Well, let me introduce you to my 2 new mouse , i named them as FM = free mouse i got it form chen (my roomate , my cousin) , he worked at bank, so kind of.... ohh how to say > lot of free stuff in my room. ato apakah ini hanya sekedar penyogokan (he..he..he.. bad mind) ada coklat smarties lagi... gimana nga kesogok
the day before yesterday .30th Jan , Tuned up the radio , and im ready to the chickfarm my self, Well ass usual , 30th Jan , all workers likes to show off how well they work infront of me, "try to kiss ass" action, and me as usual , a quick snap and sit in the office and do some stupid admin stuff, while realizing that 1st of February is a happy day of my workers life. Gajian booo

1st February . Everyone like so so happy, lu bayar utang lu, gw bayar utang gw. kita kumpul duit beli henpon baru euyyy... (that kind of workers do exist, they spend salary for phone credit , bayar hutang , and malming - malam mingguan n bayar hutang warung)
stop with the workers. back to me. im not happy when it comes to the payment day. i need to count, count, count carefully - (dr pada tekor sendiri)
stop with the workers. back to me. im not happy when it comes to the payment day. i need to count, count, count carefully - (dr pada tekor sendiri)
1st day of the month meaning... my wallet is open free for the internet bill and phone bill ,and i did my hair cut finally (gw uda potong rambut , biar kepala nga gitu berat) and i did stop for gym, its already 3 or 4 months i think. The price for gym payment is increase. i dont think i suppose to pay that expensive to do my sports, so i stop ~~~ next 11 month is 2008 ~~~ time do flies like bird ...
ciek... klo jadi boss nga pusing. yg pusing anak buah nya yg hitung duit nya n delivery duit dengan penuh was was... hehe.. duitnya harus di sembunyiin betul n rute perjalanan harus pake jalan lain. dr pada di ekorin orang.. hoho
hoho Go for alternative sports which you can do. Basketball, badminton, swim and so on. Even a jog around your backyard will do.
Boss tiap hari gajian pasti puciiinkkkk...deh... kekekek At lest u have learnt some management there.
bener ndi at least we learn some management.
sekarang kerja susah. buat kedepan klo mo buat sesuatu harus buat yg mantap. terkontrol punya. pokonya planning oraganizing leading controlling deh......
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