murid murid ku di malam hari . kecuali yg chubby pake baju pink. itu murid cc ku yg paling nakal.
anak anak sekarang memang nakal. apa sih salah nya jadi guru klo mengajar perkalian mengunakan calculator...
the students (cris and brian): "sir bego kali lah. kali kali aja nga tau, gimana lah sir ini".
the teacher :" eee dasar ya lu bedua berani menentang gw ya. kelian harus hapal. klo sir boleh pake kalkulator donk.... "
the teacher :" briannnnnnn kenapa kamu coret coret buku catatan sirrr... uda berani melawan ya ?"
brian : "hehehehe . hehehe (ketawa aja) nih sir aku tulis , sir punya pacar. pacar sir tampar sir muka sir merah"
i used to teach both of them . its fun. no teaching just playing all the 2 hours. but finally the mom realize and they are separated and now i only teach one student.
ohh pity them. they suppose to play after the tiring day of school and another tuition and activity... they are not stupid. but the parents just scared that they cant score...
hehe jadi guru apa lo? english and math?
jadi guru everysubject as long as i get paid. i will teach everything. its ok when i dont even know what im teaching asl long as the parents happy.... and satisfied...
mao ngajar renang gw. tapi nga ada kolam yg bagus.. hehe...
hehe nice. Pengenn jg nih.
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