Never give up oput, your problem (only for you, no matter you happy or not)
Solve it and you know that you'll never regret.
Postpone it and you know, i'll beat your ass to the ground.
Get real , stop all that kind of that junks that makes you slow and lemes lemes.
Guess what? , i'll never stop saying this to myself, and i've been slacking all around will all the rubbish that related to da job and which is not. (i keep it all just for me, haha no one else - coz i dont really bitch around about my job, except those ppl who once followed me to work)
Back Home and refresh your self. Hey Hey. you can have fun once in a while , why dont you have fun. hehe
Today is another example for me, "what happen? if you are not focus "
1st. You forgot to take the change from the pompa minyak guy, luckly that guy is "ho lang" he gave back the 20.000 to you
2nd. you sleep in the office while waiting for the electric guy who never shows up. (heee dun blame me, im really sleepy)
3rd. Dad review all your job problem and he had to take over some of the task that you cant do (lazy lazy lazy boy)
i ll stop, masi banyak lagi , malu malu ....