March 26, 2007


Yahooo... done with the punch bag project. I finally complete the creation of my own punch bag with my cousin Help , and yet, the last part is finding place to Hang it with and punch it slow with bare hand.

When you are stressed out with the bad guy in the farm. go back and punch the pineapple ... (he he he) (please punch when you get angry , strike with your closed fist and (me chau ua alot)

sometime makes you feel much better

When you feel that the bad guy can hit you anytime, go back and punch it so well , so you are prepared to hit and run.. no one know when they gonna hit you in the farm, it can happen anytime.

Bla bla bla... too much imagination....

This world is full of crap. and i already created 101 of craps here and another craps Blehh.. the ticket price for the movie and parking lot increased (blehhh)


Dora said...

i actually went to the Arcade game station in Pyramid and play Time Crisis. =) o Daytona. Instant stress relief.

Dora said...
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Pipin said...

dhehehe different kind of relief. ini kan sekalian sport.. hahaha

Unknown said...

hoho nice one actually.

What I did was punching the air if I can't go for body combat.

Just do those combat moves, punching and kicking around and it will be relieved. But for you, don't try. Later your hand get twisted again. be careful punching the bags

Anonymous said...

Muahaha!!! post makanan mu emak menggiurkan put!!

hmmm...bagus bagus...latihan kick boxing sekalian is good :)
Dont be like me run 1 km udah ngos-ngos an