Back to Blog, im back from nowhere~~!!
The shoulder getting loose, but The treatment today makes everything looks fine.
The stress at works , I finally get used to it and searching for a better solution. less complaning , feel just fine.
Its the breakfast for tomorow morning and Its Friday and A friend will come from singapore "ariadi" . ex classmate , ex waterpolo mate , ex swimmate... bla bla bla
hardly get my eyes off from the choc blues, (never ever put your breakfast in your room again)

So heres the plan for tomorow. as usual its the early office hours , then will go and find ariadi soon after his plane arrive , Big Lucnh (a means , eat till we are full) , and finally he can follow me to Chicken farm till noon. (what a great plan) - (rencanya yg nga 100 percent berjalan)
1 comment:
salah tulis title tuh put.....seharusnya ariadi laughed setelah ditimpa babi air @ paroi. :P
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