problems with workers will come and never stop..
an example. in my place , rp 2.000.000 to rp 3.000.000 / month considered as a high pay for the excavator operator. when you get this type of payment . means u have the skill and i know you can work. and i know you will work for me with that kind of pay. ( in my place , the govenrment set the lowest pay to be around 1.000.000)
so lets start with the problem of this particular worker and maybe other workers as well.
this guy just start working for his 1st 5 days , and ask for a rise his salary.
the other guy always think that with his salary , its so not enough , while he knows that he spend 300.000 to 450.000 rupiah just for smoking.
and the the other guy , keep on comparing his salary with others who just work (10 days packet of work) for a boss and thats it, while he knows he work forever as long as he always responsible.
they tend to forget to fulfill the 3 basic need..
ok enough..
i think if they change the way they spend money and the way they do some good long term investment. they will be fine.
This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
March 31, 2009
March 29, 2009
Why I Fail my Business ?
I find it hard for me to have a good start , good mind on 1 project 1 tactics and 1 goals
this is what happen to me . and this is why i fail my business.
first , i have this big imagination on the good result without thinkin of the process that i mus go through. , so certainly , i ll feel " ohh this bisnis is so great, look at that guy, he earn so much dollars and bla bla bla. " . and then i rush duing it without a good PLANNING. i do things without system , i do it as i like , no consistency , and ofcourse at this stage , i'll fail easily and give up on half way.
next, when i start realize why i fail, then i start planning. and then a lot of idea coming in. feels like im so fresh , because lot of good idea and all the advantages makes me feels so right about this. but you know what , it takes so much of my time of all the ideas, and i cant do it all in one. I MUST choose 1 best opportunity , 1 strategy and focus to that business , When i felt that this biz is going well and upgraded to the maximum level. then only i can start thinkin of other business and start planning for a new one.
maybe its not just me, but most of ppl will feel "OHHH , THIS IS SO HARD" , all you must do is , take a deep breath and start analyze your business opportunity , use the Ishikawa diagram (or fishbone diagram or also cause-and-effect diagram ) , DO your SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, dan threats) , and when you already sure , please do start with full confidence, failing is just nothing when you put your heart in duing your business.
Most ppl will say , stop talking start doing. this is so true when you already have all the information , stop saying " i will do it at a later time" ypu can always start by refering to your planned schedule , or by looking at your organizer in your PDA.
im the type of person that lazy to ask question , this is the big mistake . ppl are equal to information , no matter what , no matter where , please use the google search engine . it will help you to find your answer.
Give up is banned here, dont give up . dont get scared or you ll be just the person who watch other ppl enjoy his dollars and success. find your way to make others to watch you enjoy your dollars.
hopefully, you guys will share your problem too , so we all can be a better person and better business man.
this is what happen to me . and this is why i fail my business.
first , i have this big imagination on the good result without thinkin of the process that i mus go through. , so certainly , i ll feel " ohh this bisnis is so great, look at that guy, he earn so much dollars and bla bla bla. " . and then i rush duing it without a good PLANNING. i do things without system , i do it as i like , no consistency , and ofcourse at this stage , i'll fail easily and give up on half way.
next, when i start realize why i fail, then i start planning. and then a lot of idea coming in. feels like im so fresh , because lot of good idea and all the advantages makes me feels so right about this. but you know what , it takes so much of my time of all the ideas, and i cant do it all in one. I MUST choose 1 best opportunity , 1 strategy and focus to that business , When i felt that this biz is going well and upgraded to the maximum level. then only i can start thinkin of other business and start planning for a new one.
maybe its not just me, but most of ppl will feel "OHHH , THIS IS SO HARD" , all you must do is , take a deep breath and start analyze your business opportunity , use the Ishikawa diagram (or fishbone diagram or also cause-and-effect diagram ) , DO your SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, dan threats) , and when you already sure , please do start with full confidence, failing is just nothing when you put your heart in duing your business.
Most ppl will say , stop talking start doing. this is so true when you already have all the information , stop saying " i will do it at a later time" ypu can always start by refering to your planned schedule , or by looking at your organizer in your PDA.
im the type of person that lazy to ask question , this is the big mistake . ppl are equal to information , no matter what , no matter where , please use the google search engine . it will help you to find your answer.
Give up is banned here, dont give up . dont get scared or you ll be just the person who watch other ppl enjoy his dollars and success. find your way to make others to watch you enjoy your dollars.
hopefully, you guys will share your problem too , so we all can be a better person and better business man.
March 24, 2009
March 21, 2009
casio Exlim
March 18, 2009
Thank you.itsumo arigatou , honto arigatou

im so happy today ..... its because of sep and do . thank you arigato for the motivation ciek.... you guys makes me stay on the track , a little word from you guys . means so much for getting stronger now.
and bet ........ almost forget you...
gambateh everyone.
should go japan one day. ciek , tanya yuri , go japan nice boh... haha... pasti nice lah ya..
source of pic :
stop plagiarism
March 17, 2009
this is not exactly a story, but today i suppose to go to the areal. but i have to cancel it and i decide to do my account book and will report it later.
the operator suppose to wait for the hydraulic pump that already fix yesterday and locate it back to the position so the machine could work normal. . but bad news happen. i heard that yesterday night , some one has taken his kid and run away form home . so yesterday night he is crying all the way and this so sad.
hopefully nothing happen to him and his kid.
hmmm..... this type of things do affect my job.... and then i have to re-plan for my scedule. haha and one of it . i have little time to blog now. haha... its time to lunch... see ya
the operator suppose to wait for the hydraulic pump that already fix yesterday and locate it back to the position so the machine could work normal. . but bad news happen. i heard that yesterday night , some one has taken his kid and run away form home . so yesterday night he is crying all the way and this so sad.
hopefully nothing happen to him and his kid.
hmmm..... this type of things do affect my job.... and then i have to re-plan for my scedule. haha and one of it . i have little time to blog now. haha... its time to lunch... see ya
problems with work

a little bit confuse of my this little problem. the question is WHY ??? and inside. i really think that this is not fair. this small areal of palm oil plantation. have no income at all for the first 3 or 4 years. so this is a little bit hard to understand. what is inside the ppl mind , they just asking ( regarding money , protection money and so on)
i still remember the guy name "huta****" and a police "won**". we need to pay him money , its like proection money , is not that we are so scared of them, but just to makes sure that everything goes well.. but at least he must show some protection as well. let say , come and walk around ask for condition . instead of being there just to take the damm monthly payment. so for 3 or 4 years my friend. we have to pay the damm guy and the damm police,
just multyply ur self, and no good news but the bad news is , its not only 2 of them. still got i think about 3 that try to do that..
so , to tell you that this is not about complainin. but , this type off ppl is there and alive.
haha, they showed no shame at all. they got children and wive. pretty sure that if their wife or kid knows, then may be as a man and the head of family , they should really stop doing that..
just for fun , its just some story to share. i already get used to this type of stuff.
got to do my account book 1st. heeee... pretty sleepy , but the american gladiator show is so great...
but a little bit sad with this country condition. i think i must agree with a candidate that, giving free education. because all kids deserve an education and knowledge, not just because they are poor then they cannot go to the school and deserve a better education like anyone else that is capable. so i think . to swap all the bastard is to give an better eduation to the young one.
March 15, 2009
i just finished my lunch , home made bakpao. taste so good. already ate 3 of it. im so full and so fat.
what can i say, unexpected things happen. the radiator pump iz not working at all. which result the machine become so hot and , no other choice but to stop working, besides that, one of the hose pipe is broke again. better than taking risk. so i had to cancel my trip to the areal today. what can i do with this. i have no precise time to work. and most of the time i need to cancel some plan. today si sunday. so i have to deal with it on monday. all off this stuff makes me look slow in duing my things... haihssss.... hehe
stop with working stuff. i just found out my kindengarden group photos. hehe.... some of the friends, i can still remember . but what i know is, that time. im the most naughty and alwasy fight with prasudi... haha
what can i say, unexpected things happen. the radiator pump iz not working at all. which result the machine become so hot and , no other choice but to stop working, besides that, one of the hose pipe is broke again. better than taking risk. so i had to cancel my trip to the areal today. what can i do with this. i have no precise time to work. and most of the time i need to cancel some plan. today si sunday. so i have to deal with it on monday. all off this stuff makes me look slow in duing my things... haihssss.... hehe
stop with working stuff. i just found out my kindengarden group photos. hehe.... some of the friends, i can still remember . but what i know is, that time. im the most naughty and alwasy fight with prasudi... haha
work today
So tired today , so the second hand excavator , komatsu pc100 start working yesterday , its friday , and the supervisor incharge said that the operator should operate the excavator that day. any day is good to start doing something for the first time. except saturday. , i dont know what it means . but its some kind of culture to follow for them.
well. raining did stop us for couple of hours. and then only at 4 we can start operating the excavator. yeah... feel good about it.
and then somehting expected happen , one of the hose pipe is totally disable. cannot be used anymore. so my supervisor anyhow, send the sample of the hose pipe to me and then the next morning that is today, saturday. i went to "matrix" , this is where all tipe of hose pipe can be build with less time.
meet the boss, he is good guy. so i wish, things will go smooth with this excavator, well its not a big deal actually, but this is my first time. i should be excited to do all this things. even i know that this excavator is second hand, lot of hose pipe that will need to be change, if its suddenly broken.
wish is just another wish. what i need is more than wish , what i need is i will have the spirit everyday to do things that maybe i dont like , maybe i dont have choice, but still i must do it. haha. and the most important is the thing that i really want to do.
well. raining did stop us for couple of hours. and then only at 4 we can start operating the excavator. yeah... feel good about it.
and then somehting expected happen , one of the hose pipe is totally disable. cannot be used anymore. so my supervisor anyhow, send the sample of the hose pipe to me and then the next morning that is today, saturday. i went to "matrix" , this is where all tipe of hose pipe can be build with less time.
meet the boss, he is good guy. so i wish, things will go smooth with this excavator, well its not a big deal actually, but this is my first time. i should be excited to do all this things. even i know that this excavator is second hand, lot of hose pipe that will need to be change, if its suddenly broken.
wish is just another wish. what i need is more than wish , what i need is i will have the spirit everyday to do things that maybe i dont like , maybe i dont have choice, but still i must do it. haha. and the most important is the thing that i really want to do.
March 14, 2009
mimpi penyu
mimpi yang aneh... betul betul aneh. di mulai dari mimpi yang selalu menganggu dalam tidur.... seperti ada yang menekan kepala ini. sehingga kepala dan badan terasa berat. haha tapi gpp de da biasa...
sementara di sambung mimpi ke dua tadi malam, hmm menaiki bus persiaran pegi ke sebuah pantai, ada jembatan.... banyak orang hav fun, air jernih mirip seperti di redang islan...
tapi setelah itu yang lebih aneh adalah bermimpi di kejar oleh penyu di pantai itu . penyu nya ada 2 ekor. yang satu gede yang satu agak menengah.... wahhh. di sana gitu banyak orang. kenapa gw aja yang di kejar.... penyu pertama medium. dia kejar pun aku masi bisa lari. tapi dia lebih hebat lagi bisa terbang.... hoho...
setelah selesai di kejar penyu pertama. di kejar lagi penyu ke dua. yang lebih besar..... hajap de...
mungkin maksud dari semua ini...
penyu yang begitu lamban aja bisa mao lari untuk mengejar sesuatu... hoho jadi aku pun harus lebih bersemangat donk. mengejar impian... haha gambateh oput..... (mimpi yang di buat cerita untuk menyenangkan dan memotivasi diri sendiri, haha)
March 13, 2009
dog = bad guy
dog = bad guy
lil bit mess today.... hari hari yang agak kacau 2 hari ini....
di mulai dari supir yang sot sot, kerja yang ter-stop karena hujan . dan sparepart alat berat yang rusak di hari pertama. maklum aja. bekas di baru baru in jadi nya gitu de. tapi ya namanya save cost.
keadaan financial tidak begitu bagus. hutang bertambah banyak. pusing. sementara orang yang berhutang tidak membayar hutang dengan alasan sudah lama bla bla bla tidak bisa di hitung.... andai saja dia mao pakai otak dia buat berpikir. mungkin masalah tidak akan jadi sedemikian rupa deh.
well , i went to chicken farm the other day. and reminds me with all the bad stuff going on last time. i hate the "dog" and some police. they just behave so bad.... ohh geramnya... feel like leaving this type of life and have better options...
and well i cant run from this situation, this is the way over there. . i realize that , those ppl have no shame at all. they keep asking money and they also dont really know the meaning of police or the public officer. yah mungkin saja korupsi yang terlalu banyak sehingga gaji mereka pun tak cukup.... (aihhh kenapa aku meleter tentang hal tak berguna ini) heeeee
dan bukan saja hari ini. hari semalam juga. kelihatannya supir ku sudah sot sot. super sot sot... kadang di pikir mungkin pin pin bo ato mungkin dia lagi have problems juga with his financial...
haih... hari semalam. di jalan yang lumayan bergelombang. kok bannya bisa masuk paritt... haihhh terpuruk... pas pulang ada lubang gede di lewatin juga...
hiks.. kapak2 mobil ku yang baru di perbaiki di sejahtera ban... bunyi2 sikit lagi.. kepala ini hampir mampet di buat nya. trus gas mobil juga genjot2. nga stabil.padahal sebelum ini dia tidak pernah begitu punya..
blom lagi hari ini... terpuruk dua kali... yang tak perlu terpuruk harusnya nga terpuruk donk.. hehe
haihhh.. sudah lama nga blog.. hhoho
March 08, 2009
bodoh ato nga sih ?
apakah kamu bodoh atau tidak bodoh atau kamu terlalu pintar sehingga setiap kali emosi kamu meluap2 terus oput.....?
hmmm bagaima ya menjawab ini. tidak tau bagaimana memulai juga. dan tidak tau apa yang harus di lakukan juga. serasa merasa seperti orang paling tidak berguna yang tidak terlalu pintar dan tidak tau membaca situasi. ya mendekati bodoh lah.....
hahahaha.. hari ini cuaca terlalu panas. panas nya terlalu menyengat. makanya otak pun bisa buntu.
hmmm bagaima ya menjawab ini. tidak tau bagaimana memulai juga. dan tidak tau apa yang harus di lakukan juga. serasa merasa seperti orang paling tidak berguna yang tidak terlalu pintar dan tidak tau membaca situasi. ya mendekati bodoh lah.....
hahahaha.. hari ini cuaca terlalu panas. panas nya terlalu menyengat. makanya otak pun bisa buntu.
THank you dear
Love, I Might not know deeply about love , if its not you. no one gave me the "kind" of love that u gave.
love from you isnt just the happy moment together or hard moment together.
but being with you , i felt the change to be a better person each day.
with a tiny tought of u , is everything that will bring a warmth and smile to my day.
lv u
love from you isnt just the happy moment together or hard moment together.
but being with you , i felt the change to be a better person each day.
with a tiny tought of u , is everything that will bring a warmth and smile to my day.
lv u
March 07, 2009
hari ini aku di tipu sama timbangan... haihhh... memang deh...pagi pagi bangun , mata masi kabur2 , uda langsung menimbang berat badan.. wahhhh terkejut shiok sendiri... 83 leh.. wah da turun 2 kilo donk klo gitu.
tapi gr gr 2 kilo turun ini , aku makan nya tambah banyak.... haihhh.. blom lagi cc traktir makan malam... wahhh.... mereka nga makan abis pula.... jadi aku yang abisin hehe....
sekarang 85 kembali lagi..... haioooo.....
tapi gr gr 2 kilo turun ini , aku makan nya tambah banyak.... haihhh.. blom lagi cc traktir makan malam... wahhh.... mereka nga makan abis pula.... jadi aku yang abisin hehe....
sekarang 85 kembali lagi..... haioooo.....
finally.. i get my 1st ever side income from teaching swimming to my 3 cute students. gloria , gaby , and kelvin. bit hard to teach.. but being with them , playing with them every end of the session is the best , i just forget about all my problems and stress... hehe...
its not the same like my previous part time job as teaching 1st and 2nd grade student. much more different.
its not the same like my previous part time job as teaching 1st and 2nd grade student. much more different.
March 05, 2009
rasain deh lu..
aihhhhh.. sepertinya tahun ini untuk tikus tidak begitu ok lah.....
hari ini main futsal begitu asik juga sih. tadinya sebelum pegi sih pengen pegi beli sepatu futsal dulu. jadi main nya pun enak.
tapi ternyata otot paha ketarik dan kaki di tendang orang.. aihhh terkilir deh... untung nga gitu parah sih.. tapi tetep aja sakit banget... sepertinya terkilir sendi lari uda kebal deh.. sakit tapi bisa ditahan. haha
tapi ini bukan gr gr tikus , tapi karena tidak pemanasan plus ga pake sepatu...
hari ini main futsal begitu asik juga sih. tadinya sebelum pegi sih pengen pegi beli sepatu futsal dulu. jadi main nya pun enak.
tapi ternyata otot paha ketarik dan kaki di tendang orang.. aihhh terkilir deh... untung nga gitu parah sih.. tapi tetep aja sakit banget... sepertinya terkilir sendi lari uda kebal deh.. sakit tapi bisa ditahan. haha
tapi ini bukan gr gr tikus , tapi karena tidak pemanasan plus ga pake sepatu...
March 04, 2009
Swim with me
setelah sekian lama malam pagi siang sore malam lagi , memang terasa kalau badan ini fit , segala sesuatu yang di lakukan pun lebih penuh dalam arti kata. kita merasa selesa melakukannya.
dalam hal ini yang saya maksudkan adalah badan sehat dan fit itu jauh lebih baik ketimbang cantik kurus tapi tidak fit. buat ini itu sebentar aja sudah cape deee..
Jadi saya merasa cardio fitness adalah sesuatu yang popular untuk memacu kesehatan dan membuat and fit sekaligus menurunkan berat badan anda secara perlahan. tapi ini tentu saja harus di imbangin dengan asupan gizi yang seimbang sehat dan bergizi.
jadi gendut dan fit itu lebih bagus dari pada kurus tapi tidak fit. ya sekarang saya merasa fit tapi emang sih saya gendut , haha.
anda punya uang , badan tidak fit > pergi pijat massage , rasa lega itu datang sebentar dan pergi pun sebentar, berbeda jika anda punya badan yang fit. rasakan sensasi berbeda dengan berolah raga yang teratur sejak dini. dalam 2 bulan latihan yang rutin anda akan semakin fit.
tentu salah satu cara untuk fit selain aerobix, tread mil , bla bla bla adalah berenang . memperkuat nafas anda dan untuk anak anak bahkan akan memperkuat nafsu makan bagi anak yang nga doyan makan.
dalam hal ini yang saya maksudkan adalah badan sehat dan fit itu jauh lebih baik ketimbang cantik kurus tapi tidak fit. buat ini itu sebentar aja sudah cape deee..
Jadi saya merasa cardio fitness adalah sesuatu yang popular untuk memacu kesehatan dan membuat and fit sekaligus menurunkan berat badan anda secara perlahan. tapi ini tentu saja harus di imbangin dengan asupan gizi yang seimbang sehat dan bergizi.
jadi gendut dan fit itu lebih bagus dari pada kurus tapi tidak fit. ya sekarang saya merasa fit tapi emang sih saya gendut , haha.
anda punya uang , badan tidak fit > pergi pijat massage , rasa lega itu datang sebentar dan pergi pun sebentar, berbeda jika anda punya badan yang fit. rasakan sensasi berbeda dengan berolah raga yang teratur sejak dini. dalam 2 bulan latihan yang rutin anda akan semakin fit.
tentu salah satu cara untuk fit selain aerobix, tread mil , bla bla bla adalah berenang . memperkuat nafas anda dan untuk anak anak bahkan akan memperkuat nafsu makan bagi anak yang nga doyan makan.
Note : The Pics below are not the fat but fit or the thin but unfit . its just pictures
uda 2009 sekarang... ya ia 5 tahun yang lalu kurus. sekarang uda kaya drum....
We are the one pack group .... we loss, but school still paid us Rm10 a day for the competition
March 03, 2009
i think. its the best for me to stay up late and doing nothing. (no good) SHOW me THE money , its startcraft , love to play the game , love it so much. well show me the money , its the cheat , your mineral is full , you can build any thing u want . ok enuff with starcraft. dengar2 starcraft kedua bakal keluar juga.
last year , i had a plan to buy a new laptop , and the good news , till now , i havent got one. THat is my problem ,and last year also, i bought a lot of Handphone magz , thinkin of changing a new Hand Phone. coz this HP IPAQ 6515, hang all the time , shortlife of battery , no manna at all , hmm.. its already 3 years. thinkin of selling it. but sayang leee..... shop want to buy below 900.000 (sounds so big. but its rupiah).... heee... but now i hope this IPAQ "thia ua" i allow you to hang only 2 times a day.
And another thing is this fujitsu c ceries life book , pentium 3 processors 845Mhz , 256 MB of memory.. still good. but planning of selling this fujitsu , heee. berharap bisa dapat anak murid renang setelah jual ini laptop... (out of point)
THIS IS 10 years old laptop , ofcourse, its lifebook...
The Double choc cookies from subway its better that the IPAQ there... HangPDAphone
ive got this teaching swimming for money fever. but any way , i ve got to postpone to buy all off that stuff . heee its not the right time...
things start to ruin when the mutual fund start to fall and fall... my money gone , ohh reksa dana ... naiklah naiklah...
anyway bet ciek. got things to tell you , you know yolanda , dokter juga leee.... kok temen temen kita banyak yang jadi dokter ya ciek. bet is one of them. bet makes sure u become a good doctor. and remember to give us ur discount card or maybe "free medical check up coupon" haha
last year , i had a plan to buy a new laptop , and the good news , till now , i havent got one. THat is my problem ,and last year also, i bought a lot of Handphone magz , thinkin of changing a new Hand Phone. coz this HP IPAQ 6515, hang all the time , shortlife of battery , no manna at all , hmm.. its already 3 years. thinkin of selling it. but sayang leee..... shop want to buy below 900.000 (sounds so big. but its rupiah).... heee... but now i hope this IPAQ "thia ua" i allow you to hang only 2 times a day.
And another thing is this fujitsu c ceries life book , pentium 3 processors 845Mhz , 256 MB of memory.. still good. but planning of selling this fujitsu , heee. berharap bisa dapat anak murid renang setelah jual ini laptop... (out of point)

ive got this teaching swimming for money fever. but any way , i ve got to postpone to buy all off that stuff . heee its not the right time...
things start to ruin when the mutual fund start to fall and fall... my money gone , ohh reksa dana ... naiklah naiklah...
anyway bet ciek. got things to tell you , you know yolanda , dokter juga leee.... kok temen temen kita banyak yang jadi dokter ya ciek. bet is one of them. bet makes sure u become a good doctor. and remember to give us ur discount card or maybe "free medical check up coupon" haha
March 02, 2009
Saatnya anak anda untuk belajar renang
marilah berenang
ya bisa diakatakan sendiri. saya belajar renang sejak dini. dan hasilnya saya tidak takut air dan tidak takut berenang. saya bisa mengukur kemampuan saya dan tenaga yang saya miliki untuk menempuh suatu jarak renang yang lumayan jauh. ketika kaki saya cramp, saya dapat mengerakakn tubuh hingga ke posisi dimana saya tetap dapat berenang dengan hanya tangan saja.
sangat sayang jika kita ke pantai yang air nya bersih dan kita hanya bisa berdiri dan melihat dari atas kapal. sensasi yang di rasakan adalah sangat berbeda.
menikmati snorkling tidak dapat hanya mengandalkan life jacket and so on. anda harus bisa bergerak bebas di air. sesuai dengan keinginan anda .
jadi waktu yang sangat tepat untuk anak belajar renang adalah usia 4 tahun. atau boleh mendekati 4 tahun. ini adalah masa masa emas kepada anak. usia 4 tahun anak sudah mempunyai daya serap yang cepat untuk beradaptasi dengan air.
namanya juga anak umur 4 tahun. suka lari kiri lari kanan. dan sudah tentu itu berarti perkembangan otot dan rasa ingin tahu bertambah berkembang, dengan begitu percayalah beberapa kali session saja anda dapat melihat perkembangan yang terjadi. memang perkembangan awal terlihat. tapi tidak lah mudah untuk membuat anak kecil berenang seperti ikan dalam waktu yang singkat.
pelajaran awal yang akan di ajarkan adalah bagaimana supaya anak tidak takut dengan air. caranya ialah dengan memberikan contoh seperti mencelupkan seluruh badan termasuk ke kepala dan menghembuskan nafas keluar ketika berada di dalam air dan lalu naik kemudian mengambil nafas dengan mulut , bukan hidung.
setelah anak tidak lagi takut dengan air. ajarkan gerakan kaki kodok atau pun gerakan bebas.
setelah gerakan kaki mereka benar. berikan lah kick board . ajarkan mereka mengunakan kick board dan dengan kaki menendang sesuai dengan gaya kodok. tahap ini kita harus memegang anak ini. karena mereka belum terlalu bisa mengapung ato pun floating di air.
Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menguasai gerakan dasar ini setidak nya membutuhkan waktu 1 tahun dengan sesi latihan sekitar 2 kali seminggu. cepat nya anak anda dapat berenang dan menguasai hal hal yang lain tergantung kesungguhan anak, daya tangkap, kemampuan fisik, dan kemauan menjalankan instruksi.
contacts : pipin suryadi - 0819 2727-1688 (pekanbaru) lets get started with a splash.
tEACH Swimming , affordable price , flexible time and place
ya bisa diakatakan sendiri. saya belajar renang sejak dini. dan hasilnya saya tidak takut air dan tidak takut berenang. saya bisa mengukur kemampuan saya dan tenaga yang saya miliki untuk menempuh suatu jarak renang yang lumayan jauh. ketika kaki saya cramp, saya dapat mengerakakn tubuh hingga ke posisi dimana saya tetap dapat berenang dengan hanya tangan saja.
sangat sayang jika kita ke pantai yang air nya bersih dan kita hanya bisa berdiri dan melihat dari atas kapal. sensasi yang di rasakan adalah sangat berbeda.
menikmati snorkling tidak dapat hanya mengandalkan life jacket and so on. anda harus bisa bergerak bebas di air. sesuai dengan keinginan anda .
jadi waktu yang sangat tepat untuk anak belajar renang adalah usia 4 tahun. atau boleh mendekati 4 tahun. ini adalah masa masa emas kepada anak. usia 4 tahun anak sudah mempunyai daya serap yang cepat untuk beradaptasi dengan air.
namanya juga anak umur 4 tahun. suka lari kiri lari kanan. dan sudah tentu itu berarti perkembangan otot dan rasa ingin tahu bertambah berkembang, dengan begitu percayalah beberapa kali session saja anda dapat melihat perkembangan yang terjadi. memang perkembangan awal terlihat. tapi tidak lah mudah untuk membuat anak kecil berenang seperti ikan dalam waktu yang singkat.
pelajaran awal yang akan di ajarkan adalah bagaimana supaya anak tidak takut dengan air. caranya ialah dengan memberikan contoh seperti mencelupkan seluruh badan termasuk ke kepala dan menghembuskan nafas keluar ketika berada di dalam air dan lalu naik kemudian mengambil nafas dengan mulut , bukan hidung.
setelah anak tidak lagi takut dengan air. ajarkan gerakan kaki kodok atau pun gerakan bebas.
setelah gerakan kaki mereka benar. berikan lah kick board . ajarkan mereka mengunakan kick board dan dengan kaki menendang sesuai dengan gaya kodok. tahap ini kita harus memegang anak ini. karena mereka belum terlalu bisa mengapung ato pun floating di air.
Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menguasai gerakan dasar ini setidak nya membutuhkan waktu 1 tahun dengan sesi latihan sekitar 2 kali seminggu. cepat nya anak anda dapat berenang dan menguasai hal hal yang lain tergantung kesungguhan anak, daya tangkap, kemampuan fisik, dan kemauan menjalankan instruksi.
contacts : pipin suryadi - 0819 2727-1688 (pekanbaru) lets get started with a splash.
March 01, 2009
somewhere somewhere
cepatnyaa.... 10 bulan lagi sudah tahun 2010.... tidak terasa.... heee pikiran ini selalu berandai2... tapi sebaiknya tidak berandai2 terlalu jauh.
hari minggu yang lumayan menarik nih buat hari ini. sempat makan bubur di pasar sago , and ngajar renang , klo ngajar renang. masalah keciknya itu adalah anak anak nya takut untuk celupin kepala nya ke air. dan suka keluyuran ke mana mana. jadi lumayan susah juga ngajar nya. dan tentu aja perkembangan nya cuman sedikitttt aja. yah gpp lah asal mama nya merasa anak nya ada kemajuan n mao di ajarin terus... heheheh... (jenis orang yang membutuh kan side income so bad)
hari minggu sebaiknya jangan di isi dengan felem berdebar2... rasanya tidak sanggup untuk melihat (tapi ini cowo loh... casing luarnya harus kelihatan macho donk... ) hehe...
hari ini pertandingan chris jon melawan rocky juarez.... sungguh pertandingan yang (two thumb up) even it had to be a draw. its a very very good fight this morning....
hari ini seharusnya tidak tidur siang terlalu lama, haihhh telah mengakibatkan lemes dan kepala ini agak melayang2.... hehe.... mungkin kurang minum air kali ya....
heeee.... monday sudah menunggu , harus gambateh.....
hehe.. ok everyone gambateh.......add oil..
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