early morning with a very nice weather. cool air and it will make me back to sleep in the car. i need to set up 4 continuesly alarm. well. i should say sorry to my roomate. but who cares.... as long as i can wake up at 5.30.. haha

its cool . really good weather that morning sepatu check , kaos kaki check , water check , bag . check . money check , car's fuel check , car's tire check , spare tire check , spare clothes check , big hat check , phone check , gloves check , ok.. not i have to go liaooo..

its not mine. its someone else haha arghh forget to change the camera function to snap the moving object. i mean the car is moving while i took a snap.

Its getting hot .. but the job is finished. , can u see the dogs. normally. the workers will bring the dogs while working. there are 4 dogs there. they just let the dog run chasing the car on the way to the area. and normally only 2 dogs that able to catch up. and the other 2 dogs left behind... haha . by that time , we all sweating like mad. because its sooo hoott there.... i cant tell you how hot it is. but its all worth it in the future.. lets hope so.

Time to back home , i will definetely sleep in the car again. im so so so dirty this time. i need a very very good bath a good shower and of course a nice lunch... haha
halooo,slam knal aj pin ni herdy,pin klo leh tau gmn cranya bsa krj d PT.CERES????
salam kenal juga herdy ,
sebenarnya kamu bisa search di google. but here u go .
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maybe kamu bisa kirim resume ke alamat itu . atau telpon dulu untuk lebhih jelas.
thanks ya sdh view and comment on my blog
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