Holiday Is Very Very Near
So oput please enjoy the holiday.
the one that i will regret little "bit" is tomorow 22nd of Dec, im suppose to have this vacation to Tanjung Pinang , stay at friend place for 2 days. Haihhh Boy , Chen , i guess we will go together another time, you guys just enjoy your time K. Its my chicken life, kukukukuuuu.... hehe
The one that i worry so much is even coming soon. and if only i can freeze the time. but i can."sorry". Breathing is much more relief right now. being sick is one of the hell time this month.
The one that i've been dreaming is still the island, the first priority, the coconut trees , the Boat , the clean blue ocean , the fish . heeee keep on dreaming and you will get left behind.
Happy Holiday Guys, Merry x mas and Happy New Year
May all the fire works looks great
This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
December 22, 2006
December 20, 2006
Catch A cold
I Catch a cold and I win a holiday
Thinking of , i gotta finish this task, but i need to postpone it till tomorow, till i get better
If im not that stubborn and If i listen to you Yesterday , i wont have my bad day today....(sorry if i hurt you, and thanks, uda temenin gw malam ini, seneng banget hihi)
ihhh... telat liao , sore throat , flu visit me , But thanks to bro who bring me to Doctor , and ofcourse i need to thanks to the doctor as well, hehe
Dun worry oput, you'll be fine by tomorow
Thinking of , i gotta finish this task, but i need to postpone it till tomorow, till i get better
If im not that stubborn and If i listen to you Yesterday , i wont have my bad day today....(sorry if i hurt you, and thanks, uda temenin gw malam ini, seneng banget hihi)
ihhh... telat liao , sore throat , flu visit me , But thanks to bro who bring me to Doctor , and ofcourse i need to thanks to the doctor as well, hehe
Dun worry oput, you'll be fine by tomorow
December 19, 2006
Its been 2 days. and its been inside the brain all the time.
When i start to realize that parents cant agree with me, what i did and what i choose. Its become a big partial of thinking that i need to do.
Should i just listen to their craps and be a stupid worse ever puppet. do what they said. Well im old enough to decide for myself.
And for some reason, part of me saying. you should listen to your parents, so you'll make them happy if you do what they said.
(i dont know what kind of bullshit it is , but its inside the brain)
this will be a big problem to me if i keep thinking that it is a big problem. relax laaaaaaa
When i start to realize that parents cant agree with me, what i did and what i choose. Its become a big partial of thinking that i need to do.
Should i just listen to their craps and be a stupid worse ever puppet. do what they said. Well im old enough to decide for myself.
And for some reason, part of me saying. you should listen to your parents, so you'll make them happy if you do what they said.
(i dont know what kind of bullshit it is , but its inside the brain)
this will be a big problem to me if i keep thinking that it is a big problem. relax laaaaaaa
December 16, 2006
Be a good boy
Its a very Hot Morning and very wet Afternoon (akhirnya mobil belepotan lagi perlu di cuci)
the one that took my attention is the afternoon. this Family, they just moved to the new big house today. and there is an open house celebration but its just for the friends and relative. so dad and bunch of friends happen to be the owner friends , and ofcourse im in, lot of food there.
Walk in to the Karaoke room. Its cool , and my eyes looking around and i looked at this Award Cup, and try to read what Competition or event there. well , its not an event or any competition, Buts its an award from the three daughter to their parents.
the awards says "Best parent since 1987 till Forever. from your daughters "
Im so "Gan dong" they love their parents so much.
(Hiksss. i wont be talking back to mum and dad again, i'll be a good boy)
and you guys too.
the one that took my attention is the afternoon. this Family, they just moved to the new big house today. and there is an open house celebration but its just for the friends and relative. so dad and bunch of friends happen to be the owner friends , and ofcourse im in, lot of food there.
Walk in to the Karaoke room. Its cool , and my eyes looking around and i looked at this Award Cup, and try to read what Competition or event there. well , its not an event or any competition, Buts its an award from the three daughter to their parents.
the awards says "Best parent since 1987 till Forever. from your daughters "
Im so "Gan dong" they love their parents so much.
(Hiksss. i wont be talking back to mum and dad again, i'll be a good boy)
and you guys too.
December 14, 2006
Its getting Harder
its been a week and its the second lesson learned.
wake me up, and drive me half crazy in the afternoon
just for me to know, that actually i dont really believe the police that help dad to protect the farm. lets say the head of security.
i thinks he is playing tricks and its dirty.
well, its getting hard for me to believe anyone in the farm. and ofcourse will get hard to communicate. (ahh ga peduli, yg penting ayam nya masi nelor)
(find a way, if its getting harder)
Uda satu 2 bulan. nvr go for gym. and 3 months never swim. i feel that my shoulder still got a litte bit stiff, i guess i need to do the treatment by lifting some weight. hehe so Gym will start next week
show off some sky to you

di snap pas lewat jembatan legton . . . hehe . . . just love the sky
wake me up, and drive me half crazy in the afternoon
just for me to know, that actually i dont really believe the police that help dad to protect the farm. lets say the head of security.
i thinks he is playing tricks and its dirty.
well, its getting hard for me to believe anyone in the farm. and ofcourse will get hard to communicate. (ahh ga peduli, yg penting ayam nya masi nelor)
(find a way, if its getting harder)
Uda satu 2 bulan. nvr go for gym. and 3 months never swim. i feel that my shoulder still got a litte bit stiff, i guess i need to do the treatment by lifting some weight. hehe so Gym will start next week
show off some sky to you

di snap pas lewat jembatan legton . . . hehe . . . just love the sky
December 12, 2006
Tuesday morning was fine, but some of the mood go away while i went to buy this hundred and twenty five Kg of wire. and its expensive.
Normaly, we got so called this SPSI in indonesia
incase some of you dont know what is SPSI (Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia) they are the workman or labourer , most of them are unskilled and do a manual work for wages.
Even if you did your own manual work, they still need you to pay them some amount of money even they are not doing their job. (well thats is happen when SPSI are bad)
continue with the go away mood.
so this spsi guy carying the wire for me, and the wire didnt look good , scrambeled wire, so i asked him to change to a good condition wire and he talkback to me "ia boleh tuker, lu angkat aja sendiri ke dalam , emang lu sapa seenak nya perintah gue"
this unbrain guy, even he is paid , he act so boss way. but luckly the boss is there, and asked him to change.
well lesson learned today, complain to the boss not the workers, coz you may not know which one have brain and which one doesnt.
Normaly, we got so called this SPSI in indonesia
incase some of you dont know what is SPSI (Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia) they are the workman or labourer , most of them are unskilled and do a manual work for wages.
Even if you did your own manual work, they still need you to pay them some amount of money even they are not doing their job. (well thats is happen when SPSI are bad)
continue with the go away mood.
so this spsi guy carying the wire for me, and the wire didnt look good , scrambeled wire, so i asked him to change to a good condition wire and he talkback to me "ia boleh tuker, lu angkat aja sendiri ke dalam , emang lu sapa seenak nya perintah gue"
this unbrain guy, even he is paid , he act so boss way. but luckly the boss is there, and asked him to change.
well lesson learned today, complain to the boss not the workers, coz you may not know which one have brain and which one doesnt.
December 11, 2006
you dont know how lucky you are
Yes i just dont know how lucky i am.
i'll change , i'll be good , no more pretending
and i'll think about it. because im starting to realize how lucky am i.
i'll change , i'll be good , no more pretending
and i'll think about it. because im starting to realize how lucky am i.
December 09, 2006
Penant nya hari sabtu ini
Bagaimana pun penat nya hari sabtu ini, harus di lalui juga. karena bagaimanapun hari ini kan malam mingguan
hehehe seneng dikit donk.
Start from the unexpected morning, mobil di pinjam sodara buat pegi main soccer, harus nya pagi pagi uda ke farm. but gpp lah better than dia pakai mobil untuk antar telor, ntar supir ngangur ga ada kerjaan, this is means , i already postpone my task.
the unexpected afternoon, where another old water pump, sudah bergerak lambat, perencanaan pergantian pompa baru harus di pikiran karna satu biji ( pompa air niagara warna hijo dengan rpm 2700 / 4 Hp )itu mahal lerrr uda naik harga lagi.
ok perencanaan sudah ada di kepala, tapi besok mingu bebek , mana ada yg kerja, hehe terpaksa deh hari senin.
good good, kesimpulan nya aku hari ini sibuk tak menentu.
tapi ada bagus nya juga , akhirnya hari ini tukang AC dateng juga, tapi dokter hewan yg janji datang jam 5 uda Fang fei kei, berani kali dia tidak tepat janji sama aku (emang loe sapa bego , itu DRH , elu cuman orang biasa , da deh diem diem aja)
ok deh diem diem aja enjoy aja sabtu malam lu.
ei nanti malam lu mo ke mana ?
hehehe seneng dikit donk.
Start from the unexpected morning, mobil di pinjam sodara buat pegi main soccer, harus nya pagi pagi uda ke farm. but gpp lah better than dia pakai mobil untuk antar telor, ntar supir ngangur ga ada kerjaan, this is means , i already postpone my task.
the unexpected afternoon, where another old water pump, sudah bergerak lambat, perencanaan pergantian pompa baru harus di pikiran karna satu biji ( pompa air niagara warna hijo dengan rpm 2700 / 4 Hp )itu mahal lerrr uda naik harga lagi.
ok perencanaan sudah ada di kepala, tapi besok mingu bebek , mana ada yg kerja, hehe terpaksa deh hari senin.
good good, kesimpulan nya aku hari ini sibuk tak menentu.
tapi ada bagus nya juga , akhirnya hari ini tukang AC dateng juga, tapi dokter hewan yg janji datang jam 5 uda Fang fei kei, berani kali dia tidak tepat janji sama aku (emang loe sapa bego , itu DRH , elu cuman orang biasa , da deh diem diem aja)
ok deh diem diem aja enjoy aja sabtu malam lu.
ei nanti malam lu mo ke mana ?
December 07, 2006

klo lu liat ini , lu mikir nya apa

Hmmm. this one bi phang phang, kau kiam kau ti kau hiam and bo kau tua pao.
you can find this one at M.yamin street , near java cyber cafe.
Timun ,cabe merah, kuah kacang boleh tahan lah. not so great as jalan karet punya ..but... ok lohh...
ore no ai, klo lu da sembuh, kita pg makan lagi de
Roti Bakar Bandung
Terheran2 , kok roti bakar bandung bisa lari sampe pekanbaru.
rotinya sederhana saja, tapi rasanya pas dengan harga nya dan cocok buat tea time.
dimulai dari rasa roti yg sedikit asin dan gurih karna roti di pangang dengan mentega secukupnya. dan keju coklat n stoberry di dalem. sunguh roti yg simple untuk tea time.
ore no ai, besok jemput lu ga ?
Kalo Hujan
ini kota pekan baru klo hujan ada dua pilihan
yg pertama banjir - yg banjir nga ada pic nya. soalnya klo banjir biasa macet. ga nampak pemandangan
yg kedua jalanan jadi bersih heo hoe hoe
December 06, 2006
Well , finally i can answer the question to why actually i take more than an hour to the farm , its not lepak lepak . well its all because of the Road renovation , i din know how actually the big big machine works.
got prove- (dun complaint me hehe)
block the road everyday ....hehe spent more times in the car , listen to the radio and bla bla bla
Why so happy man ?
ore no ai, hoi hoi makan texas ah ?
got prove- (dun complaint me hehe)
block the road everyday ....hehe spent more times in the car , listen to the radio and bla bla bla

But i still cant answer why the boiler farm supervisor be thia ua , bo kah si, ai tiok phak liao , giving me those lazy reason. juz do what i said laaa. ho he ha ...
ore no ai, hoi hoi makan texas ah ?
December 05, 2006
Random morning Mee

Kickin out of your sleepy morning you should try the hot and spicy mee + 2 eggs (shhh haaa shhh haaaa - pedesss) .
prepare for the worse when you choose to put some spicy into your morning stomach.
dont drink your milk if you had this spicy mee. You are ready for work ,b oring class , quiz, exam Presentation and may be assignment.
ore no ai, beli gunting kuku besok ya
Those nite really fun, especially for parents and their friends on sunday night gathering. and the most important is the food that they cook so they can have dinner and "kong kow" together.
Miss the gathering and dont worry, i still get to try it he he he..
cut the crap. So the last sunday menu was "miso ayam" makannya pake kerupuk pedes... uihhh enak deh
ore no ai , hihi besok aku minum lagi obat pahit nya
Miss the gathering and dont worry, i still get to try it he he he..
cut the crap. So the last sunday menu was "miso ayam" makannya pake kerupuk pedes... uihhh enak deh
ore no ai , hihi besok aku minum lagi obat pahit nya
December 04, 2006
Monday, my monday not gonna be fun. full of work and phone call, But still hope that the lunch is going to be great coz im gonna miss my breakfast for sure. (besok gue pasti telat bangun)
for the very 1st
Cheers to Welly boy ( -- welcome to the new stage of life , where all the patience and kindness in your heart grow stronger each day , coz what is happen , is something for you to learn --) HAPPY bday to you welly
sep's new blog she just migrate, but she left all the previous blog at the friendster bus station. hehe
WELCOME cieeeek.... shalala pom pom shalala pom pom ♬♫♪♩( borrowed from ah-do cheerleader group) ciek at first i though that your blogspot going to be "punchthegg" sounds cruel to me but its better than "frythechicken"
Very special thanks to dad, for giving me all the Hope , all the knowledge . (i should stop talkback , complaints) i believe dad support me where when and what ever i do. love ya.
Well, gotta go sleepin, b4 i'll end up late in the morning and rush for everything.
oh ya one more, andi wu buy new mac, wah wah wah. can pinjam boh ?? hehe to eveyone, hari ini harus semangat, jgn lemes lemes
ore no ai, besok jgn lupa minum air banyak2
for the very 1st
Cheers to Welly boy ( -- welcome to the new stage of life , where all the patience and kindness in your heart grow stronger each day , coz what is happen , is something for you to learn --) HAPPY bday to you welly
sep's new blog she just migrate, but she left all the previous blog at the friendster bus station. hehe
WELCOME cieeeek.... shalala pom pom shalala pom pom ♬♫♪♩( borrowed from ah-do cheerleader group) ciek at first i though that your blogspot going to be "punchthegg" sounds cruel to me but its better than "frythechicken"
Very special thanks to dad, for giving me all the Hope , all the knowledge . (i should stop talkback , complaints) i believe dad support me where when and what ever i do. love ya.
Well, gotta go sleepin, b4 i'll end up late in the morning and rush for everything.
oh ya one more, andi wu buy new mac, wah wah wah. can pinjam boh ?? hehe to eveyone, hari ini harus semangat, jgn lemes lemes
ore no ai, besok jgn lupa minum air banyak2
December 03, 2006
Sunday, suppose to be fun , and i kind of waste my sunday by sleeping, encourage by the big rain outside.
ARGGHhhh not gonna waste my sunday no more, im gonna enjoy the sunday night now, Bye bye , go go go
lebih baik pigi enjoy malam ini , dr pada besok ngoceh ngoceh di kantor... bakaa...
ore no ai, glad to know that you are fine now.
ARGGHhhh not gonna waste my sunday no more, im gonna enjoy the sunday night now, Bye bye , go go go
lebih baik pigi enjoy malam ini , dr pada besok ngoceh ngoceh di kantor... bakaa...
ore no ai, glad to know that you are fine now.
December 01, 2006
Lenggang - Lenggang
When i read sep's blog , she write there " so really, im not complaining" ohhh admire you so much- got that kind of thinkin hihi, hehe so far far away from me, i keep complaining and leha leha lenggang lenggang lili lolo at the same time.
Its True , leave all the fun behind and do your stuff, and make sure you have fun when the "fun time" is set to be On.
drive your car to the farm , tired then you stop for a break , sleepy then you wash your face, bored then you listen to the radio. and dont simply snap pic while you driving. coz its dangerous.
Pic : Show off some pic , On the way to the farm, Its hot , takes 1 hours jika tidak ngebut , i pass this road everyday. (Not so clear kind of pic, sorry, cheap camera phone)

ore no ai
Its True , leave all the fun behind and do your stuff, and make sure you have fun when the "fun time" is set to be On.
drive your car to the farm , tired then you stop for a break , sleepy then you wash your face, bored then you listen to the radio. and dont simply snap pic while you driving. coz its dangerous.
Pic : Show off some pic , On the way to the farm, Its hot , takes 1 hours jika tidak ngebut , i pass this road everyday. (Not so clear kind of pic, sorry, cheap camera phone)

You , Your smile and everything
Hmmmm, stop the song (November Rain - Gun n Roses) its December
Welcome december
The past looked so fake , And my feeling is half empty.
But now when i Look at the sky, I close my eyes and wish you the best.
I love your smile today and everyday.
No doubt, and its very clear, its You.
Maybe i cant see you on friday, but i'll learn to trust you each day.
I looked through your eyes, and you pacify my heart.
Bla Bla Bla .. many more ..
ore no ai , Gambateh ya
Welcome december
The past looked so fake , And my feeling is half empty.
But now when i Look at the sky, I close my eyes and wish you the best.
I love your smile today and everyday.
No doubt, and its very clear, its You.
Maybe i cant see you on friday, but i'll learn to trust you each day.
I looked through your eyes, and you pacify my heart.
Bla Bla Bla .. many more ..
ore no ai , Gambateh ya
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