Walah walah ... Kalang kabut
Penjemputan sofa semalam di lakukan jauh dr polisi patroli dan spsi , dan preman . Maklum aja klo di lapangan cuman 3 itu aja yg selalu datang meminta minta , memeras dan bahkan memaksa dengan ancaman. Untung deh semua aman2 aja.
Akhirnya sparepart si komatsu di beli juga . Tinggal menunggu bagian yg akan d las timbun selesai , nah alatnya akan siap d pasang hari ini juga.
Dasar doggy . Anjing yg tidur dikolong mobil kelindas kakinya , keluar suara kaing kaing ... Tapi kata wid itu bukan salah gw , haha jadi rasa ga bersalah deh.
Harusnya semalam is my perfect day setelah timbang sawit , semuanya walau kalang kabut , tp tidak se jia lat anggota kontraktor yang tiba2 kena stroke. Mau ga mau , harus bawa rawat inap ke rs santa maria . Padahal harusnya itu tanggung jawab kontraktor . But what to do . If something happen and the guy die there , pasti tiok tai ci lagi .
Sien looo ...
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
September 30, 2010
September 28, 2010
Life is like a doughnut
Yahoolaa , orhhh another 2 days to medan . Never stop thinking , or I'm going to forget stuff .
I got lots of things inside my head now. I can't stop thinkin , don't dare to stop thinking.
The work load seems so much for a fat boy like me , but worth it.
The other week , the workers steal the wire installment and one small generator set. What can I do ? Sue him / F him / VA him ?
The komatsu again , it takes 2 weeks to find mechanics , and some fang fei kei me and finally lots of part rosak . I don't know what to do now , all I know this 2 days is not enough for me to look after for the reparation and what so ever spare part needed.
Another 2 days , hopefully they delivered my package , if not , I tak tau lagi what gonna happen to my sofa . Gotta call sihombing tomorrow , if he arrived at night , who cares . I'm gonna bring that sofa home.
Panic panic , 20 workers will come this coming monday and I'm not around. Jia lat liao lah ...
So I think I need assistent but ppl like my salary can't afford assistant ... Pande pande lu lah oput .
life is like a doughnut.
Good day.
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
I got lots of things inside my head now. I can't stop thinkin , don't dare to stop thinking.
The work load seems so much for a fat boy like me , but worth it.
The other week , the workers steal the wire installment and one small generator set. What can I do ? Sue him / F him / VA him ?
The komatsu again , it takes 2 weeks to find mechanics , and some fang fei kei me and finally lots of part rosak . I don't know what to do now , all I know this 2 days is not enough for me to look after for the reparation and what so ever spare part needed.
Another 2 days , hopefully they delivered my package , if not , I tak tau lagi what gonna happen to my sofa . Gotta call sihombing tomorrow , if he arrived at night , who cares . I'm gonna bring that sofa home.
Panic panic , 20 workers will come this coming monday and I'm not around. Jia lat liao lah ...
So I think I need assistent but ppl like my salary can't afford assistant ... Pande pande lu lah oput .
life is like a doughnut.
Good day.
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
September 23, 2010
Wat happen
Previously a plan to bangkok cancelled coz bangkok "luan" , now plan to go medan , medan also luan .... :(
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
September 20, 2010
One Afternoon after the Rain @ Chevron Pacific Indonesia - Rumbai Camp
September 19, 2010
Rujak Tahu
so today finally i can meet sanny fandi and caca again. i went to their house , have a little chit chat . its very nice. fandi is like my little brother. he he..
and then his mom gave me this "rujak tahu" . 2 thumbs up.
isi isi di dalam rujak tahu , ada selada , toge , timun , and tofu . and the one that make all of this simple food become special is the powerfull ketchup for the rujak.
zoom and you can see the bawang goreng , cabe rawit giling , kecap manis and and other secret ingredients.
Dalam hati : OH noooooo how many times i shall eat on Sunday . i ate too much liao lah.my heart keep telling no but my brain and mouth saying different stuff.
Swimming Lesson @ Grandzuri - Pekanbaru in Video
First of all , sorry for the video quality . ( maklum saja , uploading videos and images here is like uploading a thousand duck into the container and ship it to Madagascar )
Any way this is the first time in my life editing some video . hope you like it.
dont quit halfway ai'right , there's more picture ...
This is my Swimming lesson at grandzuri Pekanbaru. im not the one who take this video . its the students . they do this at the end of the lesson , i remember borrowing them my camera . i thought they gonna snap more foto. but turn out that they also know how to take video using my Canon ixus80 . Ha ha...
Play the video .
they suppose to swim freestyle , but turn out that they love jumping into the water so much.
File : Swimming Lesson @ Grandzuri hotel
Duration : 90 seconds
Song : Wayang : Dongeng
Sunday morning with Food Remote Control
Hello everybody , Its Sunday.
like always
i have no swimming class on sunday morning
Go pasar bawah with my uncle
(ciek ... my coding bener boh ??) haha
The kuih i bought, i cut them into small pieces .You know why i cut them into small pieces ?
easy >> so i can do my so called " Food Remote control "
"Lontong" is Asian dish made of compressed rice that is then cut into small cakes
This is ( Lontong Kuah Sayur + Pecal ), me and my uncle share this 1 plate of lontong. the lontong is nice . at my home town , i can probably found more than 100 people opening this lontong stall. each of them have their unique taste and level of spicy.
and today , the lontong is fine. i can see a lot off people ordering the same menu like i did.
And last but not least , its like my primary Sunday morning Wan Tan Mee .
The ahpek (owner) always smile to me and i always smile to him. but he never add extra wantan to me . i must smile harder next time... Ha ha...
Hello Hello Hello
Another 4 workers run away Again
Another flat tire @ jungle
Another "fun Saturday night is Gone....
But I GOT MY SUNDAY .... yahooooo . ENjoy ~~
September 18, 2010
Nothing is Impossible , impossible is Nothing
Muhammad Ali, an American Heavyweight boxer said:
"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."
Agus's BBq Seafood
Its 6th September , Enggal arrange this dinner gathering @ Ikan Bakar Pak Agus - with Dr David Wibianto on town . since the next day he is flying back to Kalimantan.
so we all kind of gathering and talk cock sing song over there . some are talking about the politics . bla bla bla : )
Like the banner said " Masakan Padang" so i assume that the owner is come from Padang.... cut the crap and lets check out the food.
Water Spinach ( Cha-Kangkung) nice taste because the water spinach is fresh and the ingredients is very good and its not overcooked.
Making all the way to the Seafood corner , i will never forget to order Deep Fried squid . crunchy
( just like the old time @ college life , i love to eat Sotong goreng tepung masak pedas @ Family Tomyum Food Stall with a glass of watermelon juice jumbo )
OK different case with the Prawn and Lobster BBQ . its too dark . its like throwing the prawn and lobster into the fire , some are overcooked and i got a little bit itchy .
Just Happen
A guy who work at the building construction just told me :
bang , tetangga yg rumah depan tadi malam di bobol maling . 1 Maling nya ketangkap , di hajar massa . dan 1 lagi lari . rupanya maling nya orang bengkel sebelah rumah.
Last night ,our neighbor's house get robbed . People around manage to catch 1 thief and kena Punch Hit Kick kao kao. another 1 thief escape and run away. turn out that the thief is the guy who worked at the car workshop just beside the victim house.
Oh My Dog
Hopefully in future , nothing like this happen in my neighborhood.
bang , tetangga yg rumah depan tadi malam di bobol maling . 1 Maling nya ketangkap , di hajar massa . dan 1 lagi lari . rupanya maling nya orang bengkel sebelah rumah.
Last night ,our neighbor's house get robbed . People around manage to catch 1 thief and kena Punch Hit Kick kao kao. another 1 thief escape and run away. turn out that the thief is the guy who worked at the car workshop just beside the victim house.
Oh My Dog
Hopefully in future , nothing like this happen in my neighborhood.
Sofa @ The Fullerton Bay Hotel - Singapore
September 17, 2010
Random Dog
Repeat Repeat Repeat
use your brain use your brain use your brain , which one you want ? simple life , complicated life , Happy with lots of lies type of life . Or just life ....
September 14, 2010
Trip to Labersa water Park - part 3 Last
And Finally , this is the last part. Olympus Camera showing red blinking battery icon . soon the battery will be fully empty. and its almost 5PM . our times is up .
Hello everyone , im a big fish , and if you learn swimming from me , 10 lesson and you will swim like a little fish my friend.
everyone is happy , that its the best part
Look like antonius cant stop jumping. but i guess he never played water like this back then at Australia, thanks for coming back for good bro . hehe we will see each other lot lots of time.
We are going to find some food , but the food like i told you . its not very good in taste and price.
Time to Go back , we gotta come back to this place again next time , but we gotta go mandi first.
and finally they get to take picture with small elephant , but enggal and antonius is blocking the elephant.
i wish i can take this banana home and put it in front of my future house . Haha
Its time to go back .
thanks priyandi and renny for arranging this trip
thanks enggal for the fresh-tea
Thanks emily for the Olympus waterproof
Thanks oput for the sunblock
thanks antonius and antonius' sister , sisilia , prilestari , for laughing the whole time ... ha ha ha ...
Thanks everyone
Good Bye holiday , Welcome working Life.
See you when i see you guys .

Its time to go back .
thanks priyandi and renny for arranging this trip
thanks enggal for the fresh-tea
Thanks emily for the Olympus waterproof
Thanks oput for the sunblock
thanks antonius and antonius' sister , sisilia , prilestari , for laughing the whole time ... ha ha ha ...
Thanks everyone
Good Bye holiday , Welcome working Life.
See you when i see you guys .
Holiday Is E.N.D
Holiday is over . Working life is ON
The very first day of work , like what i had imagine far before today . workers is Lack of discipline.
3 workers still at kampung and will be back next Monday ( i cant imagine that its is hard for them to realize that holidays is over ) luckly i paid them by items , got work got money.
And only 2 office workers shows up today . get lucky i can finished some of the task today. and more to come tomorrow.
and this month . got a lot of shopping to do . start from white shoe , black shoe, the photo day , and lot more to come . i wish they will delivered my 3 set of sofa by next week, so i can have some extra money.
i need more than just a luck to survive this month. if i get lucky , the 10 workers will be coming on next thursday , and another group will come this coming monday, hopefully they dont bullshit me.
Happy working life everyone. Holiday is E.N.D
The very first day of work , like what i had imagine far before today . workers is Lack of discipline.
3 workers still at kampung and will be back next Monday ( i cant imagine that its is hard for them to realize that holidays is over ) luckly i paid them by items , got work got money.
And only 2 office workers shows up today . get lucky i can finished some of the task today. and more to come tomorrow.
and this month . got a lot of shopping to do . start from white shoe , black shoe, the photo day , and lot more to come . i wish they will delivered my 3 set of sofa by next week, so i can have some extra money.
i need more than just a luck to survive this month. if i get lucky , the 10 workers will be coming on next thursday , and another group will come this coming monday, hopefully they dont bullshit me.
Happy working life everyone. Holiday is E.N.D
September 13, 2010
Trip to Labersa Water Park - Part 2
Im back im back . juz copying pictures from emily's water resistant camera, lots of editing . but hopefully the pictures are still see-able.
We may get a little bit upset about the dirty gazebo . but later , the girls went across the river and curi 3 big floats hahaha jk jk (they seems so happy) , and later we are going to use this float for big jump slide , and spiral slide.
The whole place is full , holiday is going to over , must enjoy kao kao .
This is what we do while the girls busy with the float . haha we are now arriving at Gorilla village . the big banana statue . we are suppose to act like we are trying to lift the giant banana . and look what antonius (the muscle guy) did . and later you can see his post showing muscle all the time. even underwater . hahaha
We had a good time taking pictures inside the water. have to thanks to Olympus waterproof.
haha this is the picture of us , and none of us have any underwater picture experience before. so lil bit hard to pose that time. but surely that is why we keep on laughing each other even the battery gone empty.
Hopefully there will be the same trip again next time with more friends joining us. its gonna be fun
yes , we are the 4 guys who lift the banana and now we are in the water together , again... yahooo. enggal wearing both , swimming google and his reading glasses. Lol :), and only apek put his clothes on
Not only Us , other visitors also get crazy and playing all over the place.
Apek looks like male mermaid with alot of bulu on his leg ..... hahaha
Everyone cant stop posing and they jump higher and shout . Wahoooo ....
I get to jump too , but not so high ....
To be continued , so stay tuned everyone . I got to go Swimming Now . but this time i gotta make 50 laps of freestyle stroke , 10 laps of breast stroke , and 10 laps of kicking . gotta keep fit like antonius ....
ja ne ...
We had a good time taking pictures inside the water. have to thanks to Olympus waterproof.

Hopefully there will be the same trip again next time with more friends joining us. its gonna be fun
To be continued , so stay tuned everyone . I got to go Swimming Now . but this time i gotta make 50 laps of freestyle stroke , 10 laps of breast stroke , and 10 laps of kicking . gotta keep fit like antonius ....
ja ne ...
Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan
Ebiet G.ade
Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan
Sayang, engkau tak duduk di sampingku, kawan
Banyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikan
di tanah kering berbatuan
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
Tubuhku terguncang di hempas batu jalanan
Hati tergetar menampak kering rerumputan
Perjalanan ini pun seperti jadi saksi
gembala kecil menangis sedih ho ho ho ho
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
ketika ia kutanya "Mengapa?"
Bapak ibunya telah lama mati
ditelan bencana tanah ini
Sesampainya di laut kukabarkan semuanya
kepada karang, kepada ombak, kepada matahari
tetapi semua diam, tetapi semua bisu
Tinggal aku sendiri terpaku menatap langit
Barangkali di sana ada jawabnya
mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana
Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan melihat tingkah kita
yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa-dosa
atau alam mulai enggan bersahabat dengan kita
Coba kita bertanya pada rumput yang bergoyang
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
ketika ia ku tanya "Mengapa?"
Bapak ibunya telah lama mati
ditelan bencana tanah ini
Sesampainya di laut kukabarkan semuanya
kepada karang, kepada ombak, kepada matahari
tetapi semua diam, tetapi semua bisu
Tinggal aku sendiri terpaku menatap langit
Barangkali di sana ada jawabnya
mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana
Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan melihat tingkah kita
yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa-dosa
atau alam mulai enggan bersahabat dengan kita
Coba kita bertanya pada rumput yang bergoyang
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan
Sayang, engkau tak duduk di sampingku, kawan
Banyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikan
di tanah kering berbatuan
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
Tubuhku terguncang di hempas batu jalanan
Hati tergetar menampak kering rerumputan
Perjalanan ini pun seperti jadi saksi
gembala kecil menangis sedih ho ho ho ho
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
ketika ia kutanya "Mengapa?"
Bapak ibunya telah lama mati
ditelan bencana tanah ini
Sesampainya di laut kukabarkan semuanya
kepada karang, kepada ombak, kepada matahari
tetapi semua diam, tetapi semua bisu
Tinggal aku sendiri terpaku menatap langit
Barangkali di sana ada jawabnya
mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana
Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan melihat tingkah kita
yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa-dosa
atau alam mulai enggan bersahabat dengan kita
Coba kita bertanya pada rumput yang bergoyang
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
ketika ia ku tanya "Mengapa?"
Bapak ibunya telah lama mati
ditelan bencana tanah ini
Sesampainya di laut kukabarkan semuanya
kepada karang, kepada ombak, kepada matahari
tetapi semua diam, tetapi semua bisu
Tinggal aku sendiri terpaku menatap langit
Barangkali di sana ada jawabnya
mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana
Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan melihat tingkah kita
yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa-dosa
atau alam mulai enggan bersahabat dengan kita
Coba kita bertanya pada rumput yang bergoyang
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
September 12, 2010
Trip to Labersa Water Park - Part 1
It was pretty hot day and we all shared 1 bottle of Sunblock. thanks to Priandi . he is in charge for today events. "Spending holiday @ Labersa Water Park" its the biggest water park in town" and previously i had my shoulder dislocated by playing the luncur2.... @!#@!$@!#
WelCome to Labersa Water Park, why Labersa , some ppl said it means LApan BERSAudara " means 8 Brothers.
the Very unique statue or sculpture of Sumatra Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus)
One strong elephant for sure. The Sumatran Elephant is smaller than the Indian subspecies and is extremely endangered . Ok im out of topic again. lets move to the next picture.
We are the first two who arrived earlier, which means that we are having our bag checked first and they take away enggal's 8 bottles of "freshtea"
they are not allowing the visitors to bring outside food , means that we need to buy the food inside the canteen which sell expensive uneatable nasi goreng , we are willing to pay for such price but at least they also provide a good and unforgetable nasi goreng. the nasi goreng is too salty, and the cleanliness of the place is "D"
From the first time i enter the place i dont like the idea that the ppl inside is allowed to smoke all over the place. this place is suppose to be fun. clean for childres and just water.
Ok have to stop complaining . its holiday . suppose to be fun.
The elephant butt is Big. nice view of an elephant butt
Its Pri , Apek , and enggal . Pri get to skip the bag check , but she bring no food ... ~~ still waiting for other friend.
we are now inside the water park, only mr antonius and his sister is late. everyone is so exited and so do i.
the kids below 80 cm will be free of charge, and that day i can see hundred of children playing all over the place. and pitty some get missing " the Information Guy" keep repeating
"Bagi siapa yang Merasa kehilangan anak , Mohon datang ke pusat informasi , seorang anak bernama didi"
they keep repeating the same sentence but this time with the other name.
too much enjoy and maybe parents cuci mata here . so they get disconnected with their children.
This Is the cafetaria - look so empty.
We are going to reach our Gazebo soon. its a middle long walk. and another good view of Hippopotamus's butt.
This is the caution is not for Human . haha no one cares about this caution board.
A long walk . apek with the key in his hand , sisil cant wait to jump into the water , and some are busying texting boyfriend girlfriend parents and blablabla ...

its not a good start . turn out when we just arrived at our Gazebo . there are bunches of ppl who take over the gazebo. they just use the gazebo without paying it . and the reserved / tersewa Board is so clear at that side and they still using it.
later , they are saying sorry and still laugh of it and leave the place unbelievable dirty . the Fried rice is all over the place , its wet and so dirty.
have to patchwork the picture...
the blue color one. previously i injured my shoulder , and the lifeguard keep on saying its ok . i wish he tried it himself and talk to me about "ok"
and so that day i decide not to play anything . just swim inside the adult pool. just enjoy..
stay Tuned for the 2nd part and later we are going to have the underwater picture.... Yahooo
One strong elephant for sure. The Sumatran Elephant is smaller than the Indian subspecies and is extremely endangered . Ok im out of topic again. lets move to the next picture.
they are not allowing the visitors to bring outside food , means that we need to buy the food inside the canteen which sell expensive uneatable nasi goreng , we are willing to pay for such price but at least they also provide a good and unforgetable nasi goreng. the nasi goreng is too salty, and the cleanliness of the place is "D"
From the first time i enter the place i dont like the idea that the ppl inside is allowed to smoke all over the place. this place is suppose to be fun. clean for childres and just water.
Ok have to stop complaining . its holiday . suppose to be fun.
"Bagi siapa yang Merasa kehilangan anak , Mohon datang ke pusat informasi , seorang anak bernama didi"
they keep repeating the same sentence but this time with the other name.
too much enjoy and maybe parents cuci mata here . so they get disconnected with their children.
its not a good start . turn out when we just arrived at our Gazebo . there are bunches of ppl who take over the gazebo. they just use the gazebo without paying it . and the reserved / tersewa Board is so clear at that side and they still using it.
later , they are saying sorry and still laugh of it and leave the place unbelievable dirty . the Fried rice is all over the place , its wet and so dirty.
have to patchwork the picture...
and so that day i decide not to play anything . just swim inside the adult pool. just enjoy..
stay Tuned for the 2nd part and later we are going to have the underwater picture.... Yahooo
Spending Holiday
Lets start without saying anything but .... scroll scroll down please
Keripik Kentang Cabe. almost the same like pringless but the bumbu is so much indonesian style. lezat nya.
Miso Ayam. Mis (ohh ya forgot , for every Hari idul Fitri , we always go to buk mis house ) Pai cia + eat. haha
so previously , buk miss will use the "mee kuning " like the one welly produce in his family noodle factory. but this time buk miss use the instant noodle. its like using maggie mee . but the soup is own made.
very nice . FYI i ate 2 bowl of this miso ayam. and if my Gf know what im duing .... she will chop chop me. tapi misonya sikit aja koq.
The pudding . well i cant remember when i had this sweet course of a meal . but i think right between miso and Keripik kentang. not so sweet and just nice.
The kid keep on drinking and he also look at the pudding and wondering what to do with that pudding.
The main Menu , Please look at the picture. Emping , Prawn crackers , keripik Kentang cabe ,Rendang , lontong . ayam goreng masak cabe , ketupat asin ... dan sebagai nya. silah kan di coba di coba . my brother uce cant stop eating and keep on saying he is so full. Of course you so full lah. i can see you nonstop cucuk itu lontong and the rest of the food.
Ketupat asin. very yummy.
Rendang with small potato. for those of you who dont like rendang , you still can eat the small potato. very smooth and tasty.
Rempeyek with ikan teri and kacang.
The journey of food never stop at the main menu. lets jump to the Kuih Kuih .. yahooo
kacang / peanuts with garlic.
Kuih pandang dengan kismis
The famous kue salju. this one is wanhan favourite .
Kuih kacang dengan kacang Monyet.
Buk mis grand son.
Third day of holiday
so previously , buk miss will use the "mee kuning " like the one welly produce in his family noodle factory. but this time buk miss use the instant noodle. its like using maggie mee . but the soup is own made.
very nice . FYI i ate 2 bowl of this miso ayam. and if my Gf know what im duing .... she will chop chop me. tapi misonya sikit aja koq.
The journey of food never stop at the main menu. lets jump to the Kuih Kuih .. yahooo
Third day of holiday
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