GO AWAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from something to zerothing..... been working from november 2005 till now october 2008 , so its almost 3 years. and congratulation you've got nothing till now.
i can still remember the chicken farm , the bad guy , the good guy , the hardworking guy . and i dont really want to be inside all of this. form the previous dream ... i still prefer a simple one. working with a company and dont really need to think all those business headache. and dont want to be here .... , yes its a nice country but , i have my choice and the way i live this life.
and its just the dream that i cant reach. chicken farm is close january 2007 , end of story and
now begin with the palm oil plantation , look simple , but really need to interact with ppl , start form smart , medium smart till unbrain type of ppl. maybe other find this is so simple and easy to do. but not me. im stuck for a year, all related to workers. nad maybe its just the system we use. the system where we as the owner need to make the head of workers happy and facing the same side with us. and how is that. its start with the facility , and the most important thing is MONEY , you dont really want to interact with workers 1 by 1. its possible for you and it is SO possible for the workers to run with your money and your stuff.
so now. im thinkin on giving some extra income for the supervisor and let him have the money as long as i can make this plantaion run smooth. ofcourse there are some calculation needed.
its already a year and workers problem still the crucial one. wish that this workers problem will be over and everything going to be just fine.
im fail, but its the progress. so if you think that im so stupid , or so uncapable of doing the right things. (yes you are right.)
as we can see now the economic crisis. and so scared that the 1998 tragedy happen again. wish that it wont happen again. wish that our president will take care of this problem.
Put, sabar yah..running the whole plantation sure is hard work, those who says it's easy has never been there. Especially dealing with workers o__O! Hopefully things pick up soon
YEAH ciek , i will do it. hehe. thx ya... hihi...
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