May 29, 2009

Give your self a present.

finally , its shows pretty good advertisement on my blog. well , a good start even i know that no one really mashed it so bad like a mashed potato. i mean click it

here is the thing, finally i can get a little piece of peace for my mind. well after all this day i just felt that , im duing nothing for myself , i work for around hmmm... 3 and half years and only i do a little bit like buying myself portable hard disk 160gig (thanks to irwan to all the movies inside- domo arigato ), and the small netbook acer , and this handsome awesome camera . well apparently , this stuff is like eveyday use , and i postpone it like years , i shouldnt do this.

so i think think and think ... hmmm , i think , i better give something i like to me. like present... hmmmm (all inside my head) , and yes i dont need spend on something expensive (outof money) to make my day a little bit better. and actually if i give my self a pair of sport shoes , i will love to wear it for a morning run. and thats something..

lets check this crap here
like this sad picture , im not sad. but i just uploading it here. This picture is a total fool , if you want to say something bad , feel free to put any comment , i will love to read your comment.

Something like that...

hahaa stop the crap. actually im going to give myself another yellow training fins , my "now fins" its rubber made and its like crispy fins now. so im gonna give myself a present that is a set of fins , and swimming pad. yeah...


Unknown said...

ya ya ya get one, and for me too. Di SKA ada kan padnya. Eh, cariin anti fog donk, capek pakai odol neh, gk tahan lama. ehehe

Sekarang gua udah mo set tiap hari berenang, tapi lagi mencoba utk menambah angkat dumbell tiap pagi. Selalu failed, krn pas bgn bosan

Pipin said...

pagi lu harus strecthing dulu baru angkat.

gw mao register neh. tapi masa kolam nya jam 6 sore da tutup. payah bener.

jadi bingung. tapi emang sih kolam nya lumayan ok lah. makanya jadi bingung.

satu tahun cost 1.000.000 , klo gym mau 1.600.000 , hehe bisa save 600.000

im broke bro. haha... show me the money

Unknown said...

Apa pulak broke, murah gitu gymnya. Sini 350rb per bulan leh, sampai skrg gua cuma renang, pakai sabunnya, pakai airnya utk mandi. Gym blm pernah pakai, sauna, whirlpool blm pernah pakai. hehehe

Pipin said...

ia sih.. bener kata lu. gw da pikir2 juga. klo gw ikut member renang. pool close at 6 . sementara kerja gw nga menentu . kadang bisa pulang cepat kadang nga. klo kadang pulang dari kebun da jam 7 gt. gw langsung ke tempat gym buat rendam n mandi baru pulang rumah. hehe.

mending gw lanjut gym di jatra aja de. soalnya 1.700.000 dapat 13 bulan, trus free masssage , sama bring friend 2 times for free. hehe..

setelah bayar ini membership. gw totally out of money langsung neh. hehe