This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
December 22, 2006
Happy Holiday
So oput please enjoy the holiday.
the one that i will regret little "bit" is tomorow 22nd of Dec, im suppose to have this vacation to Tanjung Pinang , stay at friend place for 2 days. Haihhh Boy , Chen , i guess we will go together another time, you guys just enjoy your time K. Its my chicken life, kukukukuuuu.... hehe
The one that i worry so much is even coming soon. and if only i can freeze the time. but i can."sorry". Breathing is much more relief right now. being sick is one of the hell time this month.
The one that i've been dreaming is still the island, the first priority, the coconut trees , the Boat , the clean blue ocean , the fish . heeee keep on dreaming and you will get left behind.
Happy Holiday Guys, Merry x mas and Happy New Year
May all the fire works looks great
December 20, 2006
Catch A cold
Thinking of , i gotta finish this task, but i need to postpone it till tomorow, till i get better
If im not that stubborn and If i listen to you Yesterday , i wont have my bad day today....(sorry if i hurt you, and thanks, uda temenin gw malam ini, seneng banget hihi)
ihhh... telat liao , sore throat , flu visit me , But thanks to bro who bring me to Doctor , and ofcourse i need to thanks to the doctor as well, hehe
Dun worry oput, you'll be fine by tomorow
December 19, 2006
When i start to realize that parents cant agree with me, what i did and what i choose. Its become a big partial of thinking that i need to do.
Should i just listen to their craps and be a stupid worse ever puppet. do what they said. Well im old enough to decide for myself.
And for some reason, part of me saying. you should listen to your parents, so you'll make them happy if you do what they said.
(i dont know what kind of bullshit it is , but its inside the brain)
this will be a big problem to me if i keep thinking that it is a big problem. relax laaaaaaa
December 16, 2006
Be a good boy
the one that took my attention is the afternoon. this Family, they just moved to the new big house today. and there is an open house celebration but its just for the friends and relative. so dad and bunch of friends happen to be the owner friends , and ofcourse im in, lot of food there.
Walk in to the Karaoke room. Its cool , and my eyes looking around and i looked at this Award Cup, and try to read what Competition or event there. well , its not an event or any competition, Buts its an award from the three daughter to their parents.
the awards says "Best parent since 1987 till Forever. from your daughters "
Im so "Gan dong" they love their parents so much.
(Hiksss. i wont be talking back to mum and dad again, i'll be a good boy)
and you guys too.
December 14, 2006
Its getting Harder
wake me up, and drive me half crazy in the afternoon
just for me to know, that actually i dont really believe the police that help dad to protect the farm. lets say the head of security.
i thinks he is playing tricks and its dirty.
well, its getting hard for me to believe anyone in the farm. and ofcourse will get hard to communicate. (ahh ga peduli, yg penting ayam nya masi nelor)
(find a way, if its getting harder)
Uda satu 2 bulan. nvr go for gym. and 3 months never swim. i feel that my shoulder still got a litte bit stiff, i guess i need to do the treatment by lifting some weight. hehe so Gym will start next week
show off some sky to you

di snap pas lewat jembatan legton . . . hehe . . . just love the sky
December 12, 2006
Normaly, we got so called this SPSI in indonesia
incase some of you dont know what is SPSI (Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia) they are the workman or labourer , most of them are unskilled and do a manual work for wages.
Even if you did your own manual work, they still need you to pay them some amount of money even they are not doing their job. (well thats is happen when SPSI are bad)
continue with the go away mood.
so this spsi guy carying the wire for me, and the wire didnt look good , scrambeled wire, so i asked him to change to a good condition wire and he talkback to me "ia boleh tuker, lu angkat aja sendiri ke dalam , emang lu sapa seenak nya perintah gue"
this unbrain guy, even he is paid , he act so boss way. but luckly the boss is there, and asked him to change.
well lesson learned today, complain to the boss not the workers, coz you may not know which one have brain and which one doesnt.
December 11, 2006
you dont know how lucky you are
i'll change , i'll be good , no more pretending
and i'll think about it. because im starting to realize how lucky am i.
December 09, 2006
Penant nya hari sabtu ini
hehehe seneng dikit donk.
Start from the unexpected morning, mobil di pinjam sodara buat pegi main soccer, harus nya pagi pagi uda ke farm. but gpp lah better than dia pakai mobil untuk antar telor, ntar supir ngangur ga ada kerjaan, this is means , i already postpone my task.
the unexpected afternoon, where another old water pump, sudah bergerak lambat, perencanaan pergantian pompa baru harus di pikiran karna satu biji ( pompa air niagara warna hijo dengan rpm 2700 / 4 Hp )itu mahal lerrr uda naik harga lagi.
ok perencanaan sudah ada di kepala, tapi besok mingu bebek , mana ada yg kerja, hehe terpaksa deh hari senin.
good good, kesimpulan nya aku hari ini sibuk tak menentu.
tapi ada bagus nya juga , akhirnya hari ini tukang AC dateng juga, tapi dokter hewan yg janji datang jam 5 uda Fang fei kei, berani kali dia tidak tepat janji sama aku (emang loe sapa bego , itu DRH , elu cuman orang biasa , da deh diem diem aja)
ok deh diem diem aja enjoy aja sabtu malam lu.
ei nanti malam lu mo ke mana ?
December 07, 2006

klo lu liat ini , lu mikir nya apa

Roti Bakar Bandung
Kalo Hujan
ini kota pekan baru klo hujan ada dua pilihan
yg pertama banjir - yg banjir nga ada pic nya. soalnya klo banjir biasa macet. ga nampak pemandangan
yg kedua jalanan jadi bersih heo hoe hoe
December 06, 2006
got prove- (dun complaint me hehe)
block the road everyday ....hehe spent more times in the car , listen to the radio and bla bla bla

ore no ai, hoi hoi makan texas ah ?
December 05, 2006
Random morning Mee

dont drink your milk if you had this spicy mee. You are ready for work ,b oring class , quiz, exam Presentation and may be assignment.
Miss the gathering and dont worry, i still get to try it he he he..
cut the crap. So the last sunday menu was "miso ayam" makannya pake kerupuk pedes... uihhh enak deh
ore no ai , hihi besok aku minum lagi obat pahit nya
December 04, 2006
for the very 1st
Cheers to Welly boy ( -- welcome to the new stage of life , where all the patience and kindness in your heart grow stronger each day , coz what is happen , is something for you to learn --) HAPPY bday to you welly
sep's new blog she just migrate, but she left all the previous blog at the friendster bus station. hehe
WELCOME cieeeek.... shalala pom pom shalala pom pom ♬♫♪♩( borrowed from ah-do cheerleader group) ciek at first i though that your blogspot going to be "punchthegg" sounds cruel to me but its better than "frythechicken"
Very special thanks to dad, for giving me all the Hope , all the knowledge . (i should stop talkback , complaints) i believe dad support me where when and what ever i do. love ya.
Well, gotta go sleepin, b4 i'll end up late in the morning and rush for everything.
oh ya one more, andi wu buy new mac, wah wah wah. can pinjam boh ?? hehe to eveyone, hari ini harus semangat, jgn lemes lemes
ore no ai, besok jgn lupa minum air banyak2
December 03, 2006
ARGGHhhh not gonna waste my sunday no more, im gonna enjoy the sunday night now, Bye bye , go go go
lebih baik pigi enjoy malam ini , dr pada besok ngoceh ngoceh di kantor... bakaa...
ore no ai, glad to know that you are fine now.
December 01, 2006
Lenggang - Lenggang
Its True , leave all the fun behind and do your stuff, and make sure you have fun when the "fun time" is set to be On.
drive your car to the farm , tired then you stop for a break , sleepy then you wash your face, bored then you listen to the radio. and dont simply snap pic while you driving. coz its dangerous.
Pic : Show off some pic , On the way to the farm, Its hot , takes 1 hours jika tidak ngebut , i pass this road everyday. (Not so clear kind of pic, sorry, cheap camera phone)

You , Your smile and everything
Welcome december
The past looked so fake , And my feeling is half empty.
But now when i Look at the sky, I close my eyes and wish you the best.
I love your smile today and everyday.
No doubt, and its very clear, its You.
Maybe i cant see you on friday, but i'll learn to trust you each day.
I looked through your eyes, and you pacify my heart.
Bla Bla Bla .. many more ..
ore no ai , Gambateh ya
November 29, 2006
Lemes lemes
Never give up oput, your problem (only for you, no matter you happy or not)
Solve it and you know that you'll never regret.
Postpone it and you know, i'll beat your ass to the ground.
Get real , stop all that kind of that junks that makes you slow and lemes lemes.
Guess what? , i'll never stop saying this to myself, and i've been slacking all around will all the rubbish that related to da job and which is not. (i keep it all just for me, haha no one else - coz i dont really bitch around about my job, except those ppl who once followed me to work)
Back Home and refresh your self. Hey Hey. you can have fun once in a while , why dont you have fun. hehe
Today is another example for me, "what happen? if you are not focus "
1st. You forgot to take the change from the pompa minyak guy, luckly that guy is "ho lang" he gave back the 20.000 to you
2nd. you sleep in the office while waiting for the electric guy who never shows up. (heee dun blame me, im really sleepy)
3rd. Dad review all your job problem and he had to take over some of the task that you cant do (lazy lazy lazy boy)
i ll stop, masi banyak lagi , malu malu ....
November 28, 2006
Mules Mules
then afternoon you had this wan tan mee outside and back home you eat again - home cooked food for your lunch
abis tu sore sore lu makan telur satu biji.
continue at nite makan nasi goreng nenas and the desert rujak dan biskuit jagung.
di jamin anda akan sakit peruttt.....
ore no ai, will see u tomorow
Happy convocation
26th November 2005 (last year) is my convocation day. pass all the hard fun time in college and move on.
no more books, notes, assignment, pretty lecturer, cool lecturer , ugly lecturer, "potato" lecturer , project and ofcourse no more cool clean college swimming pool and water polo no more
well, hard time with working life (no comments no complaints), keep complaining and you will forget your goals , you will ruin everything. be cool but not too cool
stop slacking..... Gambateh oput
ore no ai , alwasys you and i know
November 26, 2006
November 25, 2006
The Danger

Ho Ha he
Sudah satu minggu haihhh
ore no ai, will see you tonite , saturday nite
November 19, 2006
The way
The way i see , The way i feel , the way i love , The way i hate , except the way i eat.
Totally different , am i mutating into some kind of particular gorilla ??
!!! do, i cant find other monkey like you always post on the msn... hehe
ore no ai, there ain't no one else
Lets Review Saturday
No matter how much i hate the condition, i already decide that my saturday gonna be fun.
im still reapeating the same words, even i know that the job is not fun and its ruin my sunday. but i already take this path from the begining. hehe
ok uda boleh stop pura pura pretending.
saturday is not fun except SATURDAY NIGHT (hehe i keep it for me)
Dinamo yg tiba tiba terbakar dan bearing yg tiba tiba pecah - this is not the first time , and its not gonna be the last.
sekarang, ayam ayam akan terlambat minum, karena pompa air nya sementara tidak berfungsi, dan makanan para ayam ayam akan di cukup2kan sehingga mesin hammer mil bego itu selesai di perbaiki hari senen. Kesian deh lu ayam ayam.
Well , still so much with the broken stuff, still so much patience in me, so dun worry.
Nidji - Bila Aku Jatuh Cinta
Bila aku jatuh cinta
aku mendengar nyanyian
1000 dewa dewi cinta
menggema dunia
bila aku jatuh cinta
aku melihat matahari
kan datang padaku
dan memelukku dengan sayang
bila aku jatuh cinta
aku melihat sang bulan
kan datang padaku
dan menemani aku
melewati dinginnya mimpi
melewati dinginnya mimpi
bila aku jatuh cinta… jatuh cinta
bersama dirimu
peluk aku…dan ciumlah aku
November 17, 2006
What day izit
This saturday gotta be filled with lot of fun.
Will start with the stupid new water pump, hope you water pump are "new" means , strong and unbeatable, Tomorow is only the water pump installation task. takes time and take lot of sweat.
it tooks 3 days, since im not pro
And bla bla bla with the work stuff
The Saturday nite will be so much fun, i guarantee you oput
Ore no ai , you're my rollin memory
November 15, 2006
15th Nov Movie time
Ring welly 1st
Me: oi budak awak nak nonton tak ?
welly Boy : ok aman tuu, u beli ticket
Me : seep watch go go go

Misi penting James Bond "007" kali ini membawanya kepada Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen), seorang bankir yang menjadi teroris. Untuk menghentikannya dan masuk ke dalam jaringan teroris, Bond harus mengalahkan Le Chiffre dalam permainan poker dengan taruhan tinggi di Casino Royale. Rencana Bond terganggu saat seorang pejabat Bendahara Inggris yang cantik, Vesper Lynd (Eva Green), ditugaskan untuk mengantarkan uang taruhan dan mengawasi uang pemerintah tersebut. Namun, Bond dan Vesper harus melawan rentetan serangan maut Le Chiffre dan pengikutnya, satu demi satu aksi tersebut membawa mereka ke dalam bahaya dan membuahkan ikatan yang mengubah hidup Bond selama-lamanya
Dalam menonton dengan welly the boy kali ini, telah di sadari DONT
beli popcorn yg asin > makes you "chui ta" > drink alot > Go Toliet > Miss part of the moviee
heehee that is what happen b4 at the jackie chan movie, but not now hehe
This is must watch movie, Rp 20.000 for 2 and half hours (bo sik pun lee)
ore no ai, you makes me smile
November 14, 2006
Complete mad day "m'aidez"
So meet this guy in the gym place, he tried to be friendly by asking question , so i answer him. and he is actually a police , still 24 but, rich type of police, he is the police that used to jaga lalu lintas.
police : hi, brapa umur nya ?
me : 22 neh bang. klo abang
police : 24 , wah bagus ya badan nya.
me : haha nga lah bang.
police : he suddenly open my shirt with his F!@#* dirty hand. then he said latihan perut lah
me: dalam hati , gile bener neh polisi, buka buka baju liat perut orang , are you mad gay cant get a pair (i go away as fast as possible
after half hour, im still lifting those 3 KG barbell. Suddenly the police come again and said to me " itu cewe yang angkat "im smiling, (dalam hati) ini polisi beneran gila lah.
Next, finally he headed downstairs , he is going back home (thx god), b4 he went downstairs, he said to me " mati lampu , mati lampu.. hehe eskalator nya nga jalan ,and he laugh like its so funny" that guy are nutz , tangga nya berkeramik kaya gitu , ga ada mesin lagi.
Lebih pusing nya lagi , orang kaya gitu bisa di terima jadi polisi
ARHGGGHGHGHGHG , my complete mad day
My Yello Fun Fins
ARGHHHHH TODAY , even nothin went wrong , but still counted as bad day.
This few months till now, the bird flu issue is getting hot and hotter (Hope nothing happen this year). Huh pop ask me not to touch the chicken, so im shaking my leg all around , slacking (hey you guys should try it, its fun you know)
Sat down inside office, phau teh-manis, listen to mp3 , No internet. Do some boring admin job in the farm office, Finally be-ta-han , i cant just sit my ass there, its too bored. so i decide to walk.
One of the supervisor take leave, he'll be take leave for a week. I also wanttttttttttt alot alot of things, holiday, increase in salary triple time, so can khai lui like mad , and the last one, i wantttt to swimmmmm ...
Heee. too bored. too much with the bird flu stuff, and i still cant see what local government do till now. so worry , anxious. bleh bleh bleh. i almost mad liao these few days
I need to swim with my fins. I need it so much , even it looks old, loss grip , but still the best My yello Fun fins

ore no ai, The trust that i build
that is what happen when you try those second-hand monitor.
aRGHHH !&*(&($&)(!%^!_* _!$(!)&%!)*#$*!@#@!^#&(!
November 12, 2006
Andi` says: tau jing
(Those 2 young guys are bad and rough)
But. that is true, weekend is over and its another monday. (arrggghhh baru satu tahun kerja, uda complen complen)
What you duing sunday?
Sunday was fun
Working Time:
Pagi pagi uda bagi telor, apa nya yg fun ...
Working in Chick Farm ok loh
The Buyer fang fei kei, Din come, say Want to negotiate the price of fertilizer
The Food supplier from Medan , terlambattt >> klo hari senin nga dateng awas de lu
Get Bran sample, But havent check the quality even the supervisor say it was good
Get My Daily Production report
Break Time:
The dogs are cute
Visit another town , Minas Ok loh
The Nasi bungkus enakkkkk leee "sambal lado" dabao earlier
The Teh manis sweetzzz
Fall asleep
Near To Back Home Time:
Afternoon rain was big
Night Time:
The Movie(Rob B Hood) with "tenaga muda boy" was great
Back Home and welcome Monday
Ore no ai, maybe im wrong about me
WoHoooo To Sunday Morning
Try to remember, put your eyes infront, when you are driving, dont you tell me that you going to enter the tyre into another new big hole again. im gonna slap you for sure, if you do. Last week you already damage the car, if dad ask you for responsible, dont think that your one month salary cukup just for the repairation.
Its Sunday Morning, Wohooooooo, Everyone enjoy the sunday, and you too. Mandi mandi mandi > go farm go farm go farm
and, whats the plan next, as yesternite you seems so paiseh to go out with friends for a free movie, Dad already allowed ya. Friend already inviting ya. do you think next time friend gonna invite you again ? haha
oput replied "Yeah, im so so so regret, for being plin plan. Want and dont wanna go. ARGGGHHH its Free movie lehhh and its jackie chan. why i missed itttt, ORhhhhh i think i will force welly and gunawan to watch with me" Hooooo laaaaaa mandi laaaaaa
November 11, 2006
Its Hot and Spicy
Can you look little closer >> Its Hot and Spicy <<
So as it is the Horror movie, There will a time in the movie where the "thing" suddenly Pop out, the blood, the shadow bla bla bla . Its sure make you scared, But If you eat the "hot and spicy Noodle" and the "thing" pop out at the same time. YOu will like " Ohoookkk... Hekkkkkk... heokkkkk..." , and all your keyboard and monitor will taste the noodle like you do. And even worse if the Noddle coming out directly from your nose.
So i recommend Oput to try THIS :

Makes sure you try Those Big Toblerone of Switzerland , and Milo from Malaysia will do good, The Milo , Its up to you, Hot Cold or langsung.
Any one visit Swiss, can Dabao me Toblerone and others food stuffed with milk chocholate, honey , raisin, bla bla bla ... Slrrrrpppp
ore no ai , i wanna know you
Welcome Soccer
we came late, no one to blame, reli hard to find a shoe with the size of 43. Argghhh.... but finally get the shoe at 5.15, while the game start at 5.oo, teng and go. My cousin , my bro and me , finally reach at 5.40, get the chance to "ceng" with another player. He he He. fun lee, after some time never play soccer, now im back.
Try to run as a defense , and always get left behind by the opposite player, aihh run so slow leee. its fun, but never as fun as water polo . . . haha
So this is the saturday nite, try to enjoy as much as possible, coz sunday morning i will get a free ticket for a Hotchick vacation.
ore no ai , you'll be here by tomorow right ?
November 10, 2006
The Soccer
Its been to long, i hardly find friends who love to swim, hard leeee...
hmm so i guess . lets try the soccer like the old days in Methodish high School ... have to buy soccer shoes tomorow , Ho ho ...
have a good night oput, Just take care
Back Part 1 - LSS celebration 2004

Feel Like meltin
anyone ? anyone ? accompany me , I miss swimming so bad. Hmmm.. swimming alone - feel wierd leeehh..
heeee everyone like "TGIF" , 7 days a week , i only wait for Sunday , sunday is the best. bit relax even i need to go to da farm, But still much relax than weekdays.
Feel like melting really happen , when all real hot chick are gathering at the Gym place...
November 09, 2006
What they Said about Boss
Say something about boss, will ya ?
Its Just right below the boss's time machine >> they said about boss <<
Ore no ai, i've learn enough to know
Farm Life i
Hopefully the blower for the Food mixer and the hammer mill will still work well. (phiuuuhhh) lega dehh, dan tentu nya pompa air nya lancar2 juga.
Hopefully My head still can tampung those chicken farm business . still got alot alot to learn.
Well this is my path (no worry). But to say honestly to you guys or gals who Not yet start your real work life (find something You like , you love to work with, Choose your quality of life, coz in this life we got Freedom , Put aside the big salary that you will get from your boss , we are all educated " no matter where you put me , i believe, i still manage to make money, hahaha" > say this to yourself, motivate yourself.
Ore no ai , Im hoping
November 08, 2006
One of my Wed

This is the full Whole Wed. And its really tiring , wake up lil bit late, but not late to work (mean, i rush every mandi and brush teeth time). Put on my working shoe (my working shoe its like a sports shoe, its very protective to me), panasin mesin mobil , Get My "big aqua" refilled. Do what ever daily operational stuff , and im ready to Farm , to see those hot chick being remove to another Hotel.
The next thing on my mind is the breakfast, i had this "biskuit jagung" in the car , dan makan sampe belepotan di mobil, cilaka. (3 bungkus biskuit jagung - sangat tidak cukup sekali)
Well, arrived at farm , 9.00AM still early , check on what exactly the workers are duing , I cant stand the work, we are so much fall behind from :The cages renovation ,Machine service ,Fertilizer or chicken shit control,Vacination finally arrived. Thx DRH zalpidal,HammerMill services,New Formula for the chick,Water Pump service...,Ordering the Bran , Tepung udang , tepung sayur , tepung daging , bla bla bla ...
Eeeeee so much more , cant name it all, But After the observation, the 2 supervisors are really really tidak cukup, i ve been requesting another extra experienced supervisor from Boss, hope boss respond to it soon, since there are more hot chick will check in to the farm hotel next 2 weeks. heee
Good afternood Boss
stop with the "work Crap" , Driving alone, lunch alone, But nasi padang was greattt... Hmm... continue with my Lunch break, try to find the nearest mini mart , Gotcha "gogo" sat and drank alone. so my whole lunch is completely alone.
Well time flies and Start working soon after the clock turn to 1, making sure the daily activity are fine. (Orhh, walking around, made me black , smell , and sweat - that is part of my job - no worry haha) , lets put aside the Job, The 9 dogs there are just so cute, they are little , but they are strong when they gather.
Good evening Boss
Finally, the clock moved again, and its 4.35 PM, went back home , catch a little traffic, manage to arrive home at 5 sumtin..
Well The Night time is the great dinner (look at number 3). and the Jco Coffee with sis was great.
GOOD nite
ore no ai , wish wish glad glad to see you , even it is not Thursday ...
Fall Behind
Every morning there's a halo hangin from the corner (try to listen to this sugar ray song)
Its too early for me for me , my morning is fall behind and i know im late, Tidur yg sangat tidak nyenyak, ternyata , bantal dan selimut jatuh ke lantai (it happens every time)
My 2 friends at Singapore already in their office , and me still in very very sleepy attire ...

Ahhh.... mandiiii , i need to go to the farm earlier, they move the little chicken to the bigger cage , hope can catch up with the time , Yoshh... and hopefully i got a time to catch up A movie with welly today . ho ho .. ..
Ore no ai , I miss you even more
November 07, 2006
Gomen says: gw pengen ke pku nihhh says: ketemu ama gorilla yg nimpa gw di air
That day was 27th June 2004, 2wo years ago. we had this open water polo games at Negeri sembilan - paroi. we are separated to Team A and B , those fat and slow like me are in the Team B haha... but some are really good in swimming
well lets get started . ASG stand for ariadi sastra gunawan, I guess i need to appologise to ya, He he , sorry leh, i din know that another gorilla is warming up there. i just fall down behind, and hit you , sorry Hey but at least you make the wonderfull back hand shoot rite.
Here some of the pic for you guys to view... andi we didn win, but we get those free t-shirt haha , we are like mad collecting those free t-shirt haha
ore no ai , Just Miss you
Wh4t A d4y

ore no ai, i believe in you
Tues Noon
Gym Gym Gym ... , Hmm honestly
(arghh About Being honest, It remind me back to the Methodist High School , its just because of being honest, i almost got into a fight with this boy in my class- nicholas if not mistaken the name, but i definitely can still remember his face)
Back to the point, Honestly we all (the 2 gym friends and i) feel regret to move, and me personally cant do much lifting with the injured shoulder, arrhhhh (kok gue mo pindah yaaaa..) duh duh duh. its ok lah.. wait for next month : ) makanya lain kali mikir mikir dulu.
Andi Wu , Im darnn agree with ya , our working life is totally different from what we had in mind before (we cant get precisely what we had in mind. BUT don be sad , i do believe that, in this life , we need alot alot of good crap to learn. and for all what we had been complaining > Its "Experience" just for us, teaching us how to be a better man , patient man and what ever good man it is for each day. That is what we holdin up till now.

Ore no ai, will you ?
The Story
Hey AJ, see i show off your "spiderman holding on utraman egg" , Kind of proud actually, this is what i called the eggcelent piece of work.

But i heard the egg is broke , gone be gone , But hey (you still can get the pic from my blog, he he he)
AJ's Table, is the most full of stuff in the office, He got this so called "Miniaturize HELLBOY" Its so cool till i want to curi from him but , I cant , im so "gan dong" when he bought us this Bunch of nasi lemak from pasar malam , the CHEAP CHEAP FOOD , and another special kueytiao for kiansing , and then i had to rush my self to eat it soon after my water polo training back in college.
The story goes And we all Move on
November 06, 2006
What's wrong With This P.I.G ?
It is what It is
I wish i can join the body combat that andi. alwasy mentioned in his blog . But that type of sport its not yet available here.
i guess i have to find those tak pakai lagi coarse bag / gunny bag and fill it with paper or sand, and i will use it for a punch but this is not the stuff like Do will always punch, this is not pineapple.
An apple a day will keep the doctor away ( Robert will not agree bout this for sure, hehe) but it is not enough if it is just one apple for me.
Today after sometimes, finally i get my haircut done, its simply because of shampoo habis, hair getting longer and longer , and its is not nice to have a long hair while i need to deal with the hot weather , smelly hot chick. (its not that long for you ppl who always get airconed room, but it is long for me)

Borrow me Please ...
And that anger feeling comes with this Bad version of imaginaton or " what the worse that could happen" if We are out of control.
But, I just believe that , for every problem there are solution, But Not all solution are the best.
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oput control you self, from that unbrain people which is worse than a dogg.
Hint : Unbrain people = Dogg

Ok, lets review of what happen, You doggs are buying eggs from the farm , Its OK, But Please pay a proper price. Its been 3 (three) Months .
We have count the total lost, approximately Rp 700.000 rupiah EACH MONTH . AND that is only for 1 (one) dogg buying. and they never pay a proper price.
Total of the doggs which is still in one family are around 5 doggs buying as they like
So 3 Month Total Of overall Calculation of lost are :
( 3(months) X 700000(rupiah) ) X 5(doggs) = RP 10.500.000 or ( USD 1166)
The supervisor , he cant do anything , He feel so stress as well, He and his family live in the area where the doggs family is around that area, he is being threathen for more than once , he scared that doggs will do an undesirable thing to them.
Some one can i borrow your sniper ?
Sure Late Monday

November 05, 2006
One Mad Season

Just for the moment, i think sunday is cool , even i've complete all the task today, But Still questioning, izit all the bad luck is all around me , or its just me
lets put the blame to oput, Yesterday the goyang2 tyre its already fixed, and why today you din see the big hole b4 u enter the parking lot >" PLEASE this is Indo " the big hole at the parking area , its no one fault, its your stupid ass who din use your eyes to see clearly. OHHHh the infront left Tyre enter the hole freely, Haihh luckly the parking guy and some local ppl come and help (thx guys) , FInally the tyre out from the big hole , BUT NOW THE Tyre seems to be goyang2 AGAIN and another additional funny voice.... haihhh had a bad day. I think tomorow will go to "Sejahtera ban" again
: ( IM
: ( SO
: ( SAD
Super Sunday

Sunday morning start with maggie mee, beli di pasar bawah , murah nia , rp 1000/pack.
Supernatural season one episode 6, the previous episode > bloddy mary > scared me to hell , so i decide to watch the next episode in the morning
No break Today, I need to catch up with the Undone stuff of chicken farm yesterday.
Nja ne
November 04, 2006
The Farm Life

Let me put a little crap about the particular chick farm with manual system with me inside.
Its So smelly till you want to spit when you reach the front gate.
Its So Not Right, since you lokap all the chick, its like prison for them.
Its So lack of skilled supervisor, Im so bored giving all the motivation everytime.
Its So lack Of Human Resource.
Its So Full Of those unbrain people who keep coming and take everything they want.
Its so Need of Spit , when you look at those unbrain ppl face.
Its So police when they walk in and All they need is the monthly fee.
Im so need to go for a gym, build a strong arm, incase The unbrain ppl dare to touch me, im not gonna let them Go. " Ya will try the rock bottom Moron"
But all i gotta do ,do my best for the next 3 years. And i believe that all the experience that im holdin up till then, it is all from the chick farm.
My My Third Movie...

Its been along time since i never watch the movie in the cinema, Previously the dua movie i watch , its nice But ELECTRICITY BEING CUT OUT SUDDENLY , EVERYONE ARE SHOUTING LIKE MAD MAD MAD DOGG, The Movie "THE KONG" And those uneducated DOgg still shouting .... Orhhh.... So i decided not to watch at d cinemax for somestimes.
But today , this boy (who love anime fried rice) MSG me
wellyzuka :"puputzuka, mo nonton nga"
Wellyzuka :"OK de mandi , tar lu jemput gua OK"
Me :"OKde , Cya later wellyzuka sensei "
SO SO SO , Finally we arrived and
Date : Sat, 04-Nov
Time: 18:15
Row : E seat : 12
Price: Rp 20.000
Electricity status : just fine, nga ada mati lampuuu hehe
Its a nice movie anyway, and still wellyzuka still shake his leg inside , and i almost WWF him inside there, You are lucky Boy Wellyzuka , watch Out , If its not because im enjoying my popcorn and "your popcorn" ... arggghh u r just lucky... hehe

Survived from buying new hard disk and thau thia .
Juz because of the stupid Hard Disk is full of those film, too full , now there are SMART FAILURE DETECTED in the hard drive, and scared me to hell like the Hard drive crash, im gonna lost all my movie, my picture, my all games, please BACK UP ALL YOUR FILE...
Bleh Bleh... lucky, Now No Problem He he he but The windows cant start as normal as b4.
But, Hey Oput, dun be sad OK. she is just fine OK, try the defragmantation
Happy Bday My friend, Wish you lot more happy and Be Good. And Im sorry bout the Dry Leaves, I cant find one at the farm, Its Raining season, Most of the dry leaves are Broken, but if the weather are just warm, I ll find one for ya. Nja Ne
Pecel Lele
Me n Chen : Kami pesan Teh manis dingin (we want Teh-O-Ice two glass)
Waiter : Apa ? (pardon me)
Me n Chen : Kami pesan Teh manis dingin
Waiter : ohh okok
Chen n Me : saya order Ikan lele goreng , temen saya ayam goreng , nasi uduk 2 ya
Cook : ok
After 5 minutes
Waiter : teh manis dingin nya satu aja kan?
Me : duaaaaaa (yiiii dudut juga ya>> dalam hati)
Cook : Pake nasi uduk ya ?
Chen : Ia pak ,Ia pak , IA PAK.....
The New Gym Place
The Equiptment OLD OLD OLD Equiptment , kek na harus beli sarung tangan neh ... baru sekali gym, tangan kasar langsung. besok ke toko 5000 deh...
November 03, 2006

Very new... Very new to me of course
The BamBamboo island, its just pop out from my head, maybe if one day i own one private island, the name will be Bambamboo island. so any one who stuck in that island, they can easily make their own raft if they decide to leave the island and maybe if they decide to stay there, they can build this bamboo hotel of course with a bamboo floor inside.
ohh ya... when they want to catch a fish or crap for a dinner, they can use the sharp bamboo to hunt the fish.
Ok i should stop dreaming, b4 all the craps tumpah2...
Note : the pic above are during the survivor camp by the adventure club @ pulau kapas