Gonna need more time.
some how, i did intentionally disregard partial of my job, i refused to think about it day by day. Its no longer beneficial in term of Money (even its still the largest advantage in experience, believe me i almost touch everything little bit and i put a lot of stress inside but i keep on learning. Its a good practice for you guys especially fresh graduate to jump into chicken farm before you go for your real goal - hahaa not recommended)
Dreaming is my first checkpoint, before planning for another good and profitable business. and ofcourse keep on dreaming will do me no good. I need to move on , and yes im sad and scrambled. but always thanks to my family , do , ciek , bet , andi and of course you ore no ai for everything , for the support. you guys free me from sinking, i should give you a kiss and a big big hug ...
''You see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say 'Why not?'
-George Bernard Shaw
=D cheers!
Dont be too hard on yourself put. Sometimes all you need might be the courage. Sit down and do the planning and risk analysis for next move (dont forget to consult with parents too). you have worked so hard so far. I think one year experince is enough d. Might be not. But well, when you start new thing , you will keep learning too. of course it will be risky, butn ew thing/job *might be* = better environment + what you love to do :) . You have all our support.
p.s : ku juga lagi bernasib buruk. Mari sama sama gambate
Ewww.. puuhleease, don't kiss me and hug me. ekeek
This is our journey to an adulthood and it takes time and proper planning. We are now at a stepping stone, to step up further to a corporate ladder and be a CEO one day. kekekeke
Do : keep on dreaming will need to move with planning organizing and so on. and dreaming why not. we all likes to dream hehe..
ciek : emang deh kita harus sama sama gambateh.
every new thing will come 1 package of new problems. but at least the problem is still manageable. hehe
gambateh ya ciek... u and i and everyone harus tabah deh
andi wu: if you not going to let me kiss you ,i ll ask joni's help hehe. oi bener man... hidup mana ada yg mudah. maka dari itulah untuk mengurangi tekanan. kita semua ber blogging ria. supaya perasaan dan curahan hati dapat di dengar oleh teman teman sekitar... haha...
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