March 15, 2009

work today

So tired today , so the second hand excavator , komatsu pc100 start working yesterday , its friday , and the supervisor incharge said that the operator should operate the excavator that day. any day is good to start doing something for the first time. except saturday. , i dont know what it means . but its some kind of culture to follow for them.

well. raining did stop us for couple of hours. and then only at 4 we can start operating the excavator. yeah... feel good about it.

and then somehting expected happen , one of the hose pipe is totally disable. cannot be used anymore. so my supervisor anyhow, send the sample of the hose pipe to me and then the next morning that is today, saturday. i went to "matrix" , this is where all tipe of hose pipe can be build with less time.

meet the boss, he is good guy. so i wish, things will go smooth with this excavator, well its not a big deal actually, but this is my first time. i should be excited to do all this things. even i know that this excavator is second hand, lot of hose pipe that will need to be change, if its suddenly broken.

wish is just another wish. what i need is more than wish , what i need is i will have the spirit everyday to do things that maybe i dont like , maybe i dont have choice, but still i must do it. haha. and the most important is the thing that i really want to do.


Anonymous said...

apa cakap la ni?

Pipin said...

haha this is like mumbling laaa bout the job...

gini nih ndi klo kita buat sesuatu yang nga sesuai dengan wish kita haha..... jadi banyak komplain nya dan sekalian motivasi buat diri sendiri

klo nga motivasi diri sendiri.. sapa lagi yang mao motivasi.... hehe