andy and weihao , they are not teaching swimming...
I LOVE this saturday, thanks God, you let me enjoy my saturday no matter how, everything feels so right even its just for a while.
listen closely , this is how im surviving . im thinkin about what i love the most , i mean something that i love so much but i cant really make it happen, coz i never plan it so well.
try to teach.but i failed... I love swimming , im not that bad in teaching swimming, at least i had 4 students that pass the bronze medalion for life guard and im certified as lifeguard instructor... heee.. so i decide to teach swimming, keep on searching student out there. boys girls , adult , family , sexy girl , or anyone who love the learn how to swim. ill teach... this is for money of course.
so anyone khususnya di pekanbaru , if you have any realtive , friends , boy friend , girl friend who wants to swim like a fish. please find me now.
1 murid = rp 400.000 / bulan ( 10 kali pertemuan)
1 kali pertemuan = 2 jam
place to be decided by the student.
menerima panggilan ke rumah atau ke perumahan yg memiliki fasilitas kolam renang
ore no ai , every moment spent with you is a moment i treasure
aku mahu register put!!!! basic boleh kan?
dengan senagn hatiiiiii
free for 1st student hehe
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