wake me up, and drive me half crazy in the afternoon
just for me to know, that actually i dont really believe the police that help dad to protect the farm. lets say the head of security.
i thinks he is playing tricks and its dirty.
well, its getting hard for me to believe anyone in the farm. and ofcourse will get hard to communicate. (ahh ga peduli, yg penting ayam nya masi nelor)
(find a way, if its getting harder)
Uda satu 2 bulan. nvr go for gym. and 3 months never swim. i feel that my shoulder still got a litte bit stiff, i guess i need to do the treatment by lifting some weight. hehe so Gym will start next week
show off some sky to you

di snap pas lewat jembatan legton . . . hehe . . . just love the sky
1 comment:
polisi itu bermain curang.
tipu duit
kurang asem
percuma ada Sarjana hukum
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