Cant believe it . i can write a SH** out of it.
begging for a cool monday ~~~ rejected , It wasso hot and im getting dark fore sure. Im so smelly form 11 Am to 5 pm ... playing with black bello is one of my fav now.
ohh ya.
ohh ya , Here's the dangerous spot. the Small Pos Station can kaause a big damage to your wallet.
so its simple , just follow the rules
1. Never Cross when the Traffic light is RED OR YELLOW , coz they will give hundred reason that you are so wrong and you are so gonna take your money out of your wallet.
By driving fast when the Traffic light is Red is dumb action, but some people think it was cool and the police think it is a good charity
2. never Put your phone near to your ear , coz that is a good money for them as well. answering the phone while driving is dangerous to us, and good chance for the police.
3. never put your middle finger to them. coz they watch movie so much like we do, so they know the meaning as well.
end of story

Happy bday mum
hahahah....daripada polisi elo kasih duit, medingan dikasih permen aja....
Terus kalo ditangkep polisi pas elo lagi pake HP di mobil, bilang aja, kan bisnis pak, biar kalo ditangkep bapak, ada duit buat bayar bapak. hahahhahaha.....
klo polisi tuh mo ngerti....hahaha
thx for the comment mr ariadi sg
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