May 30, 2009

Dream job and Music

Do you have a dream job , Yes i have...
i used to have this little dream job back then , when i was like 15 maybe, i used to wish wish that i could work at this office , this is the chevron main office , used to be the Caltex main office in Rumbai. everyone can speak english , aircondioner cool one , the food court , swimming pool just opposite the building , the security guard , the "Do not stop" sign , the golf field just beside this office and its all feels like a simple dream job. when you have no worries about ur job , u can put urself in any position where u want , even if you fail. and u dont have to deal with unbrain rough workers , dirty police and so on....

but its not , and im not even close to this dream, but the good thing is i get to to pass this office like everyday , i can eat at the foodcourt. and actually i met a gym friend that work in this company.

so about the current job... i love the job not because everything is in the row , but everything slowly moving to the right track , but sure its real slow.

enought bout job , lets move to something that can play music

tadaaa... my pda actually play a loud song , that is what now i love about my phone, i used to hate this pda like hell , keep on hang all the time , even now , its on the hang mode. but at least i got PDA... haha and i can listen some musics on my way to work place.

SO this is all saturday ... alone... boring... lonely... boring...and boring.


PinkLaydee said...

I have the same PDA !!
kalo dari jauh mirip BB !!

Pipin said...

thanks for the comment pinkLaydee

yeah.. ppl always ask me , is that BB , hoooo kind of proud at the begining... hahahaha