June 11, 2008

hiho hiho celebration and vacation

kembali lagi keeee laappp top.... hehe kebanyakan nonton tukul di empat mata. makhluk tuhan paling lucu ....

sorry for the lact of bloggin in this blog ( buzy , tired , no time , buzy ) lot of reason..

kembali lagi akhirnya aku ikut rutinitas gym. hehe... hari ini memang top. rendam air panas dengan para lelaki lain. kebetulan sebelah kolam air panas ada kolam air dinggin kaya air dr kulkas. jadi setelah berendam di air panas langsung rendam ke air dingin. rasanya kaki jadi kesemutan dan badan pun juga setelah di rendam. tapi setelah itu rendam air panas lagi. ya ulang lagi ulang lagi lah sampai puas...

my vacation is the best ever... 3 days macau , 2 days Hongkong , and 7 days singapore ....( photos will be attached later later and later... hehe... be patient. let me select the best pic 1st. hohoho )
i had enough dim sum , that can hold me for 1 year , not to eat dim sum , ouhhh they are cheap and very good and eatable... i ate so much...

ohhhh my bday... im the bday boy 2 hari yang lalu. hihi. pokonya ultah kali ini paling seru deh. walau tidak di rayain tapi aku dapat hadiah.. ohhhh aku suka banget sama baju , organizer ( pasti bukan 5 dollar ee. tipu ee ) and yg jelas tas nya yg begitu mempesona...hihi.. duh dapat nyanyian ulang tahun bahasa mandarin lagi... tar gw traktir ajisen ramen lagi ya... hihi ... tapi klo lu rebutan bayar kali ini .... gimana ya.. hihi

as the routine, i always wish my self. gud luck on my bday , be happy and always choose to be in a good mood everyday. and love her everyday. and to all of you who wish me happy bday. thank you very much and good luck to all of you . and to all of you who havent wish me.... pls..u know what to do.... haha ( semacam pemaksaan)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the holiday sounds fun!! :D