August 02, 2010

Nano Nano Nougat

sience behind the brand : gula , glukosa , kacang tanah, susu bubuk, perisa kacang , lemak nabati, gelatin sapi , garam
ingredients : sugar , glucose , peanut , powder milk , peanut flavour , vegetable fat , bovine gelatine , salt

this is my fav sweet when i was a little kid . but this one is the new version of nano nano , the previous nano nano used to be manis asam asin , ramai rasanya. and they still sell the old version, this sweet is very different from others. must try


sep said...

I want Nano nanooooooooo T__T my favourite too put!!!!

Pipin said...

haha .. ciek uda lama gw nga makan nano2 yg old time punya.... tapi yg ini lumayan enak juga. nga terlalu manis. hehe just perfect...