August 16, 2010

Life Is better when its raining

Picture by: oput
Camera : Canon Ixus80IS "edogawa"
Location : ByPass road From Minas to Rumbai.

Pretty big rain Today. the Only good thing about raining is that when my car become mud free.

The air is so damm fresh and i even have the chance to take some picture. heehehe ^^ and suddenly life becomes better when its raining.

hey you , you are young , you still have a long way to go . so you do what you gotta do and keep moving forward. let all your worries go and start your journey with me.


surfnux said...

duduk pulak ang di pinggir jalan. haha kena tabrak tar oi.. haha memang freak dah kau, ampe bisa2nya berhenti di pinggir jalan raya utk foto jalan dan ban. hahaha

Pipin said...

haha.... mana ada duduk di pinggir jalan... ini jalan private dut . antara minas rumbai , ini jalan chevron. jadi emang sepi n bisa buat foto2 and gw berhentinya di pinggir cuman satu ban itu aja yg di aspal. so still can photo lah.. haha

Pipin said...

what is that you need ?