This is the original of nano nano and ofcourse with new packaging. it taste so wonderful and Remind me of my "Younger Me" , Im fat when i was a kid . i love to play foot ball , i love to buy chiki , nano nano , chitato , and so many more food @ Sekolah Dasar Santa Maria.
i still can remember the time when i got into a fight and Head master questioning me , Why fighting... haha
i still can remember ciek offering me her ribena before we both reach home.
i guess we all love our childhood time . no matter how sad happy back then..
I remember the Ribena story!! LOL!
I was scared my mum will caught me with water bottle still full of Ribena (tak cukup minum air di sekolah har!!) so quickly offer to you put! LOL! thank you for helping me escape trouble :p
and and and I remember once we chatted about religion too/heaven/hell etc on the way back from school! pretty deep for kelas 3 SD hehehhehe!
Haha ya lho ciek , no wonder why I'm so "full of vitamin" , turn out that your ribena helps me haha ...
Yayaya true lots of memories back then ... Hohoho
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