August 03, 2010

Hello , im here

Hello . Im totally Here now at my lovely country. i reach batam the other day with my 32kg stuff.

After duing some x-ray to all the stuff ,the security officer telling me that the tonic with metal bottle is not allowed to enter together with my other stuff , and me , automatically "gan qiong" liao. because the tonic cost like "60 Sgd" .....

the officer keep asking me , what is tonic , and so i explain " tonic itu untuk menyuburkan rambut pak , dan i told him , i bring this tonic for couple of times and there was no problem back then. the officer still asking me what is tonic. again and again. cape jelasin nya.

And finally after the long cock talk , the other officer come and hold the stuff and tell the other officer .. hmmm hmmmm , this one ok lah. no problem can bring inside. and now im totally confuse and happy. who cares lah , you say can mah can lho ...

So its time to check in. the guy there ... pak tas ransel nya nga bisa masuk pesawat. (what The hell) , with air asia , firefly and other flight , i take my bag inside the plane without problem. its the cabin size also what..

after timbang all the stuff , the total is 32 kg , and im over 12kg , and 1 kg = 20.000 rupiah.

i told the girl there that i have no enough money , i still have to pay for the airpot tax. and and , ternyata Sogok pun bertindak . saya nga ada duit lagi mbak , nga cukup . nih cuman ada 100ribu... " Ya sudah pak, 100rb tapi nga buka kuitansi "

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