January 14, 2009


ouchhhhh... . congratulation to ika puspa (used to call her ikan) haha selamat ya atas pernikahannya. haha perfect. selamat menempuh hidup baru.

hmmm medan > ramai dan macet , lot of leng lui , and the food is great.

about the journey on the bus its so much out of expectation , as i said bus eksekutip , the bus is not ok, NO TV , Just a buch of song and no cute girl , im so so boring inside the bus , listen to music for a while , sms , play little game and sleep. the bus leave at 830 night

i barely sleep i think i woke up at 1 o clock , eat my bread , and my rumput laut chips "lays" and then try to sleep again , then wake up at 5 , and no more sleep.

about the toilet , the toilet is ok but the driver is SO SO NOT OK , for the boys , still can make it on the way back to the toilet and try to pee , and for girls "warning" do not drink so much water, you may not want to go to the toilet, and its not recommended , Because the bus driver is crazy, the way he drive the bus.

and finaly i arrive safely at medan at 930 morning , so its the total of 13 hours inside the bus tryin to survive and selamat oput , u still got one more ticket from medan to pekan..

i stayed at this citiinn hotel , nice hotel . 300rb per night , with breakfast... hmm not bad. anyway . we have to cancel the trip to berastagi this morning , but will go shopping later ....

see u , will upload lot of picture this time .but not now ok

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