July 27, 2008

i felt like shit...

enough is enough... that is what paul said ... my classmate. and i really really missed him. and yes another humsup classmate as well. they are all complete me as a college boy back then. and ofcourse with all the cute and pretty girls there. hmm...

did you learn anything ? hardly think about my self . what i want and what am i doing now... apa lagi what i learn...

i hate my self. and i hate my shoulder.... i think god hears my pray. i did a lot of bad stuff in this world. i told god that im going to be responsible to what i ve done. and maybe this is the payback.. the injured shoulder comes back to me. AGAIN. i really hate my self, its not the pain. sudah biasa. but its gonna need 1 month or more to recover.

rough job. like lifting the woods , carrying the cement. dad was right. he told me not to lift all the heavy stuff. let the workers do their job. i cant really stand look at them and do nothing. and i think this is the payback. of being "kay poh"

this is the second month of my gym.... injured and (i already paid the 12 months gym fee) good to have the injury oput. good job you sh**... accept the fact that your shoulder was injured and you cant do the heavy lifting.... accept that

and yes... everything is like an ass to me now . i suppose to go to the plantation area tomorow. and everthing ruined...

the good thing is. ika going to get married soon... january 2009..... wish her luck with her new life.....

i felt like shit..... damm shoulder.....


Anonymous said...

get well soon put >_<

ku disini juga ntah buat apa, pinggang sakit dan segala macam juga ada

Anonymous said...

hihi thx ciek.. gw juga pengen cepet sembuh..

duh.. ciek lu juga harus jaga diri bae bae di sana. your BF harus take good care of u.. hihi...