This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
January 31, 2010
Are u here , please be here ... being lonely its not that nice
This is the most duing nothing sunday morning. My God Oh ... Susu - per boring here ... Dunno wat to do ... Sapa suruh loe bangun pagi pagi dudut ... (Well those ppl (I can't tell you exactly who what and where) really bought a good loud speaker and they do sing early in the morning) what the heck , why those kids singing ...
can't get a good sleep
don't even have a good breakfast
is this my sunday ??? Not its not
I'm just too boring being "alone" huhuhu :(
Need u need u need u ore no ai ...
But luckly sis and her husband invited us for lunch @ their house (lovely european style house ) .. Had pizza , chicken wings and coke plus orange juice .. Yes I'm fattening ... Нªªнªª , and I can get to see sophie , she is so cute .. Double cute .. Haha
Gym swim no yes ? Dunno ... See how later ....
Gotta feed the 6 dogs 1st .. They are starving .. (Its my brother and cousin feed the naughty dogs)
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January 30, 2010
I hate mosquito so very much
Blurrrr blurrrr blurrrr
didn't have a good sleep the other nite , darn mosquito and lil bit quarrel over the stupid SP . Feel stupid sometimes ... And feel funny , is this necessary ?
a stupid morning transaction , checkin on the daily account and another big rain yesterday nite means I'm not goin to plantation area ... I really need to start something on my own ... Learning chinese conversation , japanese language or maybe english class to fix my "bad english" la la la ...
Finally Feels lil bit better after Watching chef farah quinn cook her seafood spring field. I like her show so very much... Wohooo ... Look @ the prawn , pasta , paprika and the other combination of ingredients.. Looks yummy ..
The clouds getting dark now , its time for me to send the sofa set to customer now. Angkat butt and go now Sebelum hujannnnn... See you
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January 28, 2010
Its raining thursday with tuna sandwich and vitamin c
An easy start with whole wheat bread , mayonnaise , kraft cheese , tomato , and some of your fave veggie ... And today since it was raining , I like it hot . Add some ABC chili sauce... Wohooooo... Simple nice healthy huh...
Slippery road today , looks like the mitsubishi L300 drifting championship
I'm smelly , dirty and immmmm so
... Tired ...
And its me getting lazy each day each night bla bla bla . Its been a week since I never go to the palm oil area . This head is really playing tricks on me ... I've gotta work on that , I've to find ways to adapt to this current situation ... No matter wat ... Huh ...
Anyway finally my package arrived .. And this is the first order for this month ... Huhuhu I need to get up and do more sales
No sales = no income
No income = no fun
thinking of going to taluk kuantan to try some luck... Its 4 hours drive ... I will schedule myself 1st . Its gonna be a road business trip ... Hopefully ... Wish me luck whoever read this stupid blog ... Gambateh oputtttttt... Cia you ...
Hmmmm yawnnnn sleepy day
Raining means no swimming ... So boring ... Double boring if I may add ... But the tuna sandwich , orange lemon , gym and hot whirpool will do for today.
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January 27, 2010
Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar - Yoga At home
For the series below, a single round consists of two complete sequences: one for the right side of the body and the other for the left.
On days when you think you have no time for yoga, try and do at least one or two rounds of the Sun Salutation. You'll feel the difference.
Now you can try this at home ... gambateh

January 25, 2010
Suppose to be a good day huh ?
Blur blur hot days , I'm just around , office , home , workshop and replacing injury sparepart with the new one, pretty hot boring today without hot chick... Нªªнªª
Some sparepart shop really takes too much advantages in price , the "A" shop selling at 1.800.000 , and the "B" shop selling at rp 1.375.000 .... Geramnya... Huh its business ppl take as much advantage as they can ....
I wish they build the very big indoor 50 meter length with 2.5 meter deep of swimming pool with reasonable price for being a member ... Gosh ... The most suitable swimming pool for now @ pekanbaru still @ pangeran hotel jalan sudirman . But so bad , they closed pool at 6.30 ... Huh so early..
Still dreaming of building @ swimming pool (indoor) wifi , no smoking , french fries , tomato / chili sausce , buffee and best coffee with cafe.. How much how much . I don't even know the startup fee ... Anyone can tell me how much ??? Hee kind of cool isn't it , running your own business , I'm going to set friday as the ladies night , recruit life guard , a good lightning . And I'm going to put the best sofa at the cafe ... Every sofa attached with a price tag . So when you feel comfortable , you can buy it ... Нªªнªª... Anyone mind to join me ? To fullfil this dream
huhhh enough with the dream... Just finish a hot whirpool and a cool bath ... So relax... Its time to find some fruits ... Нªªнªª see u around...
"Ore no ai" -- jgn ngambek lg donk ..dddd(^@@^)bbbbb
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January 24, 2010
back to hometown
Don't ask... Ofcoz it taste like onion..
Phiuhhhh , this city is really showhing the hot side. Sweating inside the car , I really need a glass of cold coke ..
We are back to hometown now , after the full lunch @ rumah makan pak datuk @ dumai , this restaurant provide the padang food , where the food normally oily and lots of fats , protein and I'm not suppose to eat so much anymore , but I do control my self a lil bit... Sometimes previously , I thought that " ohh I'm going to be here just for once , so I must eat as full as many as I can, but turn out that thought of mine becomes a routine and I'm wrong.
Enough with the food ... Hoshhh... Me , welly , ping , rabbit and wife plus irwan , we are going to spend half of our sunday on the road . So sleepy , so full , so hot .
But we do enjoy
Working time for tomorow , another scramble eggs head now ... Who cares , just do it , let's see how this life rolling , let the time decide
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Swimming , Breakfast with perfect French Butter
Take your bread toast and Put the french butter right away.... see how they melt ...... perfect... ohhh im so inlove with french butter...
January 23, 2010
Finally , arriving at Dumai
Its saturday...
Today my very good fat friend , mr andi wu , used to be my housemate , my classmate , my roomate , swimming mate , waterpolo mate ... Yes he is going to have a big day today. Finally he is going to get married ... All the best bro ...
Back to the conversation in car ... Hoammmm
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January 22, 2010
Good day , bad day , average day , tuna mayonaise sandwiches , an apple and a bottle of green tea (no calorie)
Its the temper inside the head that keeps on coming , I never know why this is me now ... For a moment , I hate this place so very much. I don't feel alive here, everything is about finding money all the way to the future and then u spend it , pay the doctor bla bla bla. Buy your fave dog , dream home dream car ....its like a show off.. what's wrong with it. Am I going to live my life like this ... Let it be one year to decide , let's see what happen , and if I'm wrong , let it be , I must have something wrong with my life and it feels good.
Once someone said to me , if you are educated , don't be scared ,anywhere you go , you will find your own way of living your life. Hmmm its true.
I'm still on the trial for my current job , I'm still having problems with the system , I'm still have to adjust myself to fit in the condition and environment and ofcourse the society.. Might want to tell the story in picture someday ... My previous picture of my working life was office with aircond and a formal working suit with a colorfull tie . (Never happed) and even my dream of becoming a cook is vanished . So what do I do in this life ...
So this is for today , late lunch which is start @ 4pm , 30 minutes of swimming , 20 minutes of running , 10 minutes of perfect hot water spa, a bottle of greentea no calorie, an apple with my home made tuna sandwich with mayonaise , 2 small bottle of yakult ... This whole thing complete my day...
Ohhh god remind me to remind my friend rabbit to drive slowly on the way to dumai , its a "pretty curve here curve there" road trip. I'm done with packing, hotel booked . End up I'm staying one room with wellyzuka sensei @ grandzuri dumai ... Suppose tobe good hotel ....
Am I going to enjoy tomorow, let's see
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January 21, 2010
Fully utilize your gadget
this is my first time trying to blog using the so called "new way" actually I'm suppose to know this from the very begining.. But ... Huh lazy...
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i really need to get fit
Not so easy.. Have to fight all the way , I'm gonna give a punch and kick to my eating habit.
By the way , I just finished swimming for 18 minutes nonstop @ 15metre poll
20 minutes of cycling , lifting .. And this is so so not enough.
I'm getting lazy lazy lazy , my work , my stress , my stomach ... My head is scramble eggs now. I can't run away , I can't make any choice ..
So this is me now , lazy , boring and fat. "This is so not me" but month 8 is the deadline..
Gambateh me , gambateh you...
Anyway.. 23rd jan is my first ever road trip with bunch of friends.. Will tell you bout it later.
Got to go back , fruits are waiting for me.
Well , I had 2 oranges and 1 apple which will keep dr.robert away.. Нªªнªª sorry bet
January 14, 2010
henderson bridge
The bridge across Henderson Road, which stands at 37 metres above ground, is Singapore's highest pedestrian bridge that link Mt. Faber and telok belangah
We are going back now.... last touch of the bridge..... we see you again next time bridge...
January 12, 2010
jangan menyerah - dont give up
Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi
Kita pasti pernah
Dapatkan cobaan yang berat
Seakan hidup ini
Tak ada artinya lagi
Syukuri apa yang ada
Hidup adalah anugerah
Tetap jalani hidup ini
Melakukan yang terbaik
Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
Kebesaran dan kuasanya
Bagi hambanya yang sabar
Dan tak kenal putus asa
marina bay
The S$226 million project turns Marina Bay and Kallang Basin into a new downtown freshwater Marina Reservoir.It provides water supply, flood control and a new lifestyle attraction.
By keeping out seawater, the barrage forms Singapore’s 15th reservoir and first reservoir in the city. Marina Reservoir, together with the future Punggol and Serangoon reservoirs, will increase Singapore’s water catchment areas from half to two-thirds of Singapore’s total land area.
Marina Barrage also acts as a tidal barrier to keep seawater out, helping to alleviate flooding in low lying areas of the city such as Chinatown, Jalan Besar and Geylang.
When it rains heavily during low-tide, the barrage’s crest gates will be lowered to release excess water from the reservoir into the sea. If heavy rain falls during high-tide, the crest gates remain closed and giant drainage pumps are activated to pump excess water out to sea.
As the water in the Marina Basin is unaffected by the tides, the water level will be kept constant, making it ideal for all kinds of recreational activities such as boating, windsurfing, kayaking and dragonboating etc.
the bridge hold the press gates that control water flow
Hollla see u again.. this it. the way out... back to tiong bharu and back to bedok... see u again...