a little bit confuse of my this little problem. the question is WHY ??? and inside. i really think that this is not fair. this small areal of palm oil plantation. have no income at all for the first 3 or 4 years. so this is a little bit hard to understand. what is inside the ppl mind , they just asking ( regarding money , protection money and so on)
i still remember the guy name "huta****" and a police "won**". we need to pay him money , its like proection money , is not that we are so scared of them, but just to makes sure that everything goes well.. but at least he must show some protection as well. let say , come and walk around ask for condition . instead of being there just to take the damm monthly payment. so for 3 or 4 years my friend. we have to pay the damm guy and the damm police,
just multyply ur self, and no good news but the bad news is , its not only 2 of them. still got i think about 3 that try to do that..
so , to tell you that this is not about complainin. but , this type off ppl is there and alive.
haha, they showed no shame at all. they got children and wive. pretty sure that if their wife or kid knows, then may be as a man and the head of family , they should really stop doing that..
just for fun , its just some story to share. i already get used to this type of stuff.
got to do my account book 1st. heeee... pretty sleepy , but the american gladiator show is so great...
but a little bit sad with this country condition. i think i must agree with a candidate that, giving free education. because all kids deserve an education and knowledge, not just because they are poor then they cannot go to the school and deserve a better education like anyone else that is capable. so i think . to swap all the bastard is to give an better eduation to the young one.
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