Huhhhh At this time most of ppl duing half day for their saturday and enjoy sunday..... what the helll is happen to me ..... huhhh.. im suppose to have my own sofa store, my personal smartphone Bold-*itch. and duing my own stuff. Ppl might find it easy by saying all the thing they dont even experience ..... hu hu hu ..... i want to do my own stuff... But then i cant... i want to wear a tie , shiny shoes instead of Boots. enjoy AC room and makes more money everyday hahaha
Maybe this is the all way to what i want to become in the future... heh.., But the good things is , im still alive , enjoy to my fav tv program , like "Opera van java " best show ever , makes everyone laugh, im with my family , and we are all waiting for the new born baby.. hmm we are all excited. and the best thing is , i have my lovely gil, we have so much much misunderstanding problem . we have some ego planted in our brain. but we work it out pretty good so far.... Thanks god. but please No rain tomorow , so i can complete my work tomorow....
If only everything can be settled down today....., tonight im gonna enjoy either pizza or Texas fried chicken and Texas Fried Rice...... haha im going for it anyway.... Ohh im still duing the imagination on my future sofa store name ... "SUMO SOFA" .... heeee..... time to do some paper work... hehee
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