This is About Love , Life , Swimming Lesson , Saving earth , food , vacation , unforgettable moments, everything we hate and every single thing we love in this earth.
August 31, 2010
Little bit of tuesday
Blurr blurr after one full week of whole reparation of komatsu , finally it work for 1 day yesterday , and today , the roller part is broken .
What is wrong with every thing ...
~~ its my "so so" tuesday ~~
Holiday is near , I'm gonna stop going to jungle . I will disappear for good (hide @ home , sent out invitation and enjoying life )
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
August 29, 2010
Nasi Padang - Sederhana @ pekanbaru Riau - INDONESIA
im proud to be indonesian and we have this very special culinary. best Ever . like the name " Nasi Padang" originally comes from Padang - Sumatera barat (West Sumatra)
August 27, 2010
Why The Sky Is Blue ?
Why ?
Anyway Its not about the road, bad introduction.
Lots of things happen now , during august . The whole body and brain being pressed down by the workers attitude , working progress and its been 2 week dealing with the komatsu.
Starting with the charge pump , pump pressure , center join seal , cylinder head , fuel injection pump , turbo , oil pump , and others part bla bla , so many other kena ...Cost like 3 ipad
I got my flat tire @ jungle too the other day , where on that day I can't find my screw driver , someone must have taken it and never put it back ...
And now the washing machine @ home too.
Haha happy broken week ..
Anyway ." Ikan bakar" pak agus( Agus'bbq fish) is on tonight with enggal and bunch of others friend . Time to promote my sofa and swimming class ...
T.G.I.F everone
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
August 26, 2010
So much Alive this month
this is all i need after my hetic work and life
today is my last day of teaching . but lets see what's going to happen next. As tomorrow , the student will go to singapore and continuing his study.
August 25, 2010
August 24, 2010
Marche Restaurants @ Vivocity Singapore
VivoCity #03-14
Singapore 098585
Tel : +6563768226
Of Weder Luege
This restaurants provide a fresh ingredients . and i can actually see the cook behind the glass while they are preparing for my plain roesti.
Love the place . hmm i never went to swiss . but i guess the condition around and the environment is so much swiss over here at vivocity singapore.
The green Cow says - Fresh , Healthy , Fast
This plain Roesti is perfect with the sour cream
Made from chooped potato ... never though that this simple food can be this delicious and the chopped potato is so smooth. i cant stop eating back then.. haha its too delicious . even i have to put more scallion (wanhan dont like scallion) ini jurus ku klo nga mao rebutan makanan sama dia - hahahha ) joke joke.
Hmmmmppppp Hold your breath oput .... (OMD i cant hold my breath . i need to eat this one as soon as i reach vivo city....)
August 23, 2010
Flower and Fly
August 22, 2010
Happy One week Swimming @ Arengka Unigarden - Pekanbaru
Comprising 65 units of villas, grand villas and bungalows with comprehensive range of facilities. 5 minutes from center of city, near by SKA Mall, Ciputra Mall, Makro, etc. Clubhouse with a nice pool, 20 meters swimming pool, tennis court, Fitness Centre, Internet broadband ready in every house, 24 hours security and cctv system.
This place sungguh mengiurkan , but there is always a price to pay . just like a sofa with fine quality.
20 Meter swimming pool with 1.5 meter deep is all i need. if i had enough money ... haha sure buy one of the house there. tapi kenyataan berkata beda . qián bù gòu yòng.
So for the next one week , im going to teach swimming here ( one week is not enough for me , i just love the swimming pool so much) . For now , i teach only 1 student . i should find more students here. this is the perfect swimming pool for me.
early morning swim today is fabulous. i can see my own shadow swimming freestyle stroke like i swim very clear . very nice even then i got a little bit sunburn. OMD i love this pool.
and now all part of my body become brown caused by the exposure to sunlight , only some part din get the chance to become brown. "you know la" part. hehe
Happy sunday everyone.
if you want to make a peace , you dont talk to your friends . You talk to your enemies
hi Komatsu here
Komatsu : My boss use me to dig out material from the ground , usually soil ( alot alot of it)
I've been working here for like ... ermmm i cant remember the year ... but 2 years ago , boss already restore me to a good condition from the damage i had.
and now , boss already use me kao kao .... working too much hours with a not very fine petrols.
im old already , changing too much air filter , oil filter , expensive nozel , bucket , dexel , pilpom , sin center join , sil bucket , sil arm , sil bom, garret turbo , Handok hydraulic pump made in korea pula tuh ...... orrrhhhh ... i need a rest , my power is dropping.
Boss : there are no rest for you !!! forever
3 days already , i stand up for you . change this change that . money time brain all for you .... if you are not starting to work my tuesday ... Heee... see what happen later...
August 21, 2010
Chop chop
The local government rules for this 1 whole month is too much liao lhaaa. I endup having dinner + lunch together :)
Anyhow the excavator is broken down again , again and again. spend too much time money and brain to settle the problem.
Chop chop , gotta shower , straight to jungle and hopefully I can make it to my swimming class at 5 , no more fang fei kei today..
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
Hot Tomato Cafe and grill 313 @ somerset
313 @ somerset
Singapore 238251
Gst Reg No : 20072335M
and my receipt numner : 00014800
table 29 with 2 guest . its me and my gil

but the Mushroom Soup is like what we all been dreaming. So smoot and Hmmppppppp i want more more and more . if can i want to have 4 bowl once.

August 20, 2010
August 19, 2010
To all Driver on Earth
August 18, 2010
Cokelat Monggo

Semar , Gareng , petruk , Bagong
Monggo chocolate is produced in Indonesia and prepared with the utmost respect for the tradition of the great master chocolatiers. The high quality and authentic taste of Monggo chocolate with its premium cocoa and pure cocoa butter makes it the first choice in taste.
Monggo chocolate is made from a fine selection of Javanese and Sumatran cocoa beans. All the Monggo products are 100% natural and most of the packagings are made of recycled paper.
Dustbin , rubbish bin , garbage can , trash can , trash tin
August 17, 2010
I see abandoned banana outside
You know what happen next
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Hongkong Kim Gary Restaurant @ VivoCity Harbourfront walk
So you still remember this Roti oput - " Ohhh man , tell you boys , i cant forget this French Toast @ Kim Gary Restaurant . first its hard for me to remember how it taste. because i just lost the concious while enjoying this French Toast. and after like 5 years finally i can had my frech toast. the first bite is everything that i can remember that day. huhhhhhh so delicious .... i cant find anything like this @ jungle here... so i have to cerish everybite that happen that day.
this is exactly the same korean noodle that i can buy here. but they add the beef , egg and other ingredients , this one taste so good too . 1 bowl of this korean noodle its not enough for me.
Next this one the same korean noodle but this one is a little bit spicy from the look. i din get to taste this one (hehe) next visit will do.
The one bite Snack (4 mini drum stick) ---- alamak ....... im hungry now.
Happy Birthday Indonesia
Happy birthday Indonesia
Keep moving forward
Never give up
Merdeka merdeka
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
August 16, 2010
What we should do to this guy ?
the clock showing 6.30 am .. late liao late liao , i had this fertilization goin on at jungle ... i have to start get going staright to the jungle , but lucky today, one of the driver is going with me and hehe i can sleep inside the car.
Anyhow , this is the month that the local government order all of the food stall to close. errr hungry go where hungry go where ......... after 5 minutes of thingkin inside the car. binggo "Pasar Sago / Pasar bawah" my fav Vegie rice
the hokkian conversation
Me : ah ii , dabao cepao pui . mai hiam hiam.
ah ii: ohh aput ah , ai khi keboh hyooo
Me : ya lho ii . Kui ce lui ah ?
Ah ii: Pek Cheng Go (8500)
Me : Wahhh khi gopak tun liao ah
Ah ii : Masi lhooo , kaliao mik kia naik harga liao
what to say what to say . all i remember all is how i get my breakfast and Big rain stop my move at 11.00 am. so this one going to be my "fooling around" day or "hehe" day
Nothing good happen with my work load . everything is not in the track . workers keep on running away and blablalalalalala...
someone : Fix it oput !!
oput: sir yes sir !!
Life Is better when its raining
Camera : Canon Ixus80IS "edogawa"
Location : ByPass road From Minas to Rumbai.
The air is so damm fresh and i even have the chance to take some picture. heehehe ^^ and suddenly life becomes better when its raining.
hey you , you are young , you still have a long way to go . so you do what you gotta do and keep moving forward. let all your worries go and start your journey with me.
August 15, 2010
Beautiful indonesia
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
August 14, 2010
Practice Makes Perfect
Practice Makes Perfect , i get this words from ariadi back then , he told me that my swimming is getting better because i practice almost everyday in a year.
The more you practice , The better you will become .
and now i have to apply "this" to my So called Sofa life (a guy who try to make a living by selling sofa) haha my own dictionary stored on my brain.
anyway , lets see whats on my sunday ???
hmmmm.....Breakfast, Buy Airplane tickets , Go jungle "enjoy" , Follow up some sofa stuff around town..... anddd errr maybe gym ?
unsorted life , No gym , look at mirror and i can see japanese wrestler.
Wanthan Mee & Teh Ping
break fast with ariadi , i order teh ping.
lunch with dafe , i order teh ping.
breakfast , lunch , dinner with wanhan , i also order teh ping.
lunch with wisan , henry , fina , wanhan . i also order teh ping.
supper with encek , nino , ariadi , ratna , amik ... i also order teh ping.
7 years a go , a friend (marlion , fernando , andi yahya (now andi wu) ) introduce me to this Teh ping @ melaka - Menara payong - Taman siantan , the same place where they sell my fav auntie chicken rice.
and the story goes on and no one (i mean no one) can take me away from my teh ping.
Tell me im crazy , but if you had a very right teh ping for your first time , you will be just like me.
Next stop , If you are hungry , Please do not look at this picture but go to food stall that sell wantan mee... haha
You can find this wantan mee @ chai chee . please stop AT kembangan , then take bus to Chai Chee techno park . cross the road and you will find this wantan mee.
this wantan mee (remember to tell the aunty " spicy" baru sedap.) the crispy wantan , and the very smooth mee with the crispy vegetable and char siew , all of this ingredients complete my Morning breakfast.
for me . every morning when ariadi finished working at 9.00 am . we have two choice of food. either chai chee nyonya food stuff or this wantan mee. 3.50 Sgd with a fried wonton.
(FYI - He worked from 9.00pm till 9.00am), its good for me . i sleep alone . klo nga , si bajai bakal buka Airconditoner + ceiling Fan level 4 ..... can you imagine . betapa dingin nya itu... brrrr
August 13, 2010
The one with Bad Thursday
Seperti Biasanya , hari itu begitu panasnya menyengat. memang beda dengan keadaan klo lagi naik Mrt , dinggin nya minta ampun , dan di sini panasnya setengah mati. belum lagi saat itu jam 2 siang.
anggota lagi panen , langsir , buka piringan. ya kegiatan berjalan biasa lah. sampai akhirnya 2 orang datang , mereka datang mengunakan motor . dan tanpa permisi mereka langsung memarkirkan motornya di depan pondok.
Rupanya anggota SPSI, uda lama sih ini bedua serin datang. tapi kali ini aja ketemu sama saya. entah saya yang sial ato mereka yg lagi beruntung.
MR.Bam biasa yang menangani urusan DUIT DUIT DUIT ini itu ke SPSI setempat. tapi ternyata Mr.Bam uda langsung suruh anggota SPSI itu mengambil duit di tempat kita dan tidak pernah sekalipun memberitahu hal ini kepada saya. mungkin dia ngambek soal soal yg kemaren.
Pertama ketemu anggota SPSI ini, ya biasa saja sih. ada dua orang , yg satu mengaku ketua , melemparkan kartu namanya kepada saya , dan yang satu uda tua kurus dan tampang nya minta di pukul. ya namanya pun aku da lupa , so lets put them as A1, A2
A1: gimana ini pak , kita sudah 2 minggu puter2 , mana uang SPSI kami.
me: pak , yg mengurus hal ini adahal Mr.bam, jadi lebih baik saya tanyakan ke dia. sambil mengambil telpon dan menelpon. tapi tidak ada yg angkat. di coba di coba dan di coba. tetep aja tidak ada yg angkat.
A1: sudah lah, Mr.Bam sudah kasi tau saya langsung ambil duitnya langsung di sini.
Me: ya nga bisa pak. karena MR.Bam belum memberitau saya apa apa. dan kalau dia tidak mengurus lagi tentu dia harusnya memberi tau hal ini kepada saya.
A1: ah sudah lah , sudah capek aku bolak balik di sini. kau pikir kau saja yang di datangi sama aku. sudah banyak yg ku datangi . itu kebun sebelah , acong sebulan bayar 500rb.
me: Ya , kita hubungi sajalah Mr.Bam . klo bisa di hubungi ya syukur , kali tidak ya tunggu lah kelian.
A2: start talking like shit. : ahh kau , aku kenal bapak kau , sini lah biar aku telpon saja. kau anak nya kan ( dengan nada kasar)
me; ia aku anak nya , tapi aku tetep aja kerja di sini, tak bisa suka suka aku keluarin duit. KITA INI KERJA ADA TANGGUNG JAWAB JUGA PAK. pokonya kita hubungi dulu Mr.Bam
A1: (sambil menunjuk2 bentak2) apa kau tak percaya sama aku. uda capek aku ke sini . bolak balik , sudah tua nya aku ini. percuma aku bohong2.
me: aku bukan tak percaya ya pak. kan uda ku kasi tau. aku HUBUNGI DULU Mr.BAm. (nada pun sudah mulai naik lagi)
A2: ah sudah lah. berapa kau mao kasi , banyak kali cerita kau. kami mau uang bulanan selama 5 bulan
me: enak kali pak. sekarang dari pada tunggu menunggu , bapak balik saja dulu. biar pulang ini saya ketemu Mr.Bam dan besok saya selesaikan semuanya kalu memang benar.
A1: ah sudah lah, sekarang saja aku hubungi
me: ya silahkan , hubungi aja kalo bisa .
A2 :( showing shit face to me)
Me : go away , the other side . i was too hot that time . scared saying something too rough later on. Im very very hot tempered that time. i might want to put a fist on their face.
here , they can hurt my feeling , but for me , i cant hurt their feeling even if i want to . I go jungle alone. sometimes go back at night alone. ... some time ppl just plan badstuff and we never know.
akhirnya mandor yg lagi puasa datang dan jelasin ke mereka mereka pun pergi. and they take no money home. but they comeback the next day. and im not there.
A&W All American Food
Back at Singapore , The first A&W store opened at Dunearn Road in Singapore in 1966 as the first fast food restaurant from the U.S.A. in that country. The chain expanded in the later years, including one at Singapore Zoo which closed in 1999. The chain's Singapore operations dwindled by the beginning of the 21st century, and by 2002 it had only 7 outlets around the island. A&W finally closed in 2005.
5 years after its closure , Singaporeans are Petitioning online via social media for the fast food outlet to re-open its outlets in Singapore
Source :
August 12, 2010
Nando's @ BUGIS - Singapore
my Fav level of hot , " Garlic Peri - Peri "
A very Long queue ( 1 hour plus)
so the birthday boy Wisan (the photographer ) and the girs ( velly wanhan fenda )
as i still can remember the last time i ate nando's chicken was november 2009 @ mahkota parade - Melaka with wanhan. the chicken felt so nice and very very much eatable.
anyhow about the first time.
after so many years eating this Half Chicken @ nando's . This is my first time sharing half chicken with other 2 girls .... hmm (arggghhhhhhhhhhhh) haha...
remember my rules " me no share food " hehe
joke joke (sorry about the picture - too busy eating chicken that time so simply took the pic)