, hehe) but it is not enough if it is just one apple for me.
Nice Bohhhh , new hair cut ... Look so Phai kia
Today after sometimes, finally i get my haircut done, its simply because of shampoo habis, hair getting longer and longer , and its is not nice to have a long hair while i need to deal with the hot weather , smelly hot chick. (its not that long for you ppl who always get airconed room, but it is long for me)

Hmmm , i start to miss the previous gym Taurus Health CLub, Arggghhh maybe next month after the current Gym membership end , we are going to move back again. Akhirnya satu satu menyesal kerana telah cabut dr tempat gym yg lama. Hik hik hik .
cant wait to see you soon , ore no ai
hoeeee.... ia bener kata loe ndi. sedih banget, nga ada sauna, whirpool, swimming pool ama HBO nya.. hoho pindahhhh
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