Distributed by S&B FOODS INC.
18-6, Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho,
Chuo-ku , Tokyo 103-0026, Japan.
this Golden Curry , excellent when served ocer grilled or sauteed cubed beef and rice. Also good with roasted chicken or boiled shrimp. If you prefer, simply add any of the following ingredients :
noodles , mashed potatoes , tacos, hot dog, or use a dipping sauce for potato and tortilla chips.
whay you need to do ..
remove the pouch from boz,place unopened pouch directly into a pot of boiling water, boil unconvered for 3-5 mins
carefully remove the pouch , gunting and siram ke nasi..jadi deh... sila makan... haha
its medium hot and well its not so hot after all. lack of chilis...

well its taste nice. but dont eat too much. coz its popout form the pouch , and we all now. fresh food is better than something inside the pouch. coz no one can tell anything what happen inside... and what happen when you boil the pouch. ... no one knows..
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