I think . I think . I get things mixed up real bad .... for all this years . working working and working and other stuff.... puffff.......believe me , my work its not the best thing in my life as i experienced it. i think . im givin too much concern ppl than my self. to ppl that suppose to do the same way to me . giving their best , showing some responsibility and obey my orders. well im kind like the boss here , but unfortunately , IM NOT . dont you ever think working with parents means that you suddenly summon into boss. haha.
for all this time . i guess i just need to turn every bad day into good day and do the pretending mode hahaa and i need to do something something for myself start from now. i should concerned chiefly on my own interests , pleasure . Haha anyway , buying blackberrybold for myself gonna be 1st start of best thing in my life .....
This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
September 18, 2009
September 16, 2009
Great month , not so great
everyone been waiting for this pretty long up coming holidays, its 10 day holidays. its good enough to stay away from everything related to jobs for few days, but afterthat , im gonna roll even fast than last month. im gonna rush everything before christmas ... puff ... Must complete every plan i made.
Its a very great month , Sis delivered baby at 10 september and the baby smile win everything on this earth. haha... baby sophia helena wijaya so cute..... so chomell.... cant wait to see her growing up and cant wait to see her running around playing with her toys and so on. haha i guess we all just getting older older...
Hmmmmm... a little bit stress over here. dealing with all the unfinished task , some broken part of the machine , Trouble worker who just work for 5 month. and after counting and counting i guess he earn for about 15.000.000 rupiah , but he got so much excuse to borrow money in a big amount. and he spend so much of "i dont know what." at the end of the month. he came up and said he want to borrow 4000.000 , well this time, i really know what to do , i cant borrow him. because this type of guy. 50 percent he will come back and 50 percent he will run away .... so i just borrow him for like 1000.000.... but if he run away. im still minus here... :(
everytime i try to reset the whole work rules , Schedule, but every plan still running out of track , But never give up , im going to give my best to make it on track. hehe yeahhhh
any way my part time job finally pays off , even its just earning a little money from selling sofa , but when i sell more set of sofa. i will gather more money, and after a year finally i can bought my blackberry bold... haha .. im so satisfied...BUT this wont not stop here. i will have to sell more and more sofa , till i cant manage to rent a store .. and i try to do some business here. so anyone willing to help me. please just send me your money. hahaha...
its a great month after all , and im ready for a next month fight....
btw im was bluff by the Bus company , i bought the 7 ticket from pku to pankalan brandan , that ticket was for my 7 workers. but then they never really reach pangkalan brandan. the bus driver left them somewhere near to medan. and Workers complaining to me since this morning. im really piss off . so i called the bus company, and they give no answers.... the hell with the bus company ... GRRRRr im going to call again tomorow....
Its a very great month , Sis delivered baby at 10 september and the baby smile win everything on this earth. haha... baby sophia helena wijaya so cute..... so chomell.... cant wait to see her growing up and cant wait to see her running around playing with her toys and so on. haha i guess we all just getting older older...
Hmmmmm... a little bit stress over here. dealing with all the unfinished task , some broken part of the machine , Trouble worker who just work for 5 month. and after counting and counting i guess he earn for about 15.000.000 rupiah , but he got so much excuse to borrow money in a big amount. and he spend so much of "i dont know what." at the end of the month. he came up and said he want to borrow 4000.000 , well this time, i really know what to do , i cant borrow him. because this type of guy. 50 percent he will come back and 50 percent he will run away .... so i just borrow him for like 1000.000.... but if he run away. im still minus here... :(
everytime i try to reset the whole work rules , Schedule, but every plan still running out of track , But never give up , im going to give my best to make it on track. hehe yeahhhh
any way my part time job finally pays off , even its just earning a little money from selling sofa , but when i sell more set of sofa. i will gather more money, and after a year finally i can bought my blackberry bold... haha .. im so satisfied...BUT this wont not stop here. i will have to sell more and more sofa , till i cant manage to rent a store .. and i try to do some business here. so anyone willing to help me. please just send me your money. hahaha...
its a great month after all , and im ready for a next month fight....
btw im was bluff by the Bus company , i bought the 7 ticket from pku to pankalan brandan , that ticket was for my 7 workers. but then they never really reach pangkalan brandan. the bus driver left them somewhere near to medan. and Workers complaining to me since this morning. im really piss off . so i called the bus company, and they give no answers.... the hell with the bus company ... GRRRRr im going to call again tomorow....
September 09, 2009
Type mesin : 4 langkah, SOHC, 2 katup
System Pendingin : Pendingin Udara
Jumlah & Isi Silinder : 1 ( satu ) silinder & 144cc
Diameter x Langkah : 58.0 x 54.4 mmP
erbandingan Kompresi : 9.5 : 1
Daya Maksimum : 8.60 Kw / 8000 rpm
Torsi Maksimum : 12 Nm / 6500 rpm
Karburator : KEIHIN NCV24
Sistem Starter : Kick Starter & Electric Starter
Tipe Transmisi : 5 speed return
Perbandingan Roda Gigi
Ke 1 2,917 ( 35/12 )
Ke 2 2,000 ( 32/16 )
Ke 3 1,474 ( 28/19 )
Ke 4 1,182 ( 26/22 )
Ke 5 1,000 ( 24/24 )
Perbandingan Gigi Akhir : 3,143 ( 44/14 )
Jumlah Rasio Roda Gigi : 9,051 @ Top Gear
Sistem Pengapian : DC-CDIIdle
Speed : 1400 ( +-50 ) rpm
Type Rangka : Perimeter, Box Section, High Stainless Steel
Suspensi Depan : 33mm, Telescopic
Suspensi Belakang : Uni-TRAK, Swing Arm Monoshock
Sistem Rem Depan : Hidrolic, Single Disc
Sistem Rem Belakang : Hidrolic, Single Disc
Sistem Pengendalian Rem : Cairan / Fluida
Ban Depan : 70 / 100 – 19
Ban Belakang : 90 / 100 – 16
Panjang x Lebar x Tinggi : 1975 x 760 x 1080 mm
Jarak Poros Roda : 1285 mm
Jarak ke tanah : 250mm
Julur Depan : 310 mm
Julur Belakang : 380 mm
Tipe Kemudi : Handle Bar
Panjang Kemudi : 760 mm
Sudut Putar ( derajat ) : 42 ke kiri / 43 ke kanan
Kapasitas Berat Maksimal : 228
kgBerat Kosong : 108 kg
Setelah KLX250 sukses diluncurkan dan mendapat sambutan luar biasa, kali ini hadir KLX150 yang sangat memanjakan penggemar trail. Lebih bertenaga dengan harga lebih terjangkau. Motor Dual Purpose dengan konsep "Light Trail, Delight Your Ways", motor yang menawarkan berbagai kemudahan dan kenyamanan dalam segala kondisi berkendara. Ukurannya yang compact, pas untuk remaja dan dewasa, desain sporty agresif style bergaris tajam, headlamp desain mutakhir, engine teknologi KSAI ( Kawasaki Secondary Air Injection System ) sehingga lebih irit, progressive swing arm untuk extreme style, muffler berdesain lebih compact & square, double disc brake dan double starter. Yang mengesankan adalah konsumsi bahan bakar tergolong irit 36,79 km/liter. Benar-benar pilihan tepat untuk sebuah kemewahan dwi fungsi yang terjangkau.
Survey Litbang Kawasaki membuktikan bahwa KLX150 sangat memberikan kemudahan dalam keseharian sekaligus memfasilitasi kebutuhan rider akan hobi bertualang. Inllah motor dual purpose dengan harga terjangkau dan ekonomis / irit. Apa yang anda inginkan, ada semua di KLX150. Benar-benar memudahkan.
September 07, 2009
Feels like Need For Speed
Bluff by stupid snack & some anger inside
The whole thing is , I bluffed by this stupid sea crunch snack . with a grilled lobster flavour . infact i dont really know the taste of those lobster (never really eat lobster. alergy to expensive food. haha.) and i dont know what this snack taste . nothing near to grilled....
and the other part is the "kupon gosok" I tought i was lucky , huh... the prize is 750 juta boooo , bo tanggung2... haha... day dreaming . probably they never put the kupon gosok inside .... haihhh.... monday Monday monday .....
Serikat buruh Blablabla bullshit , Police blalabla bullshit , Preman pasar blablabla bullshit... money money money... its like a robbing celebration together at the same "time" if you know what i mean...... shameless brainless Ppl , If only... using machine gun 100 bullet is Allowed.... @!^#&@!%^#%@!^$@!#
they are brainless. and malfunction i think.... Maybe someone should give them a lesson....
huh wish for a better environment never really come so fast... how many years it needs to settle all the brainless ppl in this country. only god knows when.
September 06, 2009
Im duing Half fine for Sunday.
September 05, 2009
Veggie Rice @ Pasar Sago Pekanbaru.
That aunty is a friend of my mum and infact. her son is having the same birthdate with me. So if i went to buy the veggie rice.. Puff.. extra rice , extra veggie , extra curry soup + 1 bonus eggs no charge which cost me only 7.000 rupiah , so in singapore this rice cost you not even 1 dollar. haha ..
Aunty : ah-put ahhh, ai be pui hiooo... ( oput , you wanna buy rice?)
the most preferable Breakfast for Me is this Veggie Rice , let me see .... hmmm
Eggplant CHecked , most ah-ii dun like to eat eggplant - they believe it will cut down their power... maybe they like other eggplant... hmmm.
Potato Checked , so soft with the combination of curry . uhhhhh i cant tell you . but the more potato in this rice the mo better. haha
Egg checked. you coose , boil or fried ??
Green Chili Checked , For you guys who love extra spicy , you can always put an extra bite to this chili. yeah.. perfect spicy. we indonesian love spicy stuff... hehe
Tempe checked , Its your natural source of protein. it contains protein nabati
Tofu Checked . same like Tempe , its your souce of protein.
and other ingredient like, Labu cina , Daun ubi...
Haaa... love this veggie rice... and yeah i got the extra form that aunty.... its so big pack of veggie rice for me. hahaha
The One with Saturday working life
OHHHHHHHH The raining yesterday cost me Problem. and even worse i have to work Tomorow.. FYI tomorow is SUNDAY , I NEED MY SLEEP... MY MOVIE... ARGHHHHH hopeless.... , Have to wait till the road is Dry enough for my car.....
Huhhhh At this time most of ppl duing half day for their saturday and enjoy sunday..... what the helll is happen to me ..... huhhh.. im suppose to have my own sofa store, my personal smartphone Bold-*itch. and duing my own stuff. Ppl might find it easy by saying all the thing they dont even experience ..... hu hu hu ..... i want to do my own stuff... But then i cant... i want to wear a tie , shiny shoes instead of Boots. enjoy AC room and makes more money everyday hahaha
Maybe this is the all way to what i want to become in the future... heh.., But the good things is , im still alive , enjoy to my fav tv program , like "Opera van java " best show ever , makes everyone laugh, im with my family , and we are all waiting for the new born baby.. hmm we are all excited. and the best thing is , i have my lovely gil, we have so much much misunderstanding problem . we have some ego planted in our brain. but we work it out pretty good so far.... Thanks god. but please No rain tomorow , so i can complete my work tomorow....
If only everything can be settled down today....., tonight im gonna enjoy either pizza or Texas fried chicken and Texas Fried Rice...... haha im going for it anyway.... Ohh im still duing the imagination on my future sofa store name ... "SUMO SOFA" .... heeee..... time to do some paper work... hehee
My ride to Minas , The seats is the hottest part , the car machine is just below the seats... nothing is so great about that.
Huhhhh At this time most of ppl duing half day for their saturday and enjoy sunday..... what the helll is happen to me ..... huhhh.. im suppose to have my own sofa store, my personal smartphone Bold-*itch. and duing my own stuff. Ppl might find it easy by saying all the thing they dont even experience ..... hu hu hu ..... i want to do my own stuff... But then i cant... i want to wear a tie , shiny shoes instead of Boots. enjoy AC room and makes more money everyday hahaha
Maybe this is the all way to what i want to become in the future... heh.., But the good things is , im still alive , enjoy to my fav tv program , like "Opera van java " best show ever , makes everyone laugh, im with my family , and we are all waiting for the new born baby.. hmm we are all excited. and the best thing is , i have my lovely gil, we have so much much misunderstanding problem . we have some ego planted in our brain. but we work it out pretty good so far.... Thanks god. but please No rain tomorow , so i can complete my work tomorow....
If only everything can be settled down today....., tonight im gonna enjoy either pizza or Texas fried chicken and Texas Fried Rice...... haha im going for it anyway.... Ohh im still duing the imagination on my future sofa store name ... "SUMO SOFA" .... heeee..... time to do some paper work... hehee
September 04, 2009
Thanks god Its Friday , and thanks God its raining . wish tomorow will be a bright sunny day . and a middle hot day . so the road to the location Is just fine without the 4WD car. im going with 2WD car tomorow. so lets hope for a sunny day. and hopefully the palm oil price will rise high ....
Arrrghhh my head still thinkin about my way of duing communication , my way of duing things for my self and so much more. Im just hoping for my selling coach gonna be ok , IM start with nothing yes , but im still thinkin of the way of duing it and start it with something , like renting a building maybe. putting all the sofa set inside . so those "kau ce" ppl can directly come to the shop and look for the Stuff... hehhh.. in future... hopefully.
Thanks god its friday , Im duing nothing for nearly halfday today , suppose im duing my Monthly account and Go for a gym. instead of eating more and more... huhh.. gonna have some rest. its gonna be my saturday nite at home again. i think. ill be back late again tomorow... its harvesting rotation day ....
cha cha cha....
Arrrghhh my head still thinkin about my way of duing communication , my way of duing things for my self and so much more. Im just hoping for my selling coach gonna be ok , IM start with nothing yes , but im still thinkin of the way of duing it and start it with something , like renting a building maybe. putting all the sofa set inside . so those "kau ce" ppl can directly come to the shop and look for the Stuff... hehhh.. in future... hopefully.
Thanks god its friday , Im duing nothing for nearly halfday today , suppose im duing my Monthly account and Go for a gym. instead of eating more and more... huhh.. gonna have some rest. its gonna be my saturday nite at home again. i think. ill be back late again tomorow... its harvesting rotation day ....
cha cha cha....
September 03, 2009
I need This one
Having a bad headache.. as i still can remember . it was yesterday , before yesterday , before yesterday. but luckly , all Gone Today . No hurt feeling, no Junk feeling. this is what i need the most. I have number of task waiting and Number of task in progress... and bla bla... but this is not me telling story on how busy am i. im not that busy. i just need a calm head to do all the stuff. I cant go on with my head hitting the rough patch.... all i need is a good and calm with a thinkable mind...
been duing so much or so less lately . no worry . will catch up soon... Yeah...
been duing so much or so less lately . no worry . will catch up soon... Yeah...
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