macau is a city where eastern and westernt influece have met and continue to coexist in harmony. the bequest of those glorious bygone days can be seen in pastelcoloured palaces, baroque churches ane exotic temple. omposing fortress with silent cannons. winding narrow streets and the people. the people who created a unique blend of two cultures. the portugese and chinese... and the next... the casino ofcourse

St.Dominic Chruch

Tou Tou Kui dimsum

menunya bahasa chinese..... yg aku pandai hanya makan... haha... duh bener2 super duper enak lahhhh

air mancur kecil2 yg panjangg.... (somewhere inside the macau fisherman's wraft)

somewhere around between legend boulevard and Rossio or maybe the blues terrace

the city view at night... so brigth and alive. love the city that never sleep...
Portugese food for dinner. ohh its so perfect... the fried rice.. the chicken inside the claypot with a special curry tase and the fish nugget i think.... its just perfect. you cant never stop thinkin of it..

" ruins of St. paul's"

inside the Free shuttle bus to venetian....
on the way to the casinooo
i dont know what is that. but im sure its beautiful...
walk around the venetian and all the clouds are painted.... its so cool inside
They actually sing a song.. and when they go to toilet.. they will gahter , walk in group and sing along the way to toilet... haha.. they are so cool and you can hear they sing very loud..
mari berjalan2.. banyak yg jual makanan.. baju and all you need here...
this is the road to the " ruins of St. paul's

fruit juice... very sweet... just like you...

creamy and unforgetable food... makannya rebutan lho.. hahaha...

this is super good food. creamy ikan portugese ala portugese..... high protein
casino lisboa.... that was night time and angin nya super kencang... pilek deh... hehe.
ampunn mati lampu terus... nga bisa tulis panjang2 de...
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