September 11, 2008

orhh my dinner....

i suppose to go for dinner with chris and sanny, either rice bowl or Chicken Presto where u can eat all the bones.. hehehe.. not that im a dog. but the bone is eatable.

any way my tire..... kempes lagiiiiiiiiiiiiii , haih.. its 7.30 and its dark and luckly its not raining.... darn... i have to put the savety triangle , 5 or 6 meter behind the car. so anyone would know something ahead. and normally ppl will know that someones car is having some problem.

aihh... im so hungry and but ...... memulainya dengan melepaskan semua baut , kemudian mendongkrak mobil , dan melepaskan ban cadangan , lalu pasang balik ke mobil dan selesai... it took around 30 minute for me. orhhh... im so tired. i had to cancel the dinner and i end up drinking milk at home as my dinner... haihhh...

mungkin tadi bolak balik pekanbaru -minas - pekanbaru dengan kecepatan tinggi menyebabkan ban tersebut terlanggar paku dan kempes lah ban itu.. untung kempesnya di pekanbaru.. haihhh... untung deh. lega nyaa
sorry chris.. sanny...

ore no ai , feelin your heart beating

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