July 23, 2009

Im back

segel Petro4 (dari pada solar. produk ini lebih unggul)

the last time i work so hard (hehehe... do i look like the hardworking type...). i even decide to left the sofa behind , hehhh my workers RUN AWAY .

NOW its time for me to work less hard.

Start with today . The petro4 from the "petro andalan nusantara" finally arrived 5000Litre . Good start.

Next . I've to find workers and If im lucky . ill get 5 of them. and just so you know. Hari raya is near. So I wont be surprise if any workers back to hometown to celebrate and never comeback to work (POKOnyA ELU NGA BOLEH PINJemiN DUIT DEH... SPERTI tahun TAHUN lalu ..... DUITNYA DI BAWA LARI LAGI NTAR. hahhaha)

next . i have to focus on the area rotation for all job applied. partial plantation . Road and the water flow . house . Brige ......

and next. i have to go to Jco. to try the yougurt ice cream with fresh fruits ..



Unknown said...

JCO terus. Ta pau uii...

Pipin said...

haha.... ke sini lagi lah. haha... baru ada jco...