Hot Tomato cafe & Grill
313 @ somerset
Singapore 238251
Gst Reg No : 20072335M
and my receipt numner : 00014800
table 29 with 2 guest . its me and my gil

The Mushroom Soup and the kedekut Bread... so little ... not enough for me lah... haha
but the Mushroom Soup is like what we all been dreaming. So smoot and Hmmppppppp i want more more and more . if can i want to have 4 bowl once.

Find some suitable Menu (haha actually this one i asked wanhan to took picture for me) hehe
the table and the sofa is unique , but if i was 100kg , i can fit it inside but hard for me to get out. ^^ , so we choose this round booth seating . its High and we have our privacy and we dont even notice ppl walking around. so if we are about to have a relax conversation or serious one . maybe we can do it at this round booth seating.

My Gelato (ice cream)and ofcourse my New casio Watch.. haha love both the ice cream and the watch. well for my condition i cant have too much ice cream or i will get more complaint letter from her... telling me " khame esai kak wa san liao" faster get fit before the marriage. haha. so this Gelato is just fit for me. not too much ice cream.

The SeaFood Combo . Dont worry . Semua grilled one . so it is healthy . and So delicious . I will definitely comeback to this place... haha
sekalian shopping @ uni qlo
" khame esai kak wa san liao"
LOL! wanhan ane comel eh :D
Haha semenjak kerja jadi gendut balek liao ciek ... Sibuk find money , so can buy food then photo and blog ... Haha
Haha wanhan memang chomel arr ... Haha
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