NagaBonar jadi 2, this indonesian movie is so perfect. Funny, Sad , Happy, love all inside and meaningful. it is so indonesian. The indonesian film will shine again if it is full of movies like this, not the type with copycat horror movie which is stupid enough and the copycat korean drama alot
so start from A , andi , sep , do , bet , and everyone should watch this movie. " recommended " bo phien lu lang ...~~
So thats the saturday night, and dinner time , James finish 2 plate of nasi goreng special with 3 eggs and another 3 extra half boiled (wish that this world is full of ppl like james hahaha ppl who like eggs so much) , my mee goreng at first glance turn out to be a mee goreng that hard to swallow, and my first strike its true - lain kali tak boleh pesan lagi. lain kali harus pesan nasi soto ~~
Here the pic ...
Keep on Injured , it must stop .... but the scars look cool , remember x-man ?
james with gun, and afterthat he eat the choc bread while playing
the lucnh that i waited so long - gr gr sayurnya belom masak. - akhirnya telat ke kandang ayam gr gr nungguin tuh sayur
Aiyoh, injured here and there. hehe be careful man. Btw, nice foods u have there. hehehe
heee itu cuman injured kecik ajaaa.. hahahaha
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