just for the tips for you guys who love bbq, we can always use the aluminium foil to cover the fish. and then bbq , or we can presto the fish , cover with aluminuim foil and dont forget to put ur favourite ingredients inside and then BBQ , ohhh when you presto , you dont have to worry about the bone. everything is eatable now. so none is waste.
The Rice > nasi bakar . well its not actually a BBq rice . but the inside is nasi lemak , with daun semanggi , sedikit daun ubi and ikan teri , and petai (smelly but healthy). everything is just perfect when the rice is wrap with banana leave / daun pisang , and then BBQ . whooo now , you should eat when its still warm...
TAHU GORENG AND TEMPE GORENG . this is where we find protein nabati, untuk makan tempe and tahu kita harus dan wajib cocol dengan cabe nya... hohoho ato sebagian orang memilih cocol dengan kecap manis. hahahahaha....
Next stop , The BBq Chicken . This is where Kecap manis is used . turn turn turn and bbq bbq with a normal heat untill the inside chicken is cooked properly and served... if im "bondan winarno from wisata kuliner " i would say ... magnyusss.... top markotop
Last stop , AYAM penyet / so called hmmmm... hmmm... dunno what to say . this chicken is a fried chicken at first , tapi , setelah itu ayam ini di gencet dengan tenaga sedang yang membuat daging2nya kelihatan penyet . tentulah sekarang kelihatan celah2 di ayam ayam. nah untuk pelengkapnya , bagian yang kelihatan celah2 itu di taburin bumbu cabe ...... its hot and phiuhhhhhh
Finally bet after two and half year , you back from uk haha
and you still robert, by the way, next time i see u , i should call you dr. robert hehehehe.. any way bet . im so sorry of what happen in kindergarden ... aihhh i tot . i was buliying sep only. din know that you kena alsooo haha . sorry bet sorry bet... hehe

Finally bet after two and half year , you back from uk haha
anyway gud luck with the last final Test OK . hehehe another dinner ok . hehe...
ciek... , i have request form you , hehe.. can u give me those precious nasi ayam recipe.... bet said . ur nasi ayam is perfect... hahaha
jealousssssssssss jealoussssssssssssssss I am jealoussssssssssssssssssss
T__T jealous put tiap hari liat the nice food!! *iler.hehehe
bet terlalu generous in his compliment for my nasi ayam put. he was here helping with the cookig too :p
hahaha. dont worry ciek . when you back from UK , every food is waiting for you.. haha... makan makan..
bet said if he plan to open a chiken rice , then he will need your help to be his cook. hahaha...
hahhaa.. good discussion here. How bout salary of 50pds per month Sep?
huh... itu 50 pds is even lowen than UPAH MINIMUM KOTA... dunwan... hahahahha
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