what can i say, unexpected things happen. the radiator pump iz not working at all. which result the machine become so hot and , no other choice but to stop working, besides that, one of the hose pipe is broke again. better than taking risk. so i had to cancel my trip to the areal today. what can i do with this. i have no precise time to work. and most of the time i need to cancel some plan. today si sunday. so i have to deal with it on monday. all off this stuff makes me look slow in duing my things... haihssss.... hehe
stop with working stuff. i just found out my kindengarden group photos. hehe.... some of the friends, i can still remember . but what i know is, that time. im the most naughty and alwasy fight with prasudi... haha
Why didnt I have this picture!?!! hahaha! I saw you put! and myself too!!! :D Bet not here?
i think no robert lah.... hehe... he is out there somewhere that time... haha klo ada fotonya bakal gw snap lagi deh hehe
i'm not there for sure. LOL >_<
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