April 27, 2010

Hari yg lumayan

Boleh d bilang hari ini semua bercampur campur

Udara hari ini segar , jalanan tidak berdebu , rasa adem di pagi hari bercampur dengan sinar hangat matahari. Tapi sayang negara ini gak pernah akan turun salju , andai saja bulan juni turun salju , Нªªнªª ill play snow the whole day on my birthday.


Anak2 yg selalu mengangkat jempolnya d pinggir jalan dekat luar kota. kelihatan kepanasan , pengen kasi tumpangan , tp kadang bergerombol 10org , gimana mao masukkk .. Tapi tadi cuman 6 , so masi bisa lah

Mereka baru kelas 4 sd , untuk ke sekolah kalu nga ada mobil mungkin mau kira2 ermm lebih dr 5 kilometer an deh. Belum lai jalan nya naik turun. Jadi mereka ini pulang pergi mengandalkan tumpangan mobil yg lewat . Jikalau tidak ada tumpangan , ya terpaksa jalan kaki pulang pergi berarti sekitaran 12km . Dan setelah sampai d rumah mereka harus membantu ibu bapa , kutip brondolan , angkat air , kasi makan ayam bebek kebo kambing , pupuk tanaman pisang pepaya belimbing dan yg lain juga.

Tp walau bagaimana pun mereka tetap ceria tetap senyum.
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April 25, 2010


So this is it , the check point on sunday night. I'll be out of this town by this coming friday.

Seems like my soul been reminiscing lately , about how I made a wrong choice. Is all over my head with this sticky poo routine.

Do I look like a lost guy ?

Hell yes I'm confuse, WTH is wrong ?
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April 22, 2010


Next thing to do is after I received email that suppose to be tomorrow.

Hopefully the email arrived , I put my best this time . I'm sure I will do it .

Its been sometimes since I'm living in pop shadows.

As always
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April 19, 2010

The one with sunday's chocolate and "helmet"

This chocolate is good , hehe borrowing it from my mom , not stealing it . Нªªнªª

Sunday , its just yesterday . Nothing so good about it . Barely can feel anything close to holiday.

Put put put put put , heard ppl calling my name over and over again. Do this do that do this do that . I have to skip my swimming , gym ,kai kai and find my self a pair of shoes.


Anyhow the not so weird conversation occurred between me and andi , its about helmet.

Previously , he did some research , need only 1 day to laser and your helmet gone and need 2 weeks or 336 hours to heal.

So what if you regret , how you gonna return your helmet back , no way back .

I think , bringing attached helmet everyday in your life for 25 years its enough and its time to let go.


Have a great monday ,im on my way to work place , but this time with driver , curly road , dust everywhere and don't even know what I'm duing now.
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

April 17, 2010

Yeah , i made it ....

Phiuhhh ... good news , i complete the sofa delivery just about , hmm let say 5 hours ago . yeah, received the whole set at 9.00 this morning , but start unpack and do the whole check at 1.00 . finished everything at 3.00 , means straight two hours of duing all of that. maybe it sounds slow like turtle, because im turtle.

well bad news , i hurt my right hand , feels no power at all, why the place must be on the second floor ? harrhhhhhh

another bad news , i step on nail or so called small metal spike hammered to join things together, blood coming out , setetes demi setetes . but kaki ini kulitnya tebal . so i feel nothing now . suppose to be ok hoooo .

I m really old now . i need robot to do the whole delivery things , anyone mind to be my robot ?

yep yep yep , next week im Getting ready for the second order. this one is like 180cm x 80cm , this one is like big size which i had to lift to the second floor again. why must second floor. im not sure if my lauzy hand can make it to the second floor. haihh dont worry strong man , build your muscle again . just like before. train swim train swim train swim, youll be fine. MAYBE

Buka semangat Baru

Ello Ipang Berry(st.Loco)Lala – Buka Semangat Baru

hello teman semua
ayo kita sambut, hari baru telah tiba
apa yang kurasakan, ku ingin engkau tahu
dan berbagi bersama

buka kita buka hari yang baru
sebagai semangat langkah ke depan
jadi pribadi baru
buka kita buka jalan yang baru
tebarkan senyum wajah gembira
dalam suasana baru
bukalah bukalah semangat baru
bukalah bukalah semangat baru
bukalah bukalah semangat baru

coba diam walau hanya tuk sejenak,
dengarkan kata dari s’gala yang ku ucap,
ku jelang pagi ini nikmati damai di hati,
dalam waktu penuh arti karena aku dicintai,
ku ingat kemarin suasana tak bersemangat,
namun kini ku jalani dan semua rasanya tepat,
bersama kita coba wujudkan harapan,
membuka jalan dalam ’gapai setiap tujuan.

mentari bersinar selalu
ini yang ku minta penuh semangat tertawa
bersamamu teman semua
karena ini saatnya kita nyanyi bersama

buka kita buka hari yang baru
sebagai semangat langkah ke depan
jadi pribadi baru
buka kita buka jalan yang baru
tebarkan senyum wajah gembira
damai suasana baru

dengarkan hatimu, pastikan pilihanmu
esok mentari kan datang, bawa sejuta harapan
kita jumpa di sana, berbagi bersama
dan kita tahu, pelangi yang satukan kita

Artikel Ello Ipang Berry(st.Loco)Lala – Buka Semangat Baru

Source : http://funlirik.com.


What about dream , its ok to be dreaming sometimes.

well everyone kind of expecting a perfect life , having a big house , spend over a luxury stuff , bags , cars , and even some shiny big television. But all I need is moving from one place to another , trying to sort simple life , living in a medium size place called home , dogs name jaquez , a pack of cigarette a day , a glass of coffee every morning and a good night kiss and hugs from wife (not yet married) .

And Haha having a rough work at building construction , driving a cab , work @ casino , or maybe a security guard.

This some other ppl dream I guess . Stupid dream anyway. But like no body is perfect its true but we try to do our best

Good sunday, sofa delivered n unpacking now.
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

April 15, 2010

Indomie kari ayam

Source : http://Punchthepineapple.blogspot.com

Do said : " i'm kidding, but seriously, it's one of the tastiest instant noodle on earth. i'm not saying this just because i'm Indonesian "

So agree with you do , this is the best mie on earth

an instant noodles product line made under the Indomie brand by the Indofood company, the world's largest instant noodle manufacturer, located in Indonesia. It is distributed in many countries around the world.

Available around the world

Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

April 14, 2010

Tiger show no mo

Let's check this out , now we had store selling cricket and phone credit for 24 hours , its the small kedai runcit just beside the workshop repairing the car's part . Good news for the arowana fish at home , they won't be starving anymore.
Its like the 7eleven for them


2nd day without swimming , feels like my brain is lack of oxygen now , oh boy ... I must swim today. See if I can make it . I miss the college, where the swimming pool is just 200 or 300 meter away from my hostel and no entrance fee charge. Damn nice ...

Heee I feel like an old man now , stiff shoulder , gaining weight, broken swimming cap , blurry swimming google , and un-wearable swimming trunks . Have to buy all of that sooner or later. And the biggest problem for now is that I had too many expenses , the phone bill , internet bill , the cc payment , the insurance, the plane ticket and so on.

So here's the rules for me , if you earn 50 , don't spend 55. you are earning rupiah for every month in your life .


Anyhoo the whole thing about my work here , I feel it back dog !!! I'm just feelin it . Like I'm back on track , I mean of course my brain back on tracks. Even some parts out of work makes me think harder sometimes.

Lastly , no more tiger show . Bangkok cancelled , Destination will be penang island.
Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

April 11, 2010

Saturday nite dinner

The ice cream . i din get to try this . im too full already
the pizza , love the cheese inside... wahhhh i might want to make my own cheese bread tomorow...

The meat ball . this meat ball is so fine ..

This is it . i put another kilo to my self .... welcome to the fatty world.

April 10, 2010

3 type of rings

1st engagement ring

2nd wedding ring

3rd - - - - - - ring

Fill in the blank
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Stupid like me

Akhirnya hujan juga

Akhirnya serasa kaya jaman kuliah lagi tidurnya jam 3 pagi keatas. Tapi sampai sekarang belum bisa bobo . Pdhal d kebun uda cape, uda 3 kali berhenti cuman buat cuci muka , klo nga bawa mobil oleng2 . Klo tabrakan ato senggolan susah buat itung2annya . Maklum status makan gaji plus side income pas pas an. Pulang malam paling menyebalkan , sendirian + lagu + air putih + 90 minute drive + sendirian . Membosankan

Harusnya uda bobo dr td, tp kebangun , penasaran , question mark , buntut2 nya ngeblog.

Kayanya bakal expenses lg deh , mao beli tv warna plus kambing kuping pendek buat mandor kebun . Moga2 aja bisa sebagai pemacu semangat para anggota. Kapan ya gw d beliin tv sama kambing buat.pemacu semangat ... Нªªнªª mimpi lu. Jangankan pemacu , kata2 buat semangatin lu ato perhatian buat lu pun kaga ada . Keep on dreaming deh .

Semalam baru aja beli sepatu boot 4 pasang. + parang 4 biji untuk 4 orang anggota baru. Nga taunya hari ini 4 orang itu uda lari , mandor bingung cari2 , tp gue lebih bingung lagi , baru spend sebesar 600ribu++ buat perlengkapan kerja mereka . Ternyata uda lari , mao gimana tanggung jawabin nya ya , malu , sedih senang ato masa bodo . Mao gimana kasi tau boss . Kok sering banget gw d tipu sama orang2

Nasib sial , ato bego ya , kira2 anggota yg lari tinggalin pinjaman dan kerugian selama kerja dr kandang ayam smp kebun ... Ermm haji yono dr sumsel yg dua tahun lalu ngambil ayam plus keranjang sebesar 14juta uda lari , nga mau bayar . Telp lgsung ganti nomor . Plus kerugian anggota lari di kebun . Kayanya uda mao mendekati angka 60jutaan deh .. Belom lagi dulu d kandang ayam , ternyata mandor dan kepala gudang d sogok sama tukang dedak , no wonder lah dedak jelek di bayar dgn harga kualitas bagus , alhasil ayam mencret n produksi turun . Klo semua bukan salah gw , salah sapa lagi tuh

Gimana cara tanggung jawabnya ya ... Mau bertanggung jawab tp dana pas-pasan pun uda banyak tuntutan kiri kanan... Mau ini lah mau itulah ...

Mungkin ini nih klo tukang parkir d suruh jadi pemadam kebakaran , hongsui boh cocok . ◦°◦нå◦нä◦нã◦нä◦нâ◦°◦
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April 07, 2010

Cool down

hey . come one boy , whats the hell is wrong with you . why you have so much temper lately. dont you realize that you used to be fun and foolish boy back then. take it easy , everything gonna be alright , whats is so big deal about all of this . live your life . eat your fruits , drive your car , do some swimming and you ll be ok....

April 05, 2010

Slow turtle

So now I'm like the slow turtle writing some agenda

Wake up
Do some sit up and sports
Wear big boy pants
Do some transaction

Go to the workshop beside the house and make sure the water pump + the generator set are ready for use

Do paper work and data entry @ the office , must finish everything. I mean it.. All of it , all of it

Call the guy on the field , ask him everything I want to ask. The harvest , the money , the work progress. Pop already asked me why I didn't go to the area . I'm lazy slow turtle the other month, but this is april , this is different , I can feel it , I must change

And the late delivery of sofa set , cover it up this week ...
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April 04, 2010

D Kitchen - Vege Resto & Cafe @ pekanbaru

The Front page of d kitchen . catchy and easy to remember once you saw it , the unique small green house design is nice ... if i own a resto next time , im gonna use white mushroom with a red dot , haha like mario bross.

The complete package of Bento , Remember its a vegetarian restauran , so all the look like meat you see there are artificial or imitating nature . The Chicken ketchup with vegetable with an edible bulb of a pungent smell and flavour or onion. hehe they have this fried mushroom and artificial chicken meat and fried seaweed , last but not least , salad ...

Sayur asam , since mr chen is not the fans of green vegetables , so he decide to order the sayur asam with only the corn and the soup... looks yummy , the corn are fat enough, nice

The one that looks simple is this one , cha kankung pedas , setelah semua tempat yang menyediakan cha kangkung , di d kitchen , anda harus mencobanya ... good taste and its vegetable , its healthy..

In indonesia . no way we can skip "sambal" for our breakfast lunch or dinner , its vitamin A , and more power to work on field .
but dont do this : eat chili then you swimming is not a good idea ... , you wanna know why , try it yourself .. hehehe

Gulai aceh , now they use the artificial fish (taste like a fish), tofu with special cooked curry with aceh style. this one a little bit hot and new taste to me , never had this kind of wierd curry , but this food is ok.

well this cap chai, or mix vege suppose to be a bigger bowl ... just not enough for me .. hehe

waitin for the food , chen cant stop touching his Onyx ... haha

ayam kalasan.

April 03, 2010

Early april

I ate the whole chicken the other day . I finished my pao this morning and fried kampong chicken for lunch and I had my afternoon swimming and lost some money , I failed some sales and late delivery , I watched movies and selecting vegetarian food for a dinner. Iz it a bad day , or its just another day ?

Someday i will fix my shoulder , I juz wanna visit some places and disappear . Just like that , you cant ring me , text me .. I'm just gone ...

The happy face sort of corrupted or something . Might take sometimes to fix all of this.
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